AI leadership pedagogy podcast teaching and learning

Podcast Episode 009: What is the Future of Education?

Transcript for the new podcast episode is below…

Alan: Hello. And welcome to how to teach computer science, the podcast. This is episode nine, what’s the future of education. I’ll be answering that question and many more with the help of today’s special guest.

David: my teaching persona is very much, I have taken millions of stories from around the web and just turned them into anecdotes that involve me or my friends.

I don’t have many friends. It’s, I haven’t done that much in my life. but I’ve got all these little anecdotes to hook ideas into people’s brains. And I, that is what teaching is to me. 

Alan: And, more on that in a moment. My name is Alan Harrison and I wrote the books how to teach computer science and how to learn computer science available in online bookstores. More details at the companion website HTTCS dot online. 

That’s the initials of how to teach computer science. HTTCS dot online. We talk about AI today, artificial intelligence. So with that, as a theme, I asked chat GPT to make up a joke. Here we go. Why don’t scientists trust atoms. ’cause they make up everything. 

AI AI is going into everything. Now I hear that McVities have even made an artificially intelligent hobnob. That’s gotta be one smart cookie. 

Ikea’s home design product has AI in it now. So you can visualize it’s Billy bookcases in your living room. That’s right. It’s shelf-aware. 

Alan: talking of awareness, would robots becoming self-aware really be a bad thing? I mean, look at that ASIMO robot made by Honda, if it was at all self-conscious would it really walk like an old man who hadn’t quite made it to the loo in time? 

So I also mentioned threads in this episode, you can find me there as @mraharrison on threads and every Friday, Dr. Bill Wilkinson. Hosts a #FridayFive challenge, name, five tracks on a theme. And last week was crooners, now I don’t know many crooners, but I do like Sinatra and Crosby. Not Bing Crosby. I prefer his brother, and arch rival, Google Crosby, who nobody seems to talk about such is Microsoft’s influence in Hollywood. My computer keeps trying to replace Google Crosby with Bing Crosby, but I keep rejecting the change. And everyone out there. Particularly the Linux heads are all wondering if I’m going to mention. DuckDuckGo Crosby aren’t you. There you go. And you’re all listening. Thinking of search engines to put in front of the name, Crosby. , I’ll leave you doing that. And I will. 

Alan: Quite right. I will get on with today’s episode and we can meet today’s guest known as the lesson hacker, or if you’re a fan of Craig and Dave’s YouTube channel, you may know him as Another Dave. We had a blast. Here’s all the goss. When I met David Morgan. 

All right so I’m delighted to say on the podcast today I’ve got another Dave. Why is he another Dave? Well Last week we had Dave Hillyard of Craig and Dave and on their YouTube channel you will see a new series of videos from Another Dave. Another Dave, who are you, please, and what do you do? 

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

David: Yeah, I’m David Morgan. I’m not the OG Dave from Craig and Dave, but I do some content on the channel. But no, I’m David Morgan. I’ve been a computer science teacher in the UK for the last 20 years which is my excuse for not having any hair, Alan, but I know that you have a beautiful head of hair, so I can’t use that much longer. I’m currently the head of learning and community at MindJoy, and we make AI platforms for AI tutorbots in the classroom, which is really exciting. 

Alan: I don’t know if you’ve been listening to the podcast. I’ve been using. Yeah. You enjoying it? 

David: Yeah. Yeah. I really am. Like it’s really nice to have a podcast from someone who knows what they’re talking about and he’s a computer scientist as well. Because I did a computer science degree, because I really spent a lot of time honing my teaching craft and making sure that it was entertaining.

Like I find a lot of those people that say things like, Oh, computer science is it’s for the very intelligent ones. Cause it’s very difficult. I’m like, Oh, jog on sunshine, jog on. And I hate all that stuff. Your podcast is just no, here’s the stuff you can learn. Here’s the cool things. I like, I’ve really been enjoying it, but then I enjoyed your books as well. So I didn’t expect anything else. I literally read your books for fun. So yeah, brilliant. 

Alan: Brilliant. You’re the one, you’re the one that bought them. Singular. Yeah. Brilliant. Anyway. You touched on a topic close to my heart there, gatekeeping of computer science and I I won’t have it. I won’t have it in my classroom. So haha think 

David: Anna Wake said in the last one I listened to, she was going on about like tokenism and that’s something I’m very worried about. . Oh yeah. It’s something that I like. I really like AI for solving that problem. But it’s not only tokenism, is it?

It’s it’s even like ableism. It’s oh yes, only the people that do maths can do this. I’ve had people like who absolutely were in bottom set maths, but were engaged. That’s far more of a superpower in my book. 

Alan: There was a Facebook comment on one of the computer science groups a year ago. I won’t mention who said it, but name and shame. No . No. This is a safe space. This podcast the yeah, it’s, they described GCSE computer science as a bit like further maths with computers and I just completely disagree with that. I don’t think, I don’t think that person got very many agreements in the comments, to be honest, because it’s much more than that.

And if you’ve heard any of the, Discussions, it’s all about creativity. I haven’t published the one with Dave Hillyard the other Dave. Sorry, no, you’re another Dave. He’s OG Dave. So original Dave, OG Dave, OG Dave and I. Had a chat last week and we were all about creativity and the beauty of algorithms and stuff. And it’s not maths. There’s a bit of maths, but there’s a bit of maths in everything. 

David: Mathematicians wish they were us, dude. They wish they were us. Applications of your subject, things you can show students, you can actually go and do as a living. And you can make money from things they can do in their spare time. They wish they were us with application of a fundamental subject into the real world. 

Alan: They do. And when I was researching for my master’s, I have a master’s in education now. Don’t know why, but there you go. Me too, snap. Wow, cool. Oh, we have a computer science degree and a master’s in education. 

David: Yeah, you have nicer hair though. You’ve got that one up on me, so don’t worry about it. 

Alan: Why are we sat here chatting rubbish, on wednesday morning and not fixing the world’s problems. I’m sure if we put our minds together, we could do something more important. But hey, here we are. Um, What was I going to say?

Oh, yes, I was reading about computational, astronomy, as you do. Computational branches of all the sciences have now evolved so far that I think it was Peter Denning’s book that wrote about how one American university the computer science department thought that they could probably help the computational astronomers so they put together a seminar where they shared each other’s work and the computer scientists couldn’t understand the computational astronomy because it had gone so far from, Just ordinary computer science.

It had developed its own life and its own curriculum way beyond what the computer scientists could understand. So computational stuff, computational name, your subject is is out there and gone on a journey of its own in all the sciences now, it’s great. Someone said it, computation is the third pillar of science after theory and practice.

 That’s why it’s fascinating. But what are we here to talk about? I wanted you to tell me some stuff about what you think the future will look like. The future of school and work, maybe. Our fertile question today is what does the future of school and work look like? Dave, what do you think? 

David: We are here to talk a little bit about the future today, but I will sort of preface this by saying I’ve always been a software guy, so I think my leanings are very much towards how software changes things. I’ve always very much been like the hardware’s cool, especially as an educator. Who can afford the brand new stuff? Who can afford to buy a classroom of Apple Vision Pros for the 30 students in their state school? So I’m very much a person that is a realist with what the hardware can offer. But get very excited by what the software can do.

Alan: Just as an aside on the Apple Vision Pro, I’ve got a theory on that. I’ve got a theory that it’s just really a meta quest underneath, but they thought if they sold it for 400 quid, no one would buy it because they, that people want to believe that Apple have put Apple ness into everything. So They put a price tag of seven grand on it and just went, wow, see what happens. And of course the fanboys lapped it up. But, 

David: Yeah, I will say I say I’m not a hardware guy, but like the specs on it, beautiful, like from what I’ve heard from people that have used it and the quest, it is a step up in terms of augmentation to reality. And I think that’s where we need to go.

I’m not. Personally, I’m not convinced that I want to strap an enormous thing onto the front of my head. I look enough like characters from Star Wars that it is being a bald gentleman wearing big headphones. So I don’t want big giant things sticking out of my face as well. When they get to the point where they’re eyeglasses and they’re just something we take for granted and it’s just an everyday like the phone is just a bit of metal we stick in our pocket.


And when it gets to that point, I think then we’ll reap the benefits of AR and who, who in this room? would not want to look at a group of students whilst on duty and have their names floating above them. So when they’re running down the corridor away from you, you can actually call after them and follow up without having to ask 20 people if they saw anything.

Alan: This is the Holy Grail. This was one of the problems I had when I was a teacher which is I never remembered names, particularly if I hadn’t taught them. And of course, computing teachers, we see 300 kids every year and then 300 new kids the next year because we only get one hour a fortnight or whatever. And loads of classes. And yeah. 

David: I’m not sure if you noticed this as well though, but like it’s 300 kids, but you see the back of their heads most of the day. So it’s very good at naming students. If I saw the, sometimes on parents evenings, I’d have to be like, Just turn around for a second. Oh, yes, I know. Yeah, 

Alan: I know the back of that head. Yes. Right. Okay. Um, Yeah you’ve touched on something I mentioned with Andy Colley on his podcast. Andy Colley does the Learning Dust podcast with Dave Leonard about ed tech and it’s brilliant. And he asked me what would I invent if I could invent anything to help teaching?

It would be, so like Google Glass, when you’re looking around the classrooms reading the brainwaves of the kids, so you can see confusion as red and understanding is green and all of that. So you could basically do a check for understanding by scanning the room. 

David: It’s hilarious because we we literally do that with Mindjoy, the conversations they have and we color code them. So like at a glance, you can see. That’s amazing. That’s like simultaneous thought. I love that. 

Alan: Well, it’s the future everyone’s got the mini whiteboards, so you ask the question, they hold up the mini whiteboards and you go, ah three quarters of them didn’t get it. If you could do that with technology instantly, then that, that would be great.

I’m sure that will come soon. But yes, just names. How many times I shout “Oi, you!”, and they give you fake names as well. That’s always hilarious. And the weird thing is you go on Sims or whatever your school system is and you look for these kids and I don’t know about you, but I think I’m, I think it’s called face blindness.

If I see just a mugshot of a child, I can’t say whether or not that was the child I saw running away from me down the corridor. 

David: It’s a completely different context as well. If I spend the time putting my makeup on and smiling beautifully for the camera and sucking in my gut, I look a little bit different than I do just walking around the corridor, slouching and, I think it’s a real big difference. And one of the, one of the interesting things there’s been a lot in the news recently about schools and public institutions using facial recognition and being like rightly so being brought to the information commissioners purview and told off about it and fined in some cases, because like I’m sure you’re aware of this, but if you introduce any biometric sort of measures you do need to give people an option to opt out and a more old fashioned sort of pin number style version. And I remember when we introduced a fingerprint based sign in and payment system in one of our schools, part of the budgeting process was just like, how many students do we think are going to opt out? How many smart cards are we going to need? Because if it becomes a meme, it’s going to, it’s not going to be worth installing. 

Alan: It hit the press, I don’t know, about 10 years ago when these fingerprint payment systems came in around schools and parents were outraged, apparently if you read the Daily Mail, but I think that’s par for the course. And they were going why do they need to fingerprint my child? And it’s just because they forget their lunch money or they forget a card, a payment card. That you give them or whatever. And we don’t want them to starve. It’s as simple as that. It wasn’t really because we’re evil and we want to collect all this data on children. It’s just this fear of technology though, isn’t it? And I guess we just need to make our communities understand it better, which is why we teach the subject of computing,

David: I think you’re right. I think like part of the thing for me was that the reason I got into teaching computer science was because, and this is the worst origin story for a teacher you’ll ever hear, right? But my computer science teacher in secondary school was god awful. And I won’t name him and shame him, but he was god awful. And I was the one in the classroom helping people out and getting people excited about it. And I was just like, oh, I love this subject. And I’ve just read about it myself. I can make people excited about this.

This is what people should be like. They should be fascinated with technology. Changing everything. And I did, when did my computer science degree and I trained to be a teacher because I wanted to achieve that. And I think, I think I did, I think I did a pretty good job, but it’s such an important thing that people understand what technology is, what the abstraction is, and what the impacts of it.

Like the big technology for me, the thing that I think is going to have the biggest impact on education full stop is AI. And I hadn’t really encountered this generation of AI until. I started working for Replit about two to three years ago, and at the time, OpenAI hadn’t released ChatGPT or anything like that. They didn’t have that big model in the works. What they had was an auto, like a fancy auto complete model. But we were looking at it internally and I was still teaching at the time and I remember going, oh my God, this is just, this is gonna blow people away. And I went into school and I was showing my sixth form. I was showing my GCSE students. I was like, look at this. I can, and it was very simplistic compared to what it is now, but I can give it a breakdown of what I want an essay to be and it’ll generate the text for it. And everyone was like, Oh my God, this is my homework for the next X years. And I’m there going, they’re not wrong. They’re not wrong. Why in the real world? Why would we, why would I not use a spell check in my day to day life? Why would I not use AI completion of things? And then, GPT came along and it was this. big thing. And everyone’s Oh God, there’s no jobs because AI does everything. I think it’s important that people know what AI is and what it’s good for.

And I think there’s a, there’s an issue with AI in the classroom because what people think is, Oh, I can do my worksheets and my reports. It’s ah, those things have existed forever. And let’s be honest. Who amongst us gets a worksheet from TES or whoever and just rolls it out into the classroom without looking at it or editing it ourselves? If you use third party resources without engaging in them and modifying them and going through that thought process, your teaching is going to be absolutely shocking. 

This is why most computer science teachers Most computer science teachers, worth their salt, sticklers for, Oh, no, I made this and I like my resource because I’m comfortable with every aspect, every facet of it. And so AI for me, isn’t like this thing that will fix the admin issue, the time issue in schools. Because let’s be honest, if we get more time back, they’ll find a way to fill it. For me, what AI is is a way of reducing a bottleneck in the classroom, which has always been there, and it’s you as a teacher.

You as a teacher, you might have the best relationships, you might have spent 20 years honing your craft, you may have the most amazing, exciting stories to introduce the concept of, I don’t know binary arithmetic, you know, you might have fun anecdotes, but at some point in that lesson you go 30 students, Off you go! And then four people put their hand up and you have to split your time up. And what AI is to me is a way of augmenting your teaching and using things like AI tutor bots to be like, okay, we’re going to go. There’s an AI tutor bot I’ve put the effort into that I know will work the way I want it to.

And I want you guys to go and use that. And what that does is that removes that initial Oh, what do I need to do? I don’t quite understand X, Y, and Z. And it opens up a lot of opportunities. That’s just really the most simplistic way you could possibly use anything, right? And it, but it’s such an augmentative, such a saving. And what that frees you up to do as a teacher, is instead of running around like a crazy person for an hour, you can actually It lets you target those interventions and it lets you make sure the people that need the help really get the help. And I think AI is going to be such a boon for us in the classroom.

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Once we get out of that mode we’re in now where we’re afraid to talk about it because the reality is that every student has used it to cheat on their homework and every teacher has used it to mark work or do a report and the twain do not talk about it because we feel like we’re cheating. And I think if we use the most appropriate use case, it’ll be much better.

Sorry, I interrupted 

Alan: you. Yeah, no, I absolutely, I love all that. And you said cheating then, and I wrote a blog on this six months ago or something, and I titled it, Stop Calling It Cheating. That was my blog title. And because I was so frustrated, if you want to be really frustrated Dave, you need to.

Join a Facebook group called ChatGPT4Teachers, and it’s mostly American teachers and they’re mostly trying to automate the worst pedagogical ideas ever, and of course, American schools, a lot of them are still stuck with the grade point average system. They do term papers and and mark them and give them a grade A to F and that becomes a grade point average and that decides whether you graduate or not.

And so right throughout their high school career, these kids are doing term papers and basically that’s how their understanding is judged, which is terrible. And even before AI, they were cheating by doing homework for each other and googling things and writing down what they found and all sorts.

And And suddenly there’s this, Oh my God, I can’t trust any of my kids term papers now. So how do I grade them? And what AI detectors are there so that I can check that they’re not cheating and all of this? And I’m in there trying to be the voice of reason going, if you’re setting a term paper, every term in all of 10, 11 subjects, then those poor kids are swamped with writing essays. All of their entire high school life to try and prove to you that they’ve remembered something that you taught badly in the first place. And they’re going to cheat. So stop doing that. And there is fortunately a movement in America called ungrading, which brings us back to more like what we do in this country, which is more formative assessment and far less graded papers.

David: I think one of the things that I think I’ve written a blog post, which should be out before this episode comes out, called The History of Cheating in Schools, where I sort of go through everything that I did as a student, because I like, I grew up at the transition from paper to computers to internet. So there was a significant difference in the way that I, I suppose, in quotes, cheated on my homework for the entire time that I was in school.

But if you examine every step, what happened is let’s take for instance a research homework in the days pre internet, pre computers. What did people do? They went to the library and they copied out of a book, right? Now, in the ideal world, that’s, I’ve got multiple sources, I’ve synthesized, I’ve done a good pedagogical strategy, but what the reality is for the vast majority of people is they literally copied it out.

And there’s research that suggests that actually is an element of pre learning and helps with mastery because you’ve got that sort of, it fires off the phonological loop and. What you end up with is it is a base layer understanding that when you cover it in lessons is enhanced. So the cheating, so to speak, was actually what was used and leveraged by teachers as pre learning. And I think that is if you go through every sort of, like I go through in the article Oh, then Microsoft Encarta, everyone literally copies and pastes the same text because there’s a limited supply. and what happened? 

Alan: CD ROM encyclopedias. I miss them. 

David: Exactly. If you were clever you bought one of the less popular ones and then you look like you knew what you were talking about, but everyone copied from Encarta. And it was like the, in every stage of this, and we’ve been stuck in the same sort of stage of this for 15 years with, we have Google for instance, good search, and we have Wikipedia, the repository of all human knowledge, but we’ve just hit a different milestone. And that is. That unique generative work can be created by anybody.

And in that situation, what you need to do is you need to stop making it a taboo. You need to stop being like, Oh God, we don’t talk about it. Please don’t use it. Because the reality is when these students end up in the world of work, AI tools are going to be like a spell check to them. They’re just going to use them. So we need to train them how to use it. So what you need to do is stop AI being this mystical, horrible thing that People feel like they’re cheating on and something you’re actually using your lesson. I say this a lot. I think if you think about what is the gold standard of academia? How, like what if you’re doing it, if you’re doing a a final thesis for your PhD, how do you get graded? You defend it orally. 

Alan: Orally. Absolutely. Yeah. 

David: Now, AI, can be used to simulate that entire thing. You can get a 10 year old, 11 year old to place in a piece of homework they’ve done and the AI can come back with. arguments with the opposite, and they have to defend it. And it’s a conversation. It’s not just I’ve programmed in four responses and it’s going to come through. It’s a genuine, generative conversation that makes the student more able to back up their thoughts and their feelings, which is a much better, and let’s be honest, if we say that’s the gold standard of academia, if we can bring that all the way down to the point at which we’re using it in like secondary education, gives the student a much more concrete awareness of.

the points they’re making and the arguments against them and why they think one thing. So for me, generative AI is this beautiful thing that coming into the classroom as a tutor, coming to the classroom as something to augment your teaching, really makes you more like the 10x teacher. I’m sorry, I use that phrase a lot. I don’t know if that’s very common in, it’s very common in Silicon Valley. So the idea of a 10x like engineer is that you start your career. You can do the work of one person. With tools, with experience, with automation, you can be, have 10x that impact. And the sort of the leading theory at the moment is that AI is the sort of thing that would drive you to, to be able to become the 100x engineer.

And this isn’t everyone, but this is the sort of things they give to people like Steve Wozniak and the types of people that can go on a weekend code bender and come out with a revolution. You know what I mean? We can all get to that stage with engineering and coding by leveraging these tools. But I genuinely think there’s a place for the 10x teacher in the classroom, because if you are an outstanding teacher, if you’re getting up there and smashing it every single day, then leveraging these tools, and I think importantly, not getting off the shelf stuff, not getting Oh, here’s a worksheet generator. Here’s something that will knock up my lesson objectives for me. Prompting those AIs yourself means that you’ve got control of it the same way you have control of that content. Sorry, go on. 

Alan: It’s alright, just on worksheet generator, that made me shiver. You know, Just the phrase worksheet actually makes me a little go cold. I think there’s been a Very obvious shift towards PowerPoints and worksheets in the last 10 15 years or so. And so again, going back to my blog I wrote a blog a couple of years ago about Nevermind, it’s called Nevermind the PowerPoint. And because I would, again, on Facebook teachers would go, has anyone got a PowerPoint on this? And it’s Boolean logic for year nine or something. And I realized that they were equating a PowerPoint with a lesson, and believing that the PowerPoint would magically deposit the knowledge into the kids heads and stuff. And it comes back to Andy Colley’s podcast, learning dust doesn’t fall out of the bottom of an iPad.

It equally doesn’t transmit itself from the whiteboard to the children’s heads through a PowerPoint. And the worksheet as the lesson or the worksheet as the product of the lesson, completely forgetting what we’re actually trying to do, which is make a change in children’s long term memories. They need to know more and be able to do more. And the, we’ve encouraged in a lot of classrooms, we’ve encouraged The children, the pupils, to believe that completing a worksheet is the goal of the lesson. And so they will have spaces on the worksheet and they will point to them and go, look, there’s something in each space. Therefore, I have achieved what you wanted me to achieve, sir, or miss or whatever. And teachers will be happy with this and they’ll say things like on Adam Boxer’s podcast, he was very scathing about a result on the TeacherTap app, which is this survey app that teachers can fill in that said do you mind children chatting in lessons as long as they’re getting their work done?

And 50 percent of teachers said, yeah, that’s fine. And he was furious about that because it’s all about the concentration. But I think what we’ve What we’ve come to understand as teachers, a lot of teachers have come to understand that completing the worksheet is the lesson. Going through the PowerPoint and transmitting the stuff followed by completing a worksheet is the lesson. And I think the art of teaching is being lost in all of this in order to, I don’t know, to perform, to show that you’re doing something, to have something to mark. And I think we need to get back to, telling stories, encouraging children to love the subject for itself and to love the journey of learning rather than produce, producing an end product on a piece of paper.

David: Absolutely. I think, I think I’ve said at the start of this podcast, big fan of your books read them for fun. I am not a very popular slash employable teacher slash head of department slash deputy head as I was in schools, because I am very opinionated. And I do not believe in following. Don’t say. Shockingly, shocking no one. I don’t believe in following the the breadcrumb trail left by people that are trying to commoditize and standardize things into a worksheet. Let’s look at the present, not even the future, the present. The present is I generate a worksheet or a PowerPoint with AI.

I give it to my students. They answer it with AI. I mark it with AI. Who does any work in that? It’s just busy work. It is dancing around this concept of what education is from God knows the 19th century. I agree with you completely. What education is, is telling stories, hooking into those young person’s brains and encoding the information in their brains in the most useful way.

I had a brilliant lecturer at university. I did a module which. was about communication ostensibly, but he was a like a film director a local one. And after the initial, two weeks of here’s how we format communication, it was, let’s make a film, shall we? And his teaching was brilliant because he always, he said to me just one day, he’s like, Oh, I seem to have lost the room.

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I’ll tell you an anecdote now. And I was like, That works. So my entire teaching career, my entire teaching persona, and I say persona because I do believe it’s, there’s an element of it’s an exaggerated form of yourself a lot of the time to be comfortable. But like my teaching persona is very much, I have taken millions of stories from around the web and just turned them into anecdotes that involve me or my friends. I don’t have many friends. It’s, I haven’t done that much in my life. but I’ve got all these little anecdotes to hook ideas into people’s brains. And I, that is what teaching is to me. It is not marking. I was always like, for the first five years of my career, I had this existential guilt. People would be going home with bags of books and tick and tick.

And I would mark two or three things, a term which are meaningful. And I don’t like, why would I, The worst thing for me was when this idea of differentiated work became very popular and what, what, what the conceptualization was. I agree with, I am very much a scaffolding guy. So like the project, the idea, the thing we’re building is the same for everyone. We’d like you to get to this same place. But what I’m going to do as a teacher is I’m going to give. Scaffolding, so that if you need more help to get there, there is more things in place to help you get there. But what this idea of differentiated work turned into was, look at this perfect example. Here is, I don’t know, modern foreign language X.

Here’s a worksheet with lots of gaps, Here’s a worksheet with less gaps. Here’s a worksheet with less gaps in the words written in the bottom. And I’m like how is, this is not differentiation. This is three different worksheets that, that’s complete the box. I don’t understand the pedagogy behind it. And maybe that’s why I’m such a big Pedagogy Nerd. That’s why that’s why, to be honest working at Mindjoy has been amazing for me because everything in the company is pedagogy focused. Everyone’s teachers, everyone’s very much we understand the science of learning, we want it to happen.

And you used this beautiful phrase just a few minutes ago, which was, I think that the art of teaching is being lost. I think there is an artistry to the best teaching, but I think the vast majority of teaching is learnable and science. And I think the differentiating factor between a solidly good lesson and an outstanding lesson is the little bit of spark and joy that you can bring with our artistry as a teacher. And that, think about your favorite teachers as a child or as an adult, who made the biggest marks on you? For me, it was the weird and wacky ones. It was the ones with the best stories. It was the ones that weren’t absolute fascists. And I think that if you are going into a classroom to teach young people, you’ve got to go in with the idea that the only thing you can change in that classroom to influence them is you.

No amount of worksheets, no amount of content that you buy that you get from elsewhere. is going to influence how they engage with your lesson. That’s you. That’s your behavior. That’s the way you act. That’s the things you present them with. That’s your idea of pedagogy and what you like to do. And it is stuff that you can learn. And your book very rightly covers a lot of that. And your podcast with Andy Colley, was absolutely exciting. Like I was geeking out when you mentioned my favorite theory, which is semantic waves, which when I read that, I was like, Oh my God, there’s a word for what I’ve been doing. Wow. And I think so much of pedagogy and research is giving people a shared vocabulary to talk about.

And what I love about the future we’re heading towards is we’re heading towards a future where I can model a singular pedagogical style inside an AI, and I can push that AI to a student who can experience that, but they can experience it from a system that’s, That hasn’t had a bad night staying up with the baby. That hasn’t got 7B next, who are going to be screaming. There’s a bunch of things that AI has, which is which if you program it, you prompt it well, and that’s a skill we need to get as teachers as well. I think that’s worth saying. As a teacher, you need to go and learn how to prompt AIs because you don’t want to be someone who buys things off the shelf and has to use what’s there.

You want to be somebody that goes, actually I want to change this lesson in this way because I think this would be better for my learners. Again, the only thing you can change in the classroom is you. And the only thing you can change with AI is if you can adapt the prompt, learn how to do it. Come along to my workshops. That’s what we do there. We talk about those things. It’s a skill for the future. It is something you need because if you’ve got the skills to tell these bots how to interact with these students, how to bring these pedagogical strategies. I spent the weekend building a semantic waves bot because I was like, I need to turn this into something that I can push because I’m a massive nerd.

Like what else are the people at the football on Saturday? I’m there. with my notes out and my research and tapping away at a prompt and being like, can this work? Is this for me? And 

Alan: I think that one, I think that one sentence Dave probably sums up this podcast. I’m going to cut that out and I’m going to, I’m going to post it on social media. Um, “I spent the weekend making a semantic waves bot” said Dave, the lesson hacker. 

David: I like that idea, just the nerdiest quotes. 

Alan: This has become a very niche podcast now. Very niche podcast. 

David: Computer scientists who spend their Saturdays doing work. The thing is, there are hardware people, right? There are hardware people that spend their weekends with their Raspberry Pis and their soldering irons doing amazing projects.

I’d love to be one of those people. But My brain works with software. My brain is I’ve got this hardware in front of me, which is super capable. What can I do with it? And I think the reason that, again, we had a list of topics to talk about today. We had VR. I think I’ve covered that very quickly. I’m like too expensive, but cool. 

Alan: We had, we had robotics. We can maybe rattle through a few other topics before we wind up, but 

David: yeah, go on. I think like I can sum up robotics in a sentence for you. I’m like, Cool, but too expensive. Software is the only thing that we have in school that we can actually make an investment in a reasonable way. And especially if you’re on a departmental level budget. Now, I I was, I, as I said, most of my career is like a head of departments. I did a little bit of like senior leadership stuff. And then you’re talking about Big money, but you’re talking about big money that has to tick all the boxes across a school.

When you’re in a departmental level and you’re looking at software, you’re looking at things that are going to improve and enhance what you’re doing, but the money’s not a lot. So you can’t, again, I’m talking from a state school point of view here, but you can’t go out and you can’t go out and say, Yes, I’ve bought 30 Raspberry Pis and a bunch of kits and all these little bits, and we’re going to have a three week project doing hardware because, it’s just not affordable, is it?

And especially the rate at which those things end up getting destroyed because students make mistakes, as they should. I, the most costly lesson I ever had was when I brought in a processor that I was going to reuse in a different PC and was showing the students it, and they were having a look at it. And one of the students bent all the pins on it accidentally. 

And in that moment, I was like, that was a couple of hundred pounds down the drain because I was excited about showing them something. That happens all the time. With software, what you end up with is something that can push along the pedagogy, can push along the teaching and learning, can give you tools that isn’t going to cost the earth and that will run on pretty much anything.

And I taught a lot in one to one schools or schools where devices were like a thing that they could have, because I very that’s me. I very much think that if I can whip out my phone at any minute and look something up, students should be able to too, because I’ve taught in schools where the rules for teachers and rules for students were very different and I find it very hard to enforce rules on students that I don’t have to follow myself.


I’m like, I am a person that I like, I have lots of piercings, right? You probably don’t notice it on my videos a lot because they’re not very flashy, but whenever anybody meets me in real life, they go, Have you always had those piercings? And I genuinely remember having to crack down on, and this is in the last couple of years, crack down on piercings in students.

And I’m sat there with two fresh ear studs at the top of my ear. And I’m like how does that work? And it’s the same with phones. I think if there’s an expect, with any sort of device. We have, we as a culture now rely on this ability to pull out information at the drop of a hat to look things up.

And I do that all the time. If I’m in a conversation with a student and that they say, Oh, what about this? And I’m like, Oh, I’m not quite sure. Let’s have a look. If I’ve got my laptop there, I’ll look it up. But if I haven’t, the phone comes out because I’m like, Yeah, this, the conversation improves, the learning improves. Students should be able to do those same things. 

Alan: I can see that, but I can also even I struggle with the discipline of, getting your device out to look up the one thing and not go, Oh, I’ll scroll Twitter or threads these days rather than Twitter or whatever it’s called. 

David: Is threads still alive? I haven’t been on it in a while. 

Alan: Oh, it’s great now. Yeah. No, jump, jump back into threads. 

David: I have to jump in because one of the questions, one of the questions I had is I was big into EduTwitter when it was like a big thing with 10, 15 years ago. And recently, people don’t even argue during the holidays anymore.

What’s happened to EduTwitter? What’s going on? So where have people gone? 

Alan: I wrote a blog six months ago now saying, I’ve quit X, you should too. Because I just documented the fall of Twitter and how it’s been taken over by a white supremacist. I’m not joking. It is a dangerous place now for academics because if you believe in equality or diversity, you will get attacked.

If you, even if you talk about climate change, you will get attacked. If you say anything, what they call woke, you’ll get attacked. And those attacks, 

David: I’ve got the trans flag in my bio. I get attacked all the time. 

Alan: Exactly. But that’s the thing, but we know that these these attacks can spill over into the real world as in people get physically attacked and there have been the owner of Twitter or the owner of X himself has amplified Right wing attacks on vocal students and so on and force people into hiding. It is a horrible place. So anyway, that’s my little rant about it. 

David: I don’t think it’s a rant. I don’t think, I don’t think it’s unnecessary. I think the important thing as teachers is that we’re all very aware. We need to model the behaviors we want to see in the real world to our students.

And unfortunately the sort of interactions that you have on X and Twitter with the extreme. Minority. Yeah. And not the sort of things you want to model. So I can completely understand why so many educators have fell away. But I really miss that community of practice, that sort of critical friend, that, that group of educators that would just go, I’m trying this, what do you think? And then it would be a great conversation about those one things. Now I found those practice, I found smaller versions of those communities of practice on LinkedIn, certainly. Which is, at least it’s. At least it’s unblocked in most schools because it’s like a business y thing.

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And there’s private Facebook groups which replicate it, but I think I still miss the ability for me, I finished my dinner. There’s nothing really on TV. I’ve got no mini projects to do. What can, what conversations are going on about education? Things I actually care about?

Alan: No, absolutely. So in an ideal world, I’d love the kids to be able to whip out their devices and look things up. I just, I feel that the temptation to do other things and the possibility of distraction, which there’s a lot of evidence for, means that that’s a really difficult thing to to, to manage.

David: I do agree. And I think in the same breath. I agree. And I think that I have no beef with schools that ban phones or ban devices at all. I don’t, they’re just not for me. They’re not my sort of school because I think this is important with the way that teachers, we’re going off, off topic a little bit here, but I think it’s important for how teachers apply for schools as well.

I used to apply for schools with a CV. Which was very colorful, which was very graphic design y, which had jokes in it, which had a silly picture of me pulling a face. And I would do that because I know that teachers where everyone’s poo faced and are very serious about things aren’t schools for me. So teach, like anybody that would get that CV in a bundle of an application and go, Bring this guy in, let’s see what we want to talk to him about. That’s a school for me and that did me very well in my career.  

Alan: It’s a good message. To be honest, as a computer science teacher, we are in a privileged position in which we are much in demand and we can probably work anywhere. So that’s going to work for us, where it might not work for an art teacher, ironically. Because the art teacher is often more likely to have the piercings and nail polish and so on. But um, but yeah, use your privilege computing teachers. You are much in demand and if you’re not enjoying where you are and you can’t be yourself in the classroom, have a look around.

David: Yeah. 

Alan: Absolutely. 

 Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later when I get talking to someone fascinating and we bounce ideas around, we can’t stop. David and I talked for nearly 90 minutes and I ended up with far too much content for one episode. So I’m splitting this bumper recording over two episodes of the pod. You can look forward to the second half. Where Dave and I really get into AI next week on how to teach computer science. 

 However, towards the end of our chat, Dave issued me a challenge. Let’s hear what happened as I skip to what became the mind joy chatbot challenge.

Alan: My favorite. Chatbot at the minute really is probably cs50. ai from Harvard because it’s, it’s got guardrails so it doesn’t hallucinate quite as much about um, some stuff and, and it’s better.

David: I’m putting faces at you, but I’ll tell you why in a minute. 

Alan: Yeah, so Dave’s making a funny face for those listening about the word guardrails. So it’s about the CS50 bot in particular. CS50 bot. Um, Yeah, so you can ask it questions about programming and it’ll uh, it’ll guide you towards the answer rather than just, here’s the code. It’ll have a Socratic conversation, as you mentioned earlier. What are your, What are your issues with CS50 then? 

David: So the reason I sort of sucked my teeth and did the, the um, ooo emoji, is because that is a commoditization of very simple prompting. And I have an issue with commoditization of, again, we talked about this, worksheet generators. In my mind, the CS50 bot is the same as a worksheet generator. It is a closed system. It is something that I can’t impact as a teacher. It is something that I can’t edit the bot is great, but it’s a general purpose teaching bot. And there’s so much more we can do with AI if we make AI part of the lesson and we build the lesson around, I’ll get the, I’ll get the bot to do this, that will help the students do this.

And therefore, the lesson can be different. It can be more exciting. It can be, like you can build a bot to help the student with PRIMM, to help them work through how they should do it. Let them have those questions. I think it will do this. And the AI can come back and say actually, let’s have a look at how that would work. And the conversations that you would have, they are what I want from an AI, not this generic tool. So that’s why I was sucking my teeth. 

Alan: No, absolutely. I think that. The situation is that probably you could build a better bot than cs50. ai, but not all the teachers listening to this. 

David: I would say anyone listening to this podcast can build a better bot than cs50 have got at the moment. And I’m no shade on cs50, they’ve done a great job, it’s a beautiful bot, but I guarantee you if everyone listening to this podcast sign up for one of my workshops and I give them half an hour on prompt engineering, right? We will all be building bots that are suitable for our classrooms, suitable for our learners, who we know better. I promise you if you want, I’ll send you a code and we can send out an invite to all the audience. I promise you every person in this, listening to this podcast can do a better job than CS50 with 30 minutes of training and a bit of time twiddling around with it. 

Alan: I, challenge accepted, Dave. What I’ll do is I’ll get on a call with you after this, I will take you up on your offer and we’ll build a bot together. And have some fun. Um, Talking of fun. 

David: What I will say is in May, we are having a computer science themed month at Mindjoy. workshops will be all based on computer science. Like what we’re pushing out will be based around computer science, which is great because I know computer scientists, so that’s a bit of fun. But like. 

Alan: Where can we find out, where can we find out more about those workshops, Dave?

David: This is actually set up well, mindjoy. com, MINDJOY. COM is where you’ll find all the workshops and all the stuff we’re doing with AI. But genuinely, like I, I know that I’ve gone on about AI a lot this episode, and we have gone very long, my friend, which I, because we’ve been enjoying ourselves, I think.

Alan: I think that is probably a good point to start wrapping up. It seems we started talking about wrapping up about an hour ago. I think probably we should. 

David: I’m off to start prompting AI in the random bits of pedagogy to see what I can do. 

Alan: Dave, it’s been brilliant I will take you up on your offer. Thanks for coming on.

David: No worries, buddy. I appreciate it. And long may this podcast keep going. Cause I have a great time listening to it. 

Alan: Thank you very much. Thanks for your kind words about the podcast and the books.

David: If you’ve not bought the books, please do. Learn, how to learn computer science is my favorite of the two.

Alan: Alright then Dave, have a nice day. I’ll catch up with you again soon. Cheers. Thank you. Bye then.

 So it’s happening. David Morgan and I are hosting a live event on Thursday, 9th of May, 2024. at, 5:00 PM. See mind And scroll down to upcoming events or see my blog ., or check the podcast, show notes for more details. David and I will create a coding companion live on air. I have no idea what’s going to happen, but I’m sure it will be lit as the kids apparently don’t say anymore. So it’s nearly time to wrap up. I’m going to play beat saber on my Meta quest. I was thinking about VR after our chat. And I, I wear glasses and it’s a bit of a hassle getting the headset on. And the other issue is no one else can see what I’m doing unless I cast to the TV. And that’s a bit of a faff as well. And while I’m using it, nobody else in the family can. So I thought. Wouldn’t it be good if we all had a headset each, but that’s expensive and we still couldn’t see each other or share popcorn and stuff like that. So maybe. What we need is one big VR headset we can all use maybe a big room sized one we walk into with a big screen at the end. And. And comfy seats. So you can enjoy a movie together and share popcorn and maybe a hot dog. That would be amazing. 

 So that was a fun episode to make our attempt to answer the question. What is the future of work and school. Part two is coming next week. Hope you enjoyed our ramblings. Let me know in the comments or on the socials. This has been how to teach computer science, the podcast I’m Alan Harrison, please do visit my website. HTTCS dot online and buy my books. Don’t forget. You heard David tell you how much he enjoyed the books today. And don’t forget last week, Dave Hillyard of Craig and Dave said this. 

Dave: I think the final thing I would say is that your book is great. How to teach computer science, I think, is excellent for teachers. How to learn computer science, I think, is essential reading for all students, and my recommendation would be get a class set, and I’m not just saying this because you’re the author, I genuinely mean it. Get a class set of these books, hand them out, that is your background reading. 

So buy the books, if you already have the books, buy me a coffee, please at all links on my blog at HTTCS dot online slash blog. And subscribe now. So you don’t miss a thing. Check out or my blog for the live event on the 9th of May. So have a great weekend and I’ll catch you next week.

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podcast teaching and learning

Podcast Episode 8 “How Do We Teach Algorithms?” with Dave Hillyard

Another episode of the podcast is live here


 hello. And welcome to how to teach computer science. The podcast. This is episode eight. What is an algorithm, I’ll be answering that question and many more with the help of today’s special guest. 

Dave: Craig’s always like, Dave, say less, say less. 

Alan: Yeah, get to the point. Good grief. You’re a teacher, man. Explain things concisely. 

Dave: The thing is, I don’t know about you, but things fire off in my head. So I’m talking about one thing, but the multi core processor in my head is already processing something else, and I can’t help myself. I have to then talk about the next thing that’s popped in my head. 

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

Alan: Yeah 

My name’s Alan Harrison, and I wrote the books how to teach computer science and how to learn computer science available in online bookstores. Please do go and buy my books or leave a review. If you’ve already bought them. Details at HTTCS dot online. That’s the initials of how to teach computer science. HTTCS dot online. Oh, so I had a bit of trouble earlier. I’ve got a new laptop and the music app wouldn’t stop playing someone like you. Then I realized it was A Dell. 

How does the CPU get to work? On an instruction cycle. And talking of work? When I was teaching an English teacher, asked me to round up his 28 glue sticks. So I said 30. Never ask a computing teacher for help. After I recovered, he said, can you pop to the stationery store and get me two rolls of sellotape? And if they’ve got glue sticks, get me two more. They had glue sticks. So of course I returned with four rolls of sellotape. Hey, I don’t make the rules. I just follow algorithms. My wife called and said “while you’re at the shops, get some milk and well, I’m banned from the co-op now. 

 We’re talking algorithms today and who better to talk to than the co-author of essential algorithms and data structures, a vital resource for teaching or learning a level computer science. Let’s hear what happened when I met Dave Hilliard.

Alan: I’m delighted to invite onto the podcast today a chap that a lot of you will be familiar with as one half of Craig and Dave. It is, in fact, the Dave half. Welcome to the podcast, Dave Hilliard. 

How are you? 

Dave: I’m good, thanks very much Alan. Thank you for inviting me, it’s a, it’s a real privilege to be a part of this amazing set of pods that you’re producing, I’m listening avidly to them all, I love it. 

Alan: Oh good you’re the one, yeah, you’re the listener. Um, I’m keeping an eye on the stats. I think I’ve had like 600 listeners across the five pods now, which is nice. It’s quite a niche podcast really, isn’t it? Computer science teachers, there aren’t that many of us and there’s fewer every week. 

Dave: It very much is a little bit niche. You’re absolutely right. And it’s a shame really, because you and I are both so passionate about computer science.

and the teaching and learning of computer science. And it just feels like the audience is so small which is a shame. If we were doing silly dances, then we’d have a, a huge audience. 

Alan: Possibly. There’s always the Hungarian dancer videos on YouTube to teach sorting and searching or cert, certing and sorting, as I often say in the classroom.

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Dave: The quicksort, certainly, and maybe we’ll get on to that a little bit later because, yeah, the Hungarian dance to teach the quicksort, there’s, there’s some controversy there. 

Alan: Ah, wait, is it not right? Ah, quicksort, don’t get me started on quicksort because The question is, 

Dave: is it a 

Alan: quicksort, 

Dave: you see? people say, oh, that Hungarian dance, that’s not a quicksort.

Alan: Oh, right. I tend to put it on to introduce the topic and I show bubble sort and I don’t bother with all the others. It’s just, oh, sir, put the Hungarian dancers on again. Yeah, I’ll just do the bubble sort one. If anyone’s listening and haven’t got a clue what we’re talking about, just search Hungarian dancers bubble sort or something on YouTube and you’ll find what we’re talking about.

So. That’s the topic for today really is the algorithms topic of the GCSE. So typical content would be computational thinking and then choosing an algorithm for a purpose and interpreting algorithms and then the standard algorithms that we’re talking about, bubble sort and linear search and binary search and stuff like that.

So one of my favorite topics to teach. I don’t know about you, Dave, do you enjoy teaching this topic? 

Dave: I love it. I have to be honest. It’s one of the topics, that I find the students don’t look forward to. They think it’s difficult, algorithms, but I absolutely love it. I, for me, algorithms is like, it’s like art. When I look at an algorithm, it’s like other people, looking at a piece of art and you know you go to a gallery and people stare at this picture on the wall and they’re talking about the emotions and feelings that that piece of artwork is giving them and the messages that it’s sending to the audience and I’m just looking at some daubs of paint, to be honest, and thinking, I’m not really sure what, what in all this.

I can admire the artistry, but I don’t get that emotional connection. Whereas when I see algorithms, as sad as it sounds, I get that feeling. So I get it. I look at the code, I look at the approach and I I get a real appreciation for the efficiency or the inefficiency and those kinds of things. 


Alan: Yeah. No, I’m I’m probably with you on that and if that makes us strange, so be it. We are algorithm geeks, that’s for certain. So, the art of designing an algorithm then, we normally call that computational thinking I’m obsessed with abstraction at the moment. how do we go about getting these concepts across to the learners then? How do we teach abstraction?

Dave: Yeah I like to have a bit of fun in my classroom and thinking about abstraction itself I get my students to make paper airplanes. I say to them today’s lesson is all about making paper airplanes. Come and grab some scrap paper. And I want you to make the best possible paper aeroplane that you can, and then we’re going to fly them across the classroom, and of course it’s absolute chaos, and the students absolutely love it, and I say we’ll get a bit more structure in here, let’s take our paper aeroplanes down to the main hall, and let’s fly them, and let’s see how how far we can fly them and whoever can fly the furthest with their aeroplane, they win.

And the students absolutely love it. And we then break it down and we say, what was important? Did, did you know, did I tell you that what was important is that your paper aeroplane had to travel the furthest? I didn’t tell you that initially, you might have assumed that, but maybe what I was looking for was the best design, the most unique paper aeroplane, the one with the most folds in it, for example.

And so we talk about what’s important. What was important with that paper airplane? And if it is a question of trying to get it to fly the furthest, then what are the characteristics of that paper airplane that make it do that? And is it important if I draw, for example, a cockpit and a pilot on the front?

Is it important if I draw something on the wings to make it look pretty. And so we use paper airplanes as a way of understanding what’s important and what’s not important. And because the students had so much fun with that, when we then say, okay, let’s look at this from an algorithm’s perspective, they’re in tune.

They get it. And they’re happy to learn something a bit deeper because they had some fun initially. 

Alan: Yeah, yeah we, we use that phrase, don’t we? It’s ignoring the, unnecessary detail and focusing on the important detail. And I always, I remember when I first started to teach computer science and I picked up someone else’s resources and we had a photo of a cat, and a cartoon of a cat, and there you go, that’s abstraction. And I remember being just as bewildered as the children at that explanation, because we then went on, probably the next lesson, to write programs, and nobody really explained to me, so I couldn’t explain to the pupils, what the cartoon cat had to do with writing a program. 

Dave: And, and that’s, and you have to start somewhere, don’t you? Yeah. And I, and I think for example, with that cat example, the other thing that I do with students is play catchphrase, right? And say, okay I’m going to put a picture up on the board a little bit at a time, and you’ve got to try and guess what that picture is and you can do it for example, in a number of ways with a picture that’s fully zoomed in. So the pixels are huge and then gradually kind of zoom it, zoom it out. So they start to see the picture. They enjoy that. Or you could have a picture of a cartoon cat, for example. And you’ve taken off the whiskers and you’ve taken off the ears and you gradually put them in one by one and you know you play catchphrase with the with the students they try and guess what that thing is so they understand about details and they understand what’s important and what isn’t but I know what you’re saying then there’s a conceptual leap between that And what it means in computer science, and of course it’s got lots of different meanings in computer science, but if we just pick one, it might be, for example, when you write a program and you save a file, you don’t know where that file is being saved on the computer.


the storage medium. You don’t know, for example, on a solid state drive, whereabouts in the chips was it saved? And it doesn’t matter. And if you don’t have a solid state drive and you have a hard drive instead, how did it move the drive arm to the place where it needed to be in order to write the data onto the platters in the right place?

It doesn’t matter, you didn’t need to know.

Alan: No, I totally get it and I think what I’m explaining there is I didn’t quite understand abstraction when I started to teach and so it’s important that teachers do. One of the examples I give is, is maps of course. We do maps, but to talk about different levels of abstraction you could, put up Google Earth on the board and go, there’s, there’s the earth with Europe there at the top. Is that a map of where we live? And the students will go, yes, that’s a map of where we live. And so you say to them show me how to get to the library then. And you can’t until you zoom in. So you go down a layer of abstraction but how do we get from that to, creating a program or a data structure to solve your problem. How do we make that leap? 

Dave: It’s not straightforward, is it? But one example that I use is the game of snakes and ladders. They’ve all played snakes and ladders, as a child, and you could even play a bit of snakes and ladders to start with in the class if you want to have a bit of fun. I think, you’re hearing here that the message is have a bit of fun. And what you do is you put snakes and ladders on the board and you can have as many counters as you like.

In snakes and ladders, that’s the beauty of it because it doesn’t matter how many players there are in snakes and ladders. Lovely little bit of abstraction there, but what you can then do is say okay, so we’ve got we’ve got a board and we’ve got 100 squares 10 by 10 and And we’re going to put some ladders on there.

We’re going to put some snakes on there. You’re going to have loads of questions about does it matter how many squares there are? Does it matter how many ladders there are? Does it matter how many snakes there are? Does it matter how big the snakes and ladders are? And you can talk about the effect of changing those variables, if you like, on what it is you’re doing.

You haven’t gone anywhere near a program at this stage. And then you can say, okay, let’s think about moving the counters. This is where we get a bit deeper. Because if you’ve got a 10 by 10 grid, then when you get to square 10, you have to go up one and then start going back in the opposite direction. So those of you that know snakes and ladders, hopefully everybody, you start at the square zero in the bottom left, and then you travel sort of nine squares to the To the right.

Then you go up a square and then you travel nine squares to the left and you keep zigzagging up and down. And what I say to the students is, so what data structure could this be? And we start thinking about the relationship between that and a table of numbers and, oh, it looks a lot like a 2D array, doesn’t it?

A lot like a 2D array. I was like, yes, it does, but watch this because programming it with a 2D array is more complicated than it needs to be. What if. We actually unpacked that square into one long line, because at the end of the day, all you’ve got are squares from 0 to 100. So instead of seeing them as 10 by 10, why don’t you see them as 1 by 100?

Now what you’ve got is a 1D array. And that is significantly easier to program with. So I think you have to show the students through examples that they understand, have a little bit of fun, and then unpack those examples to explain to them how something that looks quite difficult could be made easier.

Alan: Absolutely. That’s a good example, and I’ll use that if I need to teach that again. Yeah, so it looks on the face of it like a 2D array. And yeah, what’s important about it is the numbers 1 to 100, and you travel from 1 towards 100, and it doesn’t matter that sort of it’s bent around. 

Dave: You take a step further with that, Alan, and you say, OK how do we represent the ladders then? How can we put snakes and ladders onto this 1D array? And you say because you’re using the indexes to represent the square you’re on from 0 to 99, then what you do is you use the elements or the data of that index to say what it points to. For example, they all have zero, which means all the squares do nothing.

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And then you might decide that square 47 takes you to square 2 because it’s a snake. Okay, so you store in element 47 the number 2. So what it tells you is where you’re going and then you do the same thing for the ladders and you can say to the students, so what’s the difference then between a snake and a ladder?

And they conclude there is no difference because ultimately what you’re doing is just storing a number of where one square takes you to another square and I say You see how beautiful this is when you take away the concept of a snake and a ladder and it just becomes a number. That’s abstraction. 

Alan: Yeah, absolutely.

And then what you build on top of that is the algorithm that processes it and the main thing it needs to do is let’s say you roll a dice, so it needs to generate a random dice roll from one to six and move you, and then it needs to read the content of the cell it’s landed on. And then process that and it might have nothing in it, in which case you stay there or you read the number that you then have to move to, which if it’s lower than the current number is obviously a snake back on our board game.

And if it’s higher and then it was a ladder. And so you can play it with just text and you can say, oh, you’ve gone back to. Blah, blah, blah, because you went down a snake. So the program could determine whether that number is lower than the current index and say you’ve gone down a snake, or if that number is higher than the current index, it could say you’ve gone up a ladder and you’ve got a text version of snakes and ladders in barely any code, really.

Dave: Absolutely, absolutely, and that’s the secret right there, because Snakes and Ladders looks on the surface like a difficult program to create for, a GCSE student, for example, but in reality, and I’m talking about creating it from scratch, and they find that really daunting, but in reality, when you break it down with them and you go through those layers of abstraction that you’ve described, what you conclude is you have One array, which is the player’s positions.

On the board, you have another array, which is the board itself, and that’s it. The rest of it is just if statements, yeah. If you happen to be on square a hundred, you’ve won. And so the program is tiny in reality. Mm-Hmm. . And if you then code that with the students, and this is the thing that I, I’ve learned is if you code that with the students and you show them the thinking process as you go through, then they start to realize that the skill here was breaking the problem down. The skill here was understanding that that looks like an array. So let’s. Use an array. So really the art here is teaching the students what those fundamental 

building blocks are and what they can do.

What is An array. What can it do? And then suddenly things become a lot easier. 

Alan: Absolutely. So I, I made a a text adventure program, it’s still on my Repl. it if you go to Mr. A Harrison on Repl. it. And kids around the world stumble upon my text adventure and play it and send me messages and go, hey, I won. But it’s like, it’s a text adventure with about seven rooms, that’s pretty much it. But I wrote it to demonstrate this principle of data abstraction because the rooms are basically in a 2D array.

And separate from the gameplay. And this is important, I think, when you’re designing a program. If you take the snakes and ladders example a bit further, my text adventure game has basically got a list of lists in Python and Each row is a room and it’s just a list of a description of the room, things that are in the room and where you can move to from the room.

And each row is a room. And so I’ve got kids, in year 10 going, all right, and taking my text adventure and adding rooms to it and then wanting to add features like being able to fight is a common one. And so it’s that. Principle of abstraction. Abstracting away the data and then writing an algorithm that matches the data and that’s , basically it. Then you’ve got it cracked. 

You make it sound so easy, Alan. How can it be, you know? 

So, uh, lots of people cleverer than us have done this. And you know what I’m getting onto. One thing I tell my kids is that von Neumann, he of the architecture was the guy invented merge sort ’cause he needed to crunch a lot of numbers when he was calculating well how to build a nuclear weapon unfortunately. How do you get across to kids that these standard algorithms are important and, and, and where did they come from and why do we need to know them, first of all? 

Dave: Yeah, that’s a challenge, uh, so just bring it back to their everyday experience, right? And say to them okay, when you’ve got list of tracks of music that you want to listen to and you want to put them into artist order, for example, how is a computer going to do that? If you’ve got a playlist of music and it to give you the next track, but although you’ve got random selected, you don’t want the chance of hearing the same track again.


So you don’t really want it to be random. How are you going to sort the list of songs that are available so that it puts them in an order that appears random, but you can’t get the same song again until you’ve listened to all the others, if you saw what I mean. 

So I think firstly showing the students examples of where these things are actually required in real life helps to cement why it’s important. Otherwise it’s too abstract. 

Now that we know why we want it, let’s all be songs, right? So what I want you to do is I want you to write down on a piece of paper the name of a song that you like. Alright. One I wouldn’t have heard of, because I, obviously I’m old and my, my music knowledge is uh, you know, stuck in history. So we have a bit of fun.

We have a bit of a laugh about my age and then we say right, okay. Write down the name of a song on a piece of paper, now and we do this in my classroom actually, but if your classroom is not very big, you might have to do it in the hall and say right, okay, I want you to come up and I want you to hold your piece of paper in front of you and you’ve just come up in a random order and I want to sort now these songs into alphabetical order and some students will have written the name of the same song and it doesn’t matter because that gives you a teaching point about sorting data that is the same.

But anyway, so you say we’re going to do this, okay. Let’s do it! And you just get them to do it. You haven’t taught them anything about algorithms. You just say, let’s sort these into order and just watch them do it. And uh, you know, eventually they’ll get there, but it’s a little bit slow. And you say to them right, what was your method?

What were you doing there? Oh, I don’t know. I was just looking at the name of somebody else’s piece of paper and deciding whether I was before them or after them, and so I was putting myself in the right position and looking at somebody else, and we didn’t really do it particularly methodically, but we got there in the right, good, OK.

So firstly, it would be better if this was a little bit more efficient and there was some logic and we were all following the same logic. That would help. The next thing that would help would be if we took some of the good ideas you had in there, like you compared your number to somebody else’s, that’s a good idea.

How can we decide which number you should compare your number to if we’re going to have a little bit more logic? Can you just break that down with them? And eventually you might arrive at an insertion sort or a bubble sort, but you don’t necessarily have to have that preconceived idea as long as you make sure that you focus on an algorithm that’s in the specification and don’t just do a different one and then you can play it out with them and say let’s put a little bit more logic in this, a little bit more logic in this.

And as the teacher, yeah. You’re gradually getting them to that bubble sort or their insertion sort, whichever was most likely the one that they were trying to describe. And they do it and they move it and then you do the algorithm again and you do it again and you say look how efficient it is when we’re all following the same instructions and the same logic and we’re moving just two people at a time.

This is working brilliantly. This, by the way, is called a bubble sort. Okay. So now you know how it works. Let’s get back down to our chairs. Now it’s taken you a whole lesson to do that, but it’s okay. You had some fun and they understand the reasons why. Then you can take the next level and you can say right, now what we’re going to do is I’m going to put some numbers on the board.

And you’re going to come up one by one. I’m going to give you the board pen one by one, and you’re going to come up and you’re going to show me what happens with those sets of numbers just one step at a time. So here’s the board pen, off you go. What are you going to do? I’m going to compare those two numbers.

Good. What are you going to do with them? Oh that one’s less than that one. So what do you need to do? I need to swap them. Good, swap them. Pass the pen to the next person. Come up, do it. Everybody’s watching, everybody’s involved. And then when someone gets stuck, so they’re a bit embarrassed, they’ve got the pen in the hand, they’re at the whiteboard, they can’t quite remember what’s happening next.

The rest of the class are telling them, I’m doing nothing. I’ve just sat back at this point. And the rest of the class say, Oh, you need to swap those two numbers. And they get over the slight embarrassment and they do it. And the more they watch and because they don’t want to be embarrassed, they are watching.

So that when they get to their turn, They know exactly what they’re doing because they don’t want that peer pressure. So I’m using a bit of psychology there. Once you’ve done that, do you know what? It’s easy to take the step of here’s a worksheet. Do that question. 

Alan: And what I take from that is obviously they’re having fun in your classroom, so they want to be there, which is always handy, but you are, you’re using almost a semantic wave explanation there, which is, starting with an algorithm, going down into Low semantic gravity, which is the easy bit of, moving around the classroom and, and sorting yourself and then repacking it into what the concept really is. This was all about algorithms. It was about the bubble sort algorithm. But the bit in the middle. It’s fun and memorable and you can, I find when I do stuff like that, it’s not just yeah, I might have invested a whole lesson in that activity, but I’ll refer back to it for the next six weeks and I’ll go, do you remember when we did this?

And do you remember when you did that? And they will remember because it was a memorable exercise. 

Dave: I think the worst thing that you can do is just stick a PowerPoint on the board and say, today we’re learning the bubble sort. This is how it works. Here’s some numbers. Now you compare the first two numbers. If this one’s less than this one, then swap them over. The students have just switched off. They’re never going to learn algorithms like that. 

Alan: Yeah, absolutely. , So you need a Hungarian dancer video or you get them up doing the Hungarian dance. So go what do I do? I will get playing cards out to teach merge sort and things and it’s quite handy this because if I have just done a test on paper and I’ve got all the test papers in and they’re in random order and it’s handy for me if they’re in alphabetical order when I mark them because then I can just transfer the scores onto my mark sheet.

So I get the kids to sort the pile of test papers they’ve just handed in you. And I get the stopwatch out and go how quickly can you sort my test papers today? And then they’re like, alright, what if we split them up into different piles and and I go, yeah, merge sort that will do, you know,

Dave: Absolutely. So many other things you can spin off from that. ’cause you can say I’ve put the papers into two, and I want to sort that pile and that pile. And you might not be doing a merge sort. You might be doing two independent bubble sorts, for example, but you can say, is that still quicker?

And you can have that whole conversation about, multi core processors and concurrency and, what were the overheads of doing that? We’ve got one pile sorted and we’ve got another pile sorted, but they’re not sorted into one pile. Now, what are we going to do? Other ways of making that more efficient and loads of things.

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Alan: Funny you should say, splitting into two piles and then each pile sorted maybe with an insertion sort. You’ve just described the built in sorting algorithm that’s in the Python implementation that we all use. It’s called TimSort after the developer, Tim somebody, I’ve forgotten his name, but it will break down an array into sub lists and insertionsort them and then merge sort them together. It’s a hybrid and a lot of Commercial sorting algorithms are hybrids these days

Dave: they are, and of course you can have that conversation about why would we want to do that, and this is A level, but you’re getting into efficiency and you’re talking about efficiency is also determined by the size of your data set, because guess what? If you only want to sort 10 items, fill your boots with a bubble sort. 

Alan: Absolutely. 

Dave: Because a quicksort will not be more efficient for you, so it’s about the size of the data set. 

Alan: And about the nature of it, how sorted is it, and is it sorted upside down, for instance, and some algorithms are terrible at that. If it’s nearly sorted, a bubble sort is quite quick, it doesn’t have to do very much, but if it’s upside down, a bubble sort is terrible. 

Dave: Absolutely, and even at GCSE you could have discussions about efficiency just with a bubble sort in the ways that you’ve described and even at a code level you can say what if you code the bubble sort with two for loops instead of a while loop and a for loop?

What would be the impact of that? And I would probably only do that with my most able students, the ones that, had a love of algorithms and they were really keen to learn and were going to go on to A level. I wouldn’t do it with everybody, but you can do that. You can go there. Even with simple algorithms, you can say what would happen if 

Alan: Yeah the thing is, last summer OCR did ask a question about the nature of the loops in an insertion sort, didn’t they?

And the question was, I think, I should know this because I marked it for OCR, Why is the inner loop a while loop in an insertion sort? And. And that was, that did, let’s say did stump a lot of candidates and that was a tricky one because I think it, I don’t think OCR had asked a question that deep about sorting algorithms for some years.

Dave: No, it catches people out because in the specifications obviously it just says searching and sorting algorithms, bubble sort, insertion sort, and so you teach the algorithms, but. You don’t think about what’s the depth I need to teach us about, the implications of changing this and changing that.

So it can catch you out very easily. Another nice little activity is to just give them the code and say this is. The code for the algorithm that we’ve been having a bit of fun with. But we’re going to see how efficient it really is. So here’s a line of code that’s going to create an array of a million random numbers.

Okay, we’ll do that. I’ll give you that code. And then What I want us to do is I put a little counter variable in there. So every time it has to check something, it’s going to add one to a counter. So let’s just put that in then let’s run the program and actually see how many checks it made.

And they run the program and it made several thousand checks. Brilliant. Run it again. Several thousand checks, but they’ll notice that the might be different because as you say the nature of the data sets and if it was a random number or we can then sort the random numbers which you can do very easily in Python in one command.

So they can see the effect on the changing data set on the algorithm without actually having to do anything other than insert a single line of code. And I get mine to then for example, plot results on a chart in Excel. So I say here’s the code for the bubble sort. Here’s the code for the quick sort.

Again, this is A level. What I want you to do is create a data set of, of. Random numbers or ordered numbers, whatever, and then I want you to plot the efficiency on a chart for me, and so you conclude, you can conclude which is more efficient just by running the algorithms, and they really enjoy that.

Alan: Yeah, I’ve done that before. Yeah, so you you basically you’re wrapping the call to bubble sort or whatever in another loop and passing to it different sized arrays. Maybe a growing sized array from 10 to however many you feel your computer can deal with. If you’re running it locally, you’re alright. I’ve done this on Repl.

it Before and then I get kicked off, don’t I? Because I’ve used all my cycles for the free free account on repl. it. So yeah, you can if you’ve got a class that you think are capable of grasping that, then you can get them to, really measure the efficiency. Of algorithms and compare them. And I take it 

Dave: Alan, I take it to the extremes as well, because I just love having fun with this stuff.

And I so I say to my students so we’ve studied the serious ones, right? If you call a bubble sort serious, but we’ve argued why it could be, right? Let me show you something really crazy. And I showed them the BOGO sort and the BOZO sort and I’m like, check this out guys, and you’ve got to be careful with that because the trouble with having fun is that sometimes the students latch onto and remember the bits that were not important.

Coming back to abstraction, they remember the things that are not important because they were funny. So you’ve got to be a bit careful with that. Yeah, with the right class it really works. 

Alan: I was talking to Andy Colley a couple of weeks ago, and he likes to show his students the most ridiculous user interface competition every year. And these things, even though they’re bonkers, and obviously they’re designed by crazy geeks with a geeky sense of humor, rather like us, they do demonstrate some of the principles that we need to talk about. What’s the best way to understand efficiency? We’re probably writing the least efficient. code you could possibly write to demonstrate how bad it could be.

Dave: I say to my A level students as a bit of work, for outside the classroom that senior leaders like them to engage with, I say You need to contribute to my ministry of silly algorithms.


So I want you to create a silly algorithm. I’m not going to define for you what silly really means. You need to deliver a silly algorithm. That’s good fun. 

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Alan: Absolutely. Well, What I haven’t done, Dave, and it’s only fair seeing as you’re giving me your time for free. I don’t, we, we have agreed that this is free, haven’t we?

Um, um, I haven’t asked you, what’s new in the land of Craig and Dave these days, Dave? 

Dave: What’s new in the land of Craig and Dave? So we’ve got a video series on YouTube. From David Morgan, the lesson hacker. 

Alan: Oh yes, loving them. 

Dave: Yeah, so every week he’s taking a current affair in computing and trying to present it in five minutes in a fun and engaging way for young people. And then in the video description I’m creating, and I stole this idea from you Alan, I’m creating fertile questions in the video description so that teachers can use them to have discussions with their class. about the current affair in computing, but related to the specification. So that’s good, that’s happening.

Alan: Can I just say at that point, can I just give a hat tip to William Lau, who put Fertile Questions in his book five, six, seven years ago, and also Mark Enser, who wrote a blog for TES on it. That’s where I got it from, it wasn’t my idea, but thank you for picking that up. 

Dave: Yeah, and SmartRevise just goes from strength to strength. There’ll be loads of new features coming out for that this year. So we’re spread thinly. We’ve got lots of other things that we would like to do. 

But thank you for inviting me onto your podcast. I think the final thing I would say is that your book is great. How to teach computer science, I think, is excellent for teachers. How to learn computer science, I think, is essential reading for all students, and my recommendation would be get a class set, and I’m not just saying this because you’re the author, I genuinely mean it. Get a class set of these books, hand them out, that is your background reading.

Alan: That’s very kind of you to say.

Dave: If at A level you have to do scholarship work, you know, this work outside of the lessons, I’ll tell you what you should do. You should get the students to read a chapter at a certain period of time in the year and get them to present to the class something about that chapter.

And at a very basic level, it could just be a bullet point summary. At a more advanced level, it could be looking into the most recent bits of research or development in that area of study and anything in between really, but use that book as a way of engaging in the subject beyond the specification in a meaningful way.

Alan: No, that’s great. Thanks for the the support and listeners probably don’t know if they haven’t got the book that you did help a lot with that, Dave. Thank you. The, the how to learn book and thanks for basically proofreading it and writing a foreword for it because it was very kind of you. So yeah the other thing I wanted to pick up is You said you’ve listened to the previous podcasts. I just wondered what your reaction was to the story that I revealed to Harry and Anna last week. I can’t, I don’t think I’ve told you this, but I did get asked in the classroom, when we did that unscripted video together a couple of years ago, , and , my class at the time were very, Excited about this, about me doing a collab with Craig and Dave, as they called it.

Um, And they asked me questions about you. And one of the questions was, are Craig and Dave married, And, and of course I nodded along and went, yes, I think they are. And, and that caused a lot of consternation. Did you hear that last week? 

Dave: I did. And and when you said the word collab in a kind of Slightly awkward way as I just did then. 

Alan: I’m down with the kids. 

Dave: I know you are. I noticed Harry’s little snigger at that point and I thought, yeah, that says everything to me. But yeah, people used to think that we were just the same person because all they heard was our voices on the YouTube videos. And actually on a video Craig’s voice and my voice sounded quite similar And so the students were convinced that we were just one person for a long period of time then of course once we revealed our faces, the rumour mill then went into, Oh, they must be partners. They must be together. Uh, No. Craig’s married to someone called Sam and I’m married to someone called Carol. 

Alan: Okay. Well, I’m glad we cleared that up. Um, Good stuff. . Smart revise you mentioned. I’ve used it for ages it just keeps getting better. And you know it’s quite affordable. I wouldn’t teach without it. I do sound like an advert, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t teach GCSE and A level computer science without it these days, so go and check that out. That’s all the plugs for one day, I think.

Dave: I think so enough of that. 

Alan: Enough, so it’s been lovely to talk to you. I’m just looking at our list here.

Oh, misconceptions. So just briefly then. while we’re on algorithms and computational thinking and so on, what misconceptions, do you see happening? 

Dave: Yeah, I think one of the biggest ones for me, and it seems to catch teachers out as well, is the idea that when you’ve got an array, that the first index is always either the X or the Y when you look at a table of data. So is the first index the column or is it the row?

And it doesn’t matter. As long as you are consistent. It doesn’t matter whether it’s X comma Y or Y comma x, but it seems to catch everybody out I that the first one must be the row, or the first one must be the column. 

Alan: I think it comes from Python learning, Python, which doesn’t really have arrays and populating a list of lists in Python. In the top of your code necessarily means you do it one way, not the other. And so you do students equals open square bracket. Then you open the second square bracket and do Dave comma computer science or whatever. Close the square bracket and so your students will be in rows in that list of lists in Python.

And so the first index would be a row I do try and fix this one so I will take that code and just order it differently so the student names are all across the top row and the data is on the next row and so on because there’s no reason why you wouldn’t do it that way.

Dave: The other misconception, coming back to algorithms, is the misconception that, for example, a binary search must always be better than a linear search. No, because if the item you’re looking for is the first item, in the data structure, then a linear search will, in that case, always outperform the binary search.

So that’s a misconception. And then leading on from that, the misconception that a linear search has to start from index zero. It could start in the opposite direction. And in fact, there is a version of the linear search that actually looks from both directions at the same time. There’s a misconception in computer science that there is a way of doing things.


Alan: Yeah. 

Dave: And there isn’t. There are multiple ways of doing the same thing. It’s just some are better than others and some are better than others in different situations and it gets confusing. 

Alan: So a standard algorithm is really a broad Concept, it’s a, it’s more like a family of algorithms that follow a certain pattern.

And the other thing that people ask me all the time is, when you do a binary search and you find the midpoint, do you have to go up or down if there’s an even number of. And I say do whatever, either way, but to code it, normally you’re going to use floor division, aren’t you? And go down, but it doesn’t actually matter because you’re going to find the item.

The only difference might be one or more fewer comparisons in one direction than the other, but that will all even out when you’ve got a million items to search that doesn’t actually matter. 

Dave: Yeah, the other misconception is that in maths they might get taught, for example, the Hoare method of a quicksort at A level, and then in your class you teach them the Hungarian method. And they’re different and they say quicksort and you say no it’s a variation of a quicksort because you’ve also got the Lomuto method. And those are just three methods and you know what actually current research into quicksorts that are using multiple pivots and not just one. There are actually hundreds of quicksort algorithms.

And as soon as teachers and students realize that it’s eye opening that there is no right answer. And I think the thing that fascinates me the most at the moment is that the research in this area hasn’t stopped just because we’ve got these standard algorithms and we’re teaching bubble sorts and insertion sorts and quicksorts. There’s an assumption. And a misconception that the research has stopped. No, it hasn’t. And actually in quantum computing there’s active research right now in turning some of these searching algorithms into even more efficient algorithms than we’ve got at the moment. 

Alan: Absolutely. If you are teaching A level, there are multiple Quicksort implementations. Learn one and make sure you can explain it really well and then tell your pupils that they might encounter other ones, but the basic principle of choosing a pivot and moving things either side of the pivot and then repeating that, Usually recursively, that’s a quicksort, but it can be implemented many different ways.

Dave: So you’ve done exam marking Alan, perhaps you can clear something up for us as well. Because there are so many different methods that you could take with some of these algorithms, the mark scheme will show a method, perhaps the most Obvious method that the exam board would perhaps like you to teach to avoid any confusion.

But what if a student actually gives their answer using a different but same family of algorithms? So for example, the mark scheme’s got a horror approach to a quicksort, but you see a Lamutu version as an examiner and you recognize that as a valid quicksort. What do you do? 

Alan: I think so. First of all, I’ve only marked GCSE papers, but I’ve had the OCR training, yes, a valid implementation that answers the question will be given the marks. I think there’s quite a lot of leeway there. So if it solves the problem, that’s basically what we’re looking for. 

Dave: And that’s the other misconception in teaching at the moment, that the mark scheme is the answer. 

Alan: Yeah, yeah, it’s a tricky one. So I do support a lot of teachers, in my other jobs, I work as a PDL, a professional development lead for the NCCE, and I deliver training and so on.

And I do encounter this, and so if, The teachers listening to this, please try to understand the concepts that you’re teaching rather than teach for the surface level of understanding of passing the exam. That is, in that sentence, is like a whole lifetime of learning, but it is really important that, it’s why I wrote the books I wanted to get these, Conceptual understandings of computer science across to teachers and pupils rather than just, oh, trying to pass exams. 

So, Yeah well, that was, that was brilliant. Thank you Dave for coming on and yeah, I knew, I knew we’d have a good chat about algorithms because you did, you wrote the book on it, talking of books, the, the, algorithms book available from craiganddave. org as well. So, um, So that was really good. So, uh, have you got any plans for Easter? 

Dave: Um, no, if I’m 100 percent honest with you, I’m not sure I’ve thought that far ahead. Thinking ahead, oh 

Alan: dear! Thinking ahead! 

Dave: I’ve got to be honest, OK, because the community out there probably now thinking how Dave lives such a sad life. He’s there looking at algorithms as if they’re art and he’s got nothing planned for Easter. I did. in the February half term go to Jamaica, we had our sort of Easter break in, February. 

Alan: Nice. . Well, we are tomorrow going to London to see Moulin Rouge, the musical. 

Dave: The West end’s phenomenal, isn’t it? An amazing experience. 

Alan: Yeah. Haven’t seen the musical yet. Love the film. Yeah. So looking forward to that. There’s another abstraction. How do you produce a film on stage? You know, how do you produce a book or a play on stage? Because you’ve got to abstract everything down to what will fit into the area of the stage. . This is me. All I could ever think of these days is abstraction. I was talking about Lord of the Rings with other Lord of the Rings fans recently, and we agreed that it was about the best series of movies that could be made from that book, but it was always going to fall desperately short because, I read Lord of the Rings and it probably took me, let’s say 30 hours. How can you make even nine hours of film out of what takes you 30 hours to read and even a minute’s reading could be an hour’s worth of movie .

Dave: The director has to decide what’s important and what’s not important at the end of the day. Which is a form of abstraction. There’s another example you 

Alan: Um, Well, we got onto abstraction in movies and everything then, , just as I was winding up. So I think now I do have to wind up and it’s been lovely to talk to you, Dave. And no doubt, I’ll ask you back on to talk about something else in the future but thank you very much for coming on. 

Dave: Thank you. It’s, uh, it’s been an honour. Thanks, Alan. 

Alan: You’re welcome. 

Dave: All right then, mate. Anyway, enjoy. Thanks, Alan. Bye. Cheers, mate. Bye. 

That was another epic. I’m off now to drink 32 pints of milk. And read about the latest advances in computing. Because I’m just as much of a geek as Dave. Quantum computing scares me though. Apparently you can store information, not as binary digits or bits, but in quantum bits called cubits. What do I know about cubits? Very little.

 How do you make a computing teacher happy? Give him arrays. Thanks to Andy Colley for that one, I did think he was going to say, don’t get his backup. but no it’s give him arrays. We don’t need much, just a bit more cache. Quick reminder that I don’t have any sponsors only you lovely people. So please. Go to my website, HTTCS to online and find out how to donate a little bit of cash. Buy me a coffee for three quid. That’d be very kind review my books on Amazon. You can use the discount code. HTTCS pod that’s HTTCSPOD on the website for the book, That’s the publisher’s website, And you will get 20% off everything. Don’t forget there’s books by me, but also Mary Myatt, Tom Sherrington, Adam Boxer. And many, many more brilliant people. I will see you next week on the pod.

And until then have a good one.

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HTTCS leadership podcast teaching and learning

Podcast Episode 7: “How Hard Can it Be?”

A new episode is live, featuring the wonderful Rachel Arthur of Teach First. Listen now here:


Alan: Welcome to how to teach computer science, the podcast. This is episode seven. How hard can it be? I’ll be answering that question and many more. With help of today’s special guest. 

Rachel: Nothing’s real. What is real anymore? No. We’re all in the 

Alan: matrix, and maybe I’m a deepfake. Oh, well that would just be the 

Rachel: twist, wouldn’t it? 

Alan: More on that in a moment. My name is Alan Harrison, and I wrote the books how to teach computer science and how to learn computer science available in online bookstores, more details at the companion website. HTTCS dot online. That’s the initials of how to teach computer science HTTCS dot online. And if you haven’t bought the books yet, why not? We’re talking about training to teach today. I remember my teacher training. Well, and I was already blogging at HTTCS dot online slash blog. So I can look back at those days. 

And so can you, here’s what I wrote. In 2016. About this time. Last year, I was reveling in the joy of my first ever taught lesson. That lesson was exciting, a bit crazy and lots of fun. It went as well as could be expected. No, really. I was treated to some mentor feedback containing the words, the best first lesson I have ever seen. 

Thank you so much, Sarah. Today I’ll call that a punch the air day. But trust me, teacher training got much harder after that included one lesson. I will never forget. I had asked the year eights to complete a task in Excel and print it out, forgetting that a full print of my Excel spreadsheet would be six pages. Each. Times 30. On a printer that didn’t do double-sided and I asked them to start printing with five minutes left of the lesson. And there were no names on the printouts. 

 So as my mentor sat watching and yes, quietly laughing at me, trying to organize a queue for the printer with enthusiastic kids, grabbing individual sheets and shouting, whose is this waving lots of completely identical pieces of paper. I realized teaching is a roller coaster. Some days you’re up there in control, conducting an orchestra of kids, all making progress. 

 I seem to have mixed my metaphors back in 2016. Other days, nothing will work and the music will sound awful. That day. I went home feeling pretty down and metaphorically kicked the dog. Quiet password 15 hash. Don’t worry. If you have a kick the dog day know that you tried your best reflect, get advice. Change things, fix it for next time. 

The only bad teacher is the teacher that repeats mistakes. The teacher that doesn’t reflect refuses, advice and rejects growth. Be the teacher that reflects on every experience, learns from their mentor and from other teachers and changes things up for the next lesson. So not bad advice from eight year ago, me. But. My guest today has some cracking advice. Probably much better than that. And some of it isn’t about babies and toddlers. Let’s hear what happened when I spoke to Rachel Arthur and asked the question. How hard can it be?

Rachel: Hi Alan.

Alan: Hi, how are you? 

Rachel: I’m good, thank you. How are you? 

Alan: Yeah, great. How’s the little one? 

Rachel: Yeah, she’s good, thank you. She’s actually just fallen asleep, so I’ve just handed her tentatively over to my husband, so he can wander around holding her until we’re brave enough to attempt putting her down. Hands very much full, but it gets easier, I think. Yeah. 

Alan: Yeah. It gets easier in many ways and then harder in others. But you do get a bit more sleep soon. 

Rachel: Yeah. Yes. Yes. That’s my main. 

Alan: We were very lucky. 

Rachel: at all . She’s sleeping through the night at the moment yeah.

Good. I can’t complain, we’ve been very lucky with both of them so.

Alan: We were quite lucky. We went off skiing, with the in laws when, our eldest was like six weeks old, 

Rachel: I think you just have to get on with it, don’t you? We’re going to the lake district at the weekend and we’re like, why are we taking a 10 week old on holiday? This is a nightmare. Like all the stuff that we’ve got to pack. We’re like, if we don’t go, then you just, it’s just the same nightmare at home. 

Alan: We went to see Michael McIntyre and he said your single friends, they, they phone up and say, you going for a drink? And when you’re single, you go, yeah. You put the phone down, you walk out the door. And like when you’ve got kids, you have to pack a small bag with everything in it that you own, just in case your house isn’t there when you get back. 

Rachel: It’s so true. My husband was just like, Oh, I think we’re going to have to get a roof rack I was like, 

Alan: just to go out for the day. Yeah. Sorry. We haven’t got enough stuff. Yeah. 


Rachel: Oh, but the podcast is going well. 

Alan: Have you been listening? 

Rachel: Yeah, I’ve not listened to all of them but our night feeds have been up listening, tuning in, so it’s going really well, isn’t it? Like you seem to be getting a lot of support and a lot of people are engaging with it, which is lovely to see.

Alan: It’s been great. I’ve had comments like, oh, this is the right thing at the right time, and just, computing teachers need a bit of a boost right now, and I think all teachers need a bit of a boost right now. I think 

Rachel: it’s something that’s the way you do it is really nice, but I think it’s something that’s specific for computing teachers as well, because I think there’s a lot of generic teaching stuff out there, but it doesn’t really apply to computing a lot of the time, so it’s nice to have something that’s specific.

Alan: I was thinking of doing it for ages, and then two things happened. Tom Rogers, who runs Teacher Talk Radio, hassled me about doing a radio show, and I never ended up doing that, but I might yet. Tom, if you’re listening, I might do that and the other thing that happened is I’ve been listening to Adam Boxer and Amy Forrester. Yeah, they’re really good. Yeah, and thinking, oh how hard can it be? And I was listening to them going, oh I need to do this now.

So I just need to start recording it. It started off at 25 minutes and then the latest ones are like 43 minutes. Yeah, 

Rachel: and is the edit a nightmare or has it not been too bad? 

Alan: Being a computer geek like I am, I have discovered some software. I did my research, I googled a lot of things, and then I found some software called Descript, which I’m now paying 24 a month for. Descript does something amazing, which is I will upload this recording into it, it will transcribe, and then give me a page which edits like a Word document, and I edit the words. And it deletes the audio that matches the words, so I’m not sitting there like Audacity cutting and splicing audio and looking for the peaks that match the words.

It’s done that for me, so it’s actually much easier. So never one to make life easy for myself. Now that I can do that, I decided to edit in lots of music and stupid things as well just to make it entertaining. So 

Rachel: yeah, I think that’s what. What people are saying about it, people are enjoying listening because it’s different and it’s enjoyable and it’s light. It’s not another heavy, let’s have a deep dive. I mean, We can talk about pedagogy, but 

Alan: yeah and, we will, we’ll talk about computing. Teaching and pedagogy and stuff like that, but we’ll try and chuck in some jokes, because like Andy Colley said, there’s not many jokes and most of them are quite corny, so I’m saying to all my guests, if you can, if you’ve got any computer related humor, then, do bring it along.

Rachel: Oh, I need to be more prepared. I’m not, oh, 

Alan: I didn’t. 

Rachel: I’ll have to I don’t want to let your audience down with my lack of computing jokes, but I’ll see if I can come up with something. 

Alan: Have a think as we’re talking and anyway, it’s all right. I’ll edit some jokes in later. Yes. I’ll tell you what, I’ll put your voice through an AI deepfake machine. That 

Rachel: would scare, scare, horrify and it’s super exciting isn’t it, things like that, but there’s some really The accuracy of these deep fakes now, you could have me saying anything on here, couldn’t you? In fact, you even need me here. I can just go and you can just type in. 

Alan: I think I’ve got enough there now, Rachel, so you can go and I will just put words into your mouth for the next 20 minutes. Thank you very much. 

Rachel: Perfect. I’ll go get some sleep. 

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Alan: Good. It’s lovely to talk to you and yeah, I’ll catch up again soon. Yeah, right now I’ll start the AI deepfake Rachel and talk to that, right?

Hello AI deepfake Rachel. How are you? 

Rachel: I mean, What would a deepfake say? It would probably go very stereotypical and say I am fine, thank you. It’s definitely even better than that. 

Alan: Yeah, this has got a bit surreal, so I think we probably need to get back to the script. Do we have a script? No, not really. I had some questions I was going to ask. So the first thing is I’ve been talking to you like, like I know you, because I do, but my listeners probably don’t. First of all, Rachel Arthur, nice to meet you would you like to tell everybody what you do for the listeners, please? 

Rachel: Yeah, what do I do?

So I am Head of Computing at Teach First. So that means that I am in charge of the initial teacher training programme. That we run and I get involved in all the teacher training materials that touch computing. So whether it’s our NPQ offer, which is more for leadership or our training materials for primary teachers or for secondary teachers, they all fall within my remit, my team, so that’s what I spend my days doing.

But before I was in teacher education, I was a teacher myself, so I worked in teaching. Secondary schools in London Leeds and Oldham, sunny Oldham, over my teaching career and eventually became assistant head after, the usual route of head of department, subject lead, all of those things.

So yeah, that’s me. 

Alan: Good stuff. So teach first then, which is one of the routes into teaching. So what, if someone’s listening to this thinking, I want to train to teach computing what would their choices be?

What would they have to consider? 

Rachel: Firstly, please do. Absolutely do it because it’s a brilliant subject and there’s so much joy to be found in the computing classroom and you won’t regret it. But there’s loads of different routes.

 They split into school centered training, so like Teach First do, or like they call it a SCITT, but school centred initial teacher training, the training is done predominantly in the school setting, but you get your qualification at the end, like you would do through other routes, or you do a more traditional route, like a PGCE or an undergraduate degree where you train with the university and with that you do usually two or three placements over the year where you get to go and experience different school settings. 

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So most of the routes into teaching are either the traditional university route or a school centred approach either through Teach First or one of the other training providers or the school running them yeah, you get to train in a school, but you are usually spending the majority of your time just in that one school rather than across multiple settings like you would in a University course. 

Alan: Do you get to go to other schools for brief placements? 

Rachel: Yes, so on Teach First we do a two week and sometimes it’s extended depending on the circumstances of the trainee but they do a two week placement in an alternative setting and they also do a primary placement so if you’re training to be a secondary teacher you also do some time in another phase which is Always interesting to see, see how they get on in a primary setting as well. They do get that kind of breadth of experience but it’s you are treated as an employee. Oh, hello. 

Alan: Sorry. This is what happens when I do podcast recordings in the evening. This is Casper, my Patterdale terrier, who decides he wants to get In on it. 

Rachel: He wants to train, to teach, he’s so intrigued by what we’re talking about.

Yes, one second. 

Alan: Oh God, yeah, that’s not great podcasting, is it? Here’s my dog on the Teams call, and he chose not to even say anything. There you go. I’ll edit some, so I’ll edit some dog barking in later and that’ll make sense to the listeners.

 You see? Magic of computing. None of this is real. 

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As I say, you know, I’m talking to a deepfake, so you know. Um, So anyway, yeah, my placements were fun, I don’t know if I’ve ever spoken to you about this. But my placements, if I can just talk about them, one of them was right at my doorstep, literally just a stone’s throw away which was handy so I could roll out of bed and just rock up. And that was nice and it’s a nice local school and that was quite, what should we say, easy first placement in the sense that there wasn’t a lot of behavior challenge. And then, I don’t know if you ever saw Educating Greater Manchester? 

Rachel: Oh I did, yeah. Oh 

Alan: yes, so that school, so I was there, it was called Harrop fold then, so that was my. Yeah, that was my second placement school, so I was there. So that was a interesting school. So it’s good to have a contrast. So it’s nice to know that, you spend some time in another school and see some of that on the Teach First program.

Rachel: Yeah. The Teach First program We deliberately place our trainees in, underserved communities, so where there’s the greatest need for the highest quality of teachers, and often in schools that people wouldn’t necessarily choose to teach in, it wouldn’t be their first choice, it might be a more challenging area, for many reasons and we find that our trainees absolutely love the schools that they’re placed in. I did the teacher first program myself when I was training and I trained in an amazing school called Carmanna in Leeds, which is, it’s an excellent school and it’s in an underserved community and that’s why it’s a Teach first school, but the staff and the pupils there were fantastic, but I went to, I won’t name the other school I went to, but it was a leafy Very privileged school and I found it really, I thought I’m going to love this.

It’s going to be really great, but I remember saying to the pupils has anyone got any questions after I just explained something and no one put their hand up and then I was. I was doing questioning with the class and nobody was coming back to me with anything, and I was expecting, I was so used to all these characters and the banter in my classroom, so it was quite a surprise, but I found I got through a lot more content, so I don’t know what that was.


Alan: that’s one thing. Yeah, a colleague said to me on my PGCE who got placed in a high performing school an affluent area, he said, I’m not planning enough stuff for the lessons because they’re just like eating it up like a sponge and I need to put more challenge into all my lessons and it’s breaking me, so he’s basically teaching maybe twice as much content in a lesson, but I know what you mean about not getting that feedback.

I think there can be in a school where the pupils are used to success and getting everything right, and there can be a reluctance to fail, so a reluctance to to try and to answer questions and get it wrong there can be an absence of culture of error in environments like that. Do you find that?

Rachel: Yeah, absolutely, and I think there’s this massive misconception that More affluent areas would be higher performing and that isn’t necessarily the case, especially in computing. I think you can really see that success in any, with any child from any background. And that’s the beauty of computing, isn’t it?

But that absence of wanting to be seen to be failing can really cause problems when you’re teaching programming because if they’re not willing to give it a go, then that fear of failure or fear of, having to debug a piece of code, can really put pupils off, which is a barrier to learning it, in itself.


Different challenges in different places, like just a different type of challenge rather than People say, Oh, that school’s really challenging. And I don’t, I think all schools have their own challenges. It just depends what flavor of challenge you’re best equipped to deal with. 

Alan: Absolutely.

Absolutely. I think, I mentioned culture of error then and the reluctance to try and fail is a real barrier and you see it I ran an escape room. If you go on my blog, the instructions for building it are there. I basically bought a pirate’s chest type thing and one of those lockout hasps which is a a lock with six padlocks on it and each of the padlocks had a different clue and so on and the kids loved it and my brilliant year 10, my brilliant GCSE class they loved it and then I tried it with like year 7 and 8 And they just didn’t want to try hard at solving clues, and they were looking at a clue, and it was, a clue to Ada Lovelace and her birthday, and that was the combination on the padlock, and they were looking at them going, I don’t know what that is and just wanting to either know or not know and not to actually think about it. These were puzzles and they, there was zero resilience and zero willingness to work out a puzzle from these kids. And I found that really strange because I always loved puzzles as a child, but the, I think, What I’m saying is probably the resilience has taken a knock and maybe that’s a COVID thing. Yeah, 

Rachel: I think it’s massively important in a computing classroom that resilience, even more so than other subjects, I think it is often not thought that Resilience and computing go hand in hand, especially by non specialists or people from other subject areas.

And when you’re talking about, building cultural capital or links the real world and that resilience for the workplace and for the future, computing is the perfect place to demonstrate that. But I think, It’s not always obvious to other people, so it’s so important to instill that, and it’s really similar to PE in some ways, you’re learning a skill, you’ve got to keep practicing and practicing, and you’re not going to shoot on target in your first game of football every time, so you know, you’ve got to keep going and keep trying


Alan: yeah, I was talking last week to Harry and Anna Wake of Mission Encodable they were saying about, sometimes learning to program can be dull. And I think I’ve been guilty of teaching programming in a very dull way and just do, you do hello world and then you do what is your name? Hello Bob or whatever I call the program. Hello Bob. And then you might ask a quiz question. What’s the capital of France? I don’t do that anymore. I do turtle graphics and, we do fireworks and stuff like that. And I do text adventure games and things because kids can write a text adventure game in 20 lines of Python. And there’s a world that didn’t exist before with monsters in it, you know, and that’s, 

Rachel: Yeah, 

Alan: so that’s what I do now. I don’t do hello world and hello Bob and what’s the capital of Paris anymore. I do, give your monster a name and give him a, a thing to say. Does he bark or does he grunt and all of that? Oh, they’re making monsters in a text adventure. 

Rachel: It’s so much more inclusive as well to teach like that because, I am a massive Advocate for engaging as many girls and as possible in computing and anyone from any background getting the most diverse cohort that we possibly can.

I think it’s so important and what you’ve just described is making it relevant, isn’t it, to those pupils and adapting that lesson and that learning so they can find a hook that they’re interested in. And that makes such a big difference for all of those groups that, aren’t traditionally choosing to do GCSE computer science, but that’s where I’ve seen the biggest changes in my classroom when I’ve let kids pick what they’re interested in and because computing is so great if you can, it could be.

It could be anything from a text adventure game about robots or pirates or princesses or whatever anyone’s interested in, all the way through to, we used to do a chat for Ordering a pair of jeans on ASOS because loads of the kids were online shopping and that’s what they were interested in.

And that kind of call and response from an online shopping website, they were interested in how that works. So just following the pupils interest really helps with that. 

Alan: definitely. So that’s how we teach. Programming, so coming back to teacher training then, so what makes a good trainee?

Rachel: Oh, anyone who is interested in learning, like I, when I first started in my role at Teach First um, three and a half years ago now I was talking to recruitment about What I wanted my trainees to be and what qualifications they needed to have and, the recruitment process for joining the training program.

And anyone that’s listening to this that works at a university will have had similar conversations like designing the interview questions for people training to teach. It’s a really interesting process. And they said to me, do you want them to have an undergraduate degree in computing? And I said, no, and recruitment said.

What? And I said they can do, that would be lovely if they did have a degree in computing and I’m absolutely here for that. However, it depends when they did their degree, because if we’re talking about career changes who are a bit older and did their degree a few years ago, it wouldn’t have been called computing then, it might have been called IT.


You can call a computing degree so many different things, and actually there’s such limited links to the GCSE curriculum to a computing degree. I didn’t feel like it was a necessity for them to have it. I felt much more passionate that they were interested in programming and interest in teaching the breadth of the computing curriculum, which is often not talked about because we focus so much on programming and so many schools do Python, so Python programming, but there’s a whole other area of the curriculum out there.

It’s not just about that. So what makes a good trainee? What was I looking for? Someone who is Resilient, willing to give it a go, willing to learn and anyone that was willing to do a subject knowledge enhancement course to get their subject knowledge up to date, in terms of what is taught on the GCSE and A level specs was my main concern, rather than them having a specific degree, because it’s too difficult to map them all to the curriculum.

Alan: Yeah, no I tend to agree, and I speak as a holder of a computer science degree from 1989, nowadays there’s information systems and software engineering and games design degrees and all of these and they go way off piste compared to what’s on the GCSE.

So you’re probably right. I also said in my podcast episode with Andy Colley, he said he suggested computer science graduates are not always the best teachers. They are a certain type of people. And I knew what he was hinting at. And I said, yeah, I, to be fair, I didn’t hang around with computer science undergraduates. When I was at university, I hung around with archaeologists and English students and more interesting people than the geeks who spent all that. No, it’s true. There were lots of geeks on my course who were not particularly fun to hang around with. So yeah, I totally, yeah, I always say, if someone’s keen and that’s half the battle, isn’t it? If they have an interest in the subject, that’s really what you want. And having a different degree and, but also having some computing aptitude, could be a nice combination. 

Rachel: Yeah don’t get me wrong, subject knowledge is important. You’ve got to have a strong subject knowledge to be able to teach our subjects and I’m not devaluing any training route in terms of, you don’t need to have a degree to do it.

It’s definitely a nice to have, but I do think so many people are self taught in programming and all areas of computer science. Now, lots of people that have done our course this year have taught themselves to program during lockdown. And it was something that they picked up and started to do then. 

Yeah, but that all, so we’ve got someone who used to be an artist and has moved. to becoming a computing teacher, all the way through to people with really specific, really technical degrees in robotics or, networks. So there’s a whole array of people, and that makes it fun to design a course to meet everyone’s needs, but, we’re good at differentiating.

Alan: Talking of which, so breaking news, I haven’t told anybody this but, I am going to be delivering the SKE, the subject knowledge enhancement for Edge Hill after Easter, so that’ll be fun. So if trainees don’t have a computing degree then do you run a subject knowledge enhancement for them?

Rachel: Yeah, we actually wrote our own. So that was a really exciting project to take on a couple of years ago. So Daljit and Johnny and my team and myself wrote it together. So it meant that we could adapt it to make sure that it covered the breadth of the subject knowledge content that we wanted. But obviously. Trainees can do any Subject Knowledge Enhancement course. You can’t say that they’ve got to do yours, you just say that you’re doing a Subject Knowledge Enhancement course. So we get trainees from other universities coming to do ours and then you get, one of our trainees might work with you, Alan, and do yours and come to us after it and that’s absolutely fine.

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It means that non specialists or people who haven’t done a degree that’s where we say yes you need to do a subject knowledge enhancement course or you don’t and often we find those with a computing degree still need to do the subject knowledge enhancement course because of the lack of relevance to the computing curriculum. It’s really good to have people like you delivering them because it’s great to have some good subject knowledge experts delivering those courses because they’re long and there’s a lot of content to cover.

So yeah, 

Alan: there is a lot. Yeah. No I’m looking forward to it because one of the things I really enjoyed when I was head of department was the mentoring of computing trainees. And that’s one of the reasons why, I wanted to get involved in the teacher training. So the mentoring. I had some brilliant, trainees that, they were all brilliant in their own way, but some of them needed a lot more support than others. Um, It’s it was one of the most rewarding things to see a teacher develop. And then fly solo and. Yeah, it was great fun. It must be rewarding to be in that business all the time? 

Rachel: Yeah It’s a delight to watch someone go from the nerves of teaching their first ever lesson that they do in the summer with us all the way through to, loads of our trainees after their first year go on to become heads of department or go into leadership.

So to see them all flourishing and flying It’s lovely, but also to see their confidence grow just in terms of trainees that had never used Python before going to fully teach a GCSE class and seeing the success that their pupils then have because of having that teacher is brilliant. 

Alan: Yeah, that’s the thing.

Yeah, I feel it’s weird. I feel kind of responsible for the mess that the world is in because of technology, because I was obviously a computer scientist. No, partly responsible. I mean, It’s not all my fault, not all of it. 

Rachel: Alan, that’s a lot to take on your shoulders. Yeah. 

Alan: Yeah, it’s my fault guys. It’s my generation of computer scientists and who created, all the problems. So I feel like it’s partly my responsibility To nurture the next generation to solve all of the world’s problems that have been caused by technology. So I used to go into, I would go around and sell the subject and I would beg the head of maths to let me go into maths lessons and science lessons to, Before options evening to sell the subject and I would do a 10 minute, I would do a 10 minute speech and I would finish, thank you for coming to my TED talk, I would do like a 10 minute TED talk on what computing was and I would say, I would literally say to them, you need to solve all the problems that my generation have caused with technology, it’s on you, no pressure. 

Rachel: That’s the joy of the subjects, isn’t it? That they do have those opportunities to go. Yeah. Problem solving, and I think the impact that having a trainee in school, schools often worry and say, oh, we shouldn’t, should we take on a trainee teacher? It’s a lot of responsibility, but the results that those trainees get and the enthusiasm and time and effort and energy that they put into their classes, honestly, every single trainee I’ve worked with, I’ve never, I’ve never seen.

It, It might not always be perfect, but they do, I’ve never seen anyone work as hard. So it was, no, 

Alan: I can say this now with absolute certainty, it was always a net benefit to my department having a trainee or two, which we had once we had two at the same time. Honestly the value they bring is far greater than the cost to me as a mentor or a head of department.

And I would sit at the back of the class and I would make notes and observe, but I’d also be getting on with other stuff like I might probably not marking because that would need more brain power. But I never marked anything anyway. You’ll have heard me talking to Andy Colley a couple of weeks ago where, I just did multiple choice quizzes all the time.

And hey, I got away with it. But, I’d be sat at the back of the class observing my trainee while getting on with other stuff. And And they would help in every way they could. They ran after school clubs for me and all sorts and they loved doing it. So yeah, some of them have been a challenge, but it was a challenge that I always enjoyed.

Rachel: Yeah, and I think there’s a big shout out to all the in school mentors because they are the ones that spend every day with our trainees, with all trainees in school, and they have the biggest impact, like my mentor Sayeed. If he listens to this, that would be amazing, but he completely made my training year.

I don’t know what I would have done without him. He was, he’s an incredible computer science teacher and he held my hand, he wiped my tears, he made me more cups of tea than you can imagine, but he was a fantastic mentor. And I wouldn’t be the teacher I am today. I still think of things that he taught me and things that he said and displays that I never had as good displays as I did when I was a trainee.

Alan: Well, that’s, That’s true. Yeah, you could get them to do that stuff. I know. Yeah, it was always very planning lessons as well and creating resources and creating quizzes. So like I say, I relied heavily on multiple choice quizzes, but I think they’re incredibly valuable if you do a decent multiple choice quiz.

And so I, my trainees would love making, quiz questions and past paper type questions and stuff all the time. So that was great. Yeah no, it was Really good, a lot of my trainees have gone on to get jobs as computing teachers, which is great because there’s hardly any of us!

Rachel: When I’ve the mentor trainees in school as well. I’ve definitely seen that. They, sometimes I’ll go and watch them teach one of my lessons, like you’re saying, sat in the back of the class, and I’ve thought they’ve explained that so much better than I ever would have, and then I find myself stealing their resources or their ideas. It’s definitely made me step up as a teacher. 

Alan: The other thing is, because like I say to the kids, I’m 103, and, I do, actually that’s no word of a lie and I really should stop doing that, but I used to say that a lot and the kids in year seven would go, really? They’re all whispering to each other, he’s 103, and I shouldn’t really tease 11 year olds like that, but I did used to say that, you know me, I’m 103, My point being I’m 50 something and, I’m trying to be down with the kids, but I’m never going to really be, I’m not going to be legit like some of the younger trainees are, you know, my lessons are never going to be described as sick, no matter how hard I try.

Rachel: Those multiple choice quizzes sound excellent, I’m sure. 

Alan: I’m sure they they did enjoy. I discussed this actually on an earlier podcast about going off at a tangent and just going off on stories, which kind of became the theme of the podcast anyway. But, and so they knew how to get me off on a tangent all the time.

And they’d say, tell us more about the robot apocalypse, which was of course my favorite subject. So I used to, I used to say to kids when I was doing my options evening speech, I would say, you, you need to, Take computer science because we need more humans on the side of of humanity in the robot apocalypse and all of that. So, And so they would say, you know, tell me about the laws of robotics, sorry, 

Rachel: with AI, it feels like we’re getting closer to this robot apocalypse than ever before. 

Alan: What was I saying? So I was down at the Oxford Leadership Conference. And I was at dinner the night before with, Jane Waite and others. I’m dropping names now. And we were talking about AI and whether AI will become sentient and, and whether AIs will need rights and will need to consider the rights of robots, basically. And Jane was incredibly skeptical and I still stand by it. I think we’re going to have to, I don’t think there’s anything unique about humans that can’t be replicated in machines, but maybe that’s the computer scientists in me.

So at some point we’ll have to grapple with the rights of robots and stuff like Isaac Asimov predicted. Do you think? 

Rachel: This is a big, it’s a big question. I think Jane Have I got you off 

Alan: your favourite topic? Have I thrown a curveball at you, Rachel? 

Rachel: No, I’m here for it. Jane is the, an expert in the research on it, so I would never go against anything. Jane’s literature review, if you look, if you’re looking at AI computing, the literature review that she has done, and the work that Ben’s done at Raspberry Pi on AI is excellent, so they would be my go tos on that. But I think, will we ever have to have rights for robots? I don’t know, because I think everything is, anything that you program is, Like a version of reality rather than someone actually having thoughts, feelings and experiences themselves. So would a robot ever have feelings? Probably not. And emotions, but can it replicate them really well? Yes. Yeah. I don’t know, but it’s becoming very iRobot, isn’t it? And I’ve seen how those films end. And I 

Alan: love this. I don’t think there’s any right answer. And yes, I totally agree. Jane Waits done some fantastic research and, and is very knowledgeable about this subject. But I think the topic of robot rights is more philosophy than computer science. 

Rachel: Yeah, 

Alan: I speak as someone who read a load of sci fi as a kid. So I’m come from Isaac Asimov’s three laws of robotics and stuff like that. But I have to say your response there, Rachel, was. Absolutely what a deepfake would say, so you know.

Rachel: Well, So 

Alan: I don’t think you’re, I don’t think you’re real at all. 

Rachel: I always say please and thank you to Siri just in case because I am scared about what might happen in the future and at least if I’m polite to the robots in my life. Then I might have some favour in the future. So 

Alan: that’s my friend of mine said uh, uh, my friend of mine who said, I’ll have to go around and help me mum with Alexa the other day because she couldn’t get it to do anything.

And she said mom, just say what you said to Alexa and I’ll work out what’s going wrong. And she said, All I said was, Hey Alexa, can you put radio two on? There’s a love, you know, and she didn’t like mum. You just have to just say fewer words, you know? yeah. They’re not quite, not quite human yet. No. 

Rachel: Well, Maybe, you know, we’re definitely going that way, and I know with regional accents, Alexa really struggled with regional accents to start with, but it is got a lot better, so we’ll see.

Yeah. As 

Alan: you’ve probably heard, I’ve had um, Snoop Dogg, Mr. Beast and Joe Biden on my podcast so far. . 

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Rachel: Yeah. 


Alan: um, I mean, It’s amazing how many celebrities wanna be on this podcast. I’ll probably get Taylor Swift on next week. 

Rachel: I feel honored. I feel honored to be here. 

Alan: Deepfake rachel Arthur on my on my podcast.

Um, Yeah. Um. Right, I know, yeah, this week’s gone a bit surreal. Um, yeah, we did. Why teach computing? Oh, we didn’t really. One of the things I’ll splice this bit in to the earlier conversation, if it makes more sense there, because I can do that with Descript, only 24 a month. I was on, actually, this afternoon, Rachel, the CAS Innovation Panel.

Rachel: Yes! 

Alan: And I know that you were obviously parenting at that time. 

Rachel: Yes, I was trying to attend but my very small baby had other ideas. 

Alan: So talking of dropping names, I was hobnobbing with Paul Curzon and Miles Berry and Simon Humphreys and Catherine Elliott and Sue Sentance and Carrie Anne. And um, oh it was lovely. And we were talking about, Why teach computing, and first thing I said was equity, because that’s me, and I said that it was the digital haves and have nots are actually becoming the can’s and can nots. People who know how to use technology and those that don’t, and that’s becoming a big problem, don’t you think?

Rachel: Yeah, and I think the digital divide is only getting worse, especially with AI that we’ve already talked about, but if we don’t have great teachers teaching computing, there is not access to computing in that school. That means that the pupils in that area can’t do GCSE computer science and what we’re seeing when I’ve been doing some research into why girls choose computer science or why they don’t and often it’s not offered is the first barrier.

So if it’s not offered in school, then it’s not an option for them, male or female. So that’s why it’s so important to teach it. 

Alan: And then those that offer it, gatekeep it 

Rachel: from 

Alan: the low prior attaining students, for example, or they gatekeep it from SEND students, which, My experience shows that, there’s no reason why anybody can’t do computer science .

Rachel: it’s an absolute frustration of mine when someone says, only pupils who’ve got this grade in maths or only high prior attaining students can do computer science, there’s a reason that there’s grades one to nine because any of those grades is an achievement in that subject.

It really, really, really is about access to a subject to inspire the next generation to go on to want to study it further. I’m really frustrated when I see schools putting barriers in place as to which pupils can choose it. I’d love to see more schools offering it and then no barriers in terms of who can take it and really considering where it’s been put in the option blocks as well, because it is an EBacc subject, when it’s being put against, the other bucket, then pupils are less likely to choose it and teachers discourage them from choosing it because it’s an EBacc subject.

So it doesn’t fill those buckets for Progress 8. Yeah, and they say 

Alan: things like, oh, you should be doing triple science, never mind computing. And, yeah, no, it is a tricky one. I think we’re on the same page on that and we want as many young people as possible, preferably all of them, to do some kind of computing qualification, computer science preferably, but we were talking this afternoon about whether the new government will have a look at this and whether we’ll end up with a computing or applied computing GCSE again.

Do you think that’s a good idea? 

Rachel: I think. It is an excellent idea because we need to have a balance computer science as a GCSE is trying to cover so much content within it. We know all the computer science teachers listen to this. It’s trying to be all things to all people and actually having, a computer science like technical GCSE, and then a more applied digital skills for people that are going to be using technology in their everyday lives, which we all are going to be in our jobs of the future, is really exciting.

Almost like a basic right that every people should be leaving school with. It should be alongside literacy, numeracy, and digital skills. So whether or not it needs to be GCSE, I don’t know. We can, there’s lots of different ways that you can do it, but it needs to be taught. as a right to our pupils to be able to use a computer properly.

Alan: I think it’s really important and one of the things that struck me when I was talking this afternoon was about, digital citizenship as a bare minimum needs to be taught and that’s, being able to participate in society as it becomes increasingly computerized and advocating for yourself in a computerized world from a place of knowledge and what immediately sprung to mind was the post office horizon scandal and all those victims of miscarriage of justice who had no means of defending themselves against evidence that They had defrauded, the post office because they and their lawyers didn’t have enough digital literacy to challenge the charges.

Rachel: It’s even, just the basics. Online banking, paying your bills, so the basics that people do on a day to day basis. Fake news, it’s not just a case of educating people about, you say digital skills and it, and people’s mind goes to, oh, we’ll do a touch typing course. That’s not what I mean, that it’s about, it’s almost something that falls between English and media and Religious studies even, it’s a worldwide awareness of all the challenges that are brought to us by social media and by having access to the internet in our pockets all the time. And all the fake news that is out there, and how to, you can’t move for being on Twitter or X and seeing fake stories about Kate Middleton at the moment, and I feel like 

Alan: there’s a 

Rachel: lot of false things 

Alan: going on. Yeah, 

Rachel: no it is. Our kids have been exposed to all of this all of the time, how do we protect them and look after them?

And, there’s the whole education for a connected world framework, but how well is that taught across schools and where do people fit in the curriculum? Yeah, 

Alan: it’s a great framework, but again, the education for a connected world is brilliant, but it’s massive. Yeah, huge. It’s huge, and in case listeners don’t know, Project Evolve is there from Southwest Grid for Learning to cover the whole of the education for a connected world framework.

It’s all there if you want to teach online safety very well in your school, but no school has the time for all of that, so. but we need to make the time somehow, but that’s, government and DfE need to do something about that. And I think we do need a refresh of the national curriculum and foreground some more digital literacy skills.

Rachel: If you want it to be taught, if you want anything to be taught in a school, you’ve got to make it someone’s responsibility, and there’s got to be. Points awarded, or achievement awarded, or something awarded for a school to take that seriously. Results, unfortunately, are the money that we work in as schools. It’s not on the curriculum, if it’s not on an exam board spec, then it’s not gonna be. 

Alan: Yeah, 

Rachel: In a curriculum, sadly 

Alan: true. That’s the way it is at the moment. So hopefully we will get an applied computing type qualification. I did hear what you said there about, it’s not touch typing.

I think a lot of schools try to put pupils on a vocational IT alternative because it’s easier. And I’ve taught CIDA, I’ve taught. Cambridge Nationals IT. I’ve taught creative iMedia and they’re all very hard and full of writing, which means they’re not actually particularly suitable for pupils that we believe are going to struggle with computer science.

There’s no easier. There’s quite a lot of literacy involved for a start, so it does annoy me that it. ICT or even computing is still seen as ICT and is still seen as some kind of vocational, 

Rachel: and the screenshot qualifications, as I call them, where you end up with reams and for those that haven’t taught them, you end up with reams and reams of screenshots of evidence from pupils.

Yeah. They’re not actually. Oh, I’ve done 

Alan: some research on software. No, you’ve just googled stuff and screenshotted it and written it as if it’s your own. Yeah. Oh, I found some soft. No, you didn’t. I said I was, this is the software I gave you to use for this product. And you just went and pretended to do some research.

Yeah. Mad qualifications. They were. And 


Rachel: ECDL or don’t even go there. 

Alan: We have rambled. Well, I say we, Rachel and I spoke for 10 minutes and then I’ve been talking to deepfake Rachel for 50. Um, So that’s been brilliant. What does the future hold for? Teacher training. Is there some changes coming?

Are they rationalizing ITT and ECF or something? Did I read? 

Rachel: Yeah, there’s loads of changes coming. There’s a whole, there’s always change. When isn’t there change, Alan? It’s just the world that we live in. There’s something called the ITAP, which is coming into place. And we’re all preparing for that, which is about really high quality.

The initial stage of teacher training, so for us it’s our institute so how we can make sure that’s as robust in terms of pedagogy and classroom interactions as possible. But I’m really excited about what technology can bring to initial teacher training and, been doing some research and speaking to lots of different people about how we can use AI for initial teacher training.

And I’m a big fan of deliberate practice and, giving trainees as many opportunities as possible to practice their skills. Cause I think that’s the only real way to become an excellent teacher, but often for our trainees because they’re teaching in the school. That they’re employed at and they’re there permanently.

If you make a mistake with the class, as we all know, there’s not much going back. You can’t zap their memories and pretend that didn’t happen, or pause and say, can we go again? So I’d be really interested in simulated learning environments and how AI could behave like a classroom that I don’t know, I’m imagining kind of VR headsets and a simulated classroom environment so trainees can practice different scenarios before going into the real real world.

Real classroom setting because it shouldn’t be a practice run because it’s those kids education, so we need to make sure that it’s they’re in the best place possible to do that. I think there’s some exciting changes coming. And in terms of computing teacher training, like we’ve just been talking about, the digital qualifications, how we’d have to adapt subject knowledge and the subject knowledge parts of our program to be able to teach a different suite of qualifications if we’re There’s reform to the computing, GCSE.

So that will be, really fun when I’ve just finished writing my curriculum. 

Alan: Good. 


Rachel: yeah,

Alan: Yeah, so all you need to do is do what you did last time and just get ChatGPT to write your curriculum again, Rachel, you know. if I, 

Rachel: if ChatGPT could do, So if you could do that for me and that would be brilliant, but unfortunately, I think we’re a while off it being able to personalize it in the way that we want it to and it being reliable enough, but I don’t think we’re that far off it.

Alan: Now, um, just for the listeners benefit. Don’t actually believe that Rachel used AI to write the teach first curriculum, but just in case the lawyers are listening, the number of spelling 

Rachel: mistakes in my curriculum would say that I definitely wrote it. 

Alan: Oh no, you can say, ChatGPT, please write like a bad speller an initial teacher training computing curriculum.

You could say that and get lots of spelling mistakes in it and make, make it look like a human wrote it. 

Rachel: I am deepfake Rachel, so I wouldn’t want to Well, yeah, 

Alan: that’s right, yeah. Good, brilliant. I think I’m looking off to the side here because I’ve got loads of notes, like I plan these things are scripted, yes, Alan, they are scripted. Yeah, Yeah, 

Rachel: it’s scripted. The robot has completed her script for the day. 

Alan: Thank you. Right, um, that was brilliant. I have no idea how I’m going to edit that down to a reasonable length. 

Rachel: Good luck! But 

Alan: this is, This is what I do. I just get, Because I have such great guests on and we end up talking forever, we end up talking for over an hour and then I don’t know what to do and I end up leaving most of it in.

Rachel: It’s hard isn’t it, but you’ve got your great software so hopefully that will help. 

Alan: My great software, Descript, only 24 a month for the pro version and I just press a button and it gets rid of all the ums and ahs and stuff, although it’s, you’ve got to be careful because. When I interviewed Andy Colley, he has a phrase which is, you got to keep the main thing, the main thing, which is great, but it cuts out repetition of the main thing.

I spotted it before the podcast went out, so I was all right, but yeah. The AI looks for repeated phrases. And the AI looks for repeated phrases and takes them out. Will it take out 

Rachel: that repetition? We’ll see. 

Alan: It might do, and then this will make no sense to the listeners, this bit that we’re talking about afterwards.

It’s really, it’s a bit like Inception, this. None of it’s making sense. 

Rachel: Nothing’s real. What is real anymore? No. We’re all in the 

Alan: matrix, and maybe I’m a deepfake. Oh, well that would just be the 

Rachel: twist, wouldn’t it? To finish this episode. 

Alan: It’s just really happening. What’s this ready for? Right, um, On that note.

I think I’d probably better, what shall I say, terminate the program. This is where you go, no, I’ve got rights. 

Rachel: Yeah. Do I get shut down now? Is that what happens? 

Alan: Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Cause you’re not real and you don’t have any rights. 

Rachel: Send me for some updates. Yeah. And 

Alan: when you’ve been glitching, you’ve been glitching a bit.

Rachel: After my maternity leave, I can return with a, you know, new, restored version. 

Alan: Yeah. Right on that note. I think it’s been brilliant. I hope that we met the brief, which I think was, how do I train to teach computing? Something like that. 

Rachel: Pick one of the training programs. But the main message is just do it please just train to become a 

Alan: computer student.

How hard can it be? 

Rachel: We can do it. 

Alan: We can do it and we’re not even real. So how hard can it be if you’re an actual human? No, it’s a 

Rachel: brilliant, joyful career and there’s lots of Lots and lots of opportunities that come from it, so would thoroughly recommend. So yeah, thanks for having me. It’s been a joy.

Alan: Yeah, no, it’s been great to talk to you and thanks for coming on. I will I haven’t heard anything, so I guess in the background. 

Rachel: Yeah, your little 

Alan: ones are still asleep. 

Rachel: Yeah, two out of two. 

Alan: Good, so you might even get an hour of telly. 

Rachel: Treat myself, there’s a, I’ve gone back to watching Grey’s Anatomy from the start, so 

Alan: that’s why.

From the start? 

Rachel: Yeah. 

Alan: Oh, good. Not actually done that one, but my wife’s, what’s, where is it that she’s watched, Friends about ten times, but have you seen that new girl with, Zoe Deschanel or something. Yeah, she’s watched that about three times. 

Rachel: Yeah, 

Alan: I don’t mind. That’s quite funny. 

Rachel: Yeah, so light hearted 

Alan: good so I will let you go and have some precious quiet time.

Rachel: Thank you, I don’t know the 

Alan: robots need quiet time. 

Rachel: We need to, refresh overnight and install updates and reboot and restart. 

Alan: All right, okay, lovely to talk to you, Rachel. 

Rachel: Thank you, thanks for having me. Take care, bye.

Alan: So that was a fun episode to make hope you enjoyed it. Let’s revisit our fertile question. How hard can it be? Have we answered it. Let me know in the comments or on the socials, this has been how to teach computer science, the podcast. I’m Alan Harrison, please do visit my website. I’m not being paid for this. 

So buy my books or buy me a coffee, please details at HTTCS.ONLINE. And subscribe now. So you don’t miss a thing. Have a great weekend and I’ll catch you next week.

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Podcast Episode 6: How do we prepare for Exams?

Another episode of my podcast is live, listen here: Episode 6. – Scroll down for the transcript.


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Alan: Hello and welcome to How to teach computer science, the podcast. This is episode six. How do we prepare for exams? I’ll be answering that question and many more with the help of today’s special guest. 

Adrienne: We used to have a slide in one of my lessons of literally computer science jokes and then the kids had to guess the punchline and then when they knew the punchline, they had to then explain why.So yeah, I very much, I’m on board with your sense of humor. 

Alan: And more on that in a moment. My name’s Alan Harrison. And I wrote the books, how to teach computer science and how to learn computer science. Available in online bookstores, more details at the companion website. HTTC That’s the initials of how to teach computer science, HTTCS. Dot online. We’re talking about revision today. I remember my computer studies O-level course, I got an A back when there was no A*. So that was the equivalent of a nine. But with inflation being what it’s been since then, it would be an 18 today. 

You might remember last week I revealed the first program I wrote on a BBC micro went something like 10 PRINT “Mr. Charnley is an idiot” 20, GOTO 10. That probably explains why Mr Charnley didn’t like me. In fact, he told me I’d never amount to anything, but since then I’ve built an app that makes you invisible. If only he could see me now. 

Sorry, this episode is late. My Google account got hacked again so I had to give the dog another new name. 

 How’d you make a motherboard. In my case, I tell her what I do for a living.

Mam: What’s a plodcast anyway? 

Alan: Not now Mam. 

Mam: Will you be on Radio 4? 

Alan: Not now Mam. I’m recording.

Mam: Suit yourself. Tea will be on the table at 5 and in the dog at 5. 30 

Alan: so let’s get on with the plodcast. Podcast.

 Let’s revisit our fertile question. How do we prepare for exams? I’ve got an excellent guest this week, always amazingly creative. She’s produced a lot of resources she shared free online and is always a big contributor to the Tuesday night Twitter chat, #CASCHAT. Let’s hear what happened when I met @tough_miss AKA Adrienne Tough.

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

 so today on the podcast, I’ve got someone I met on Twitter originally, I think, as Miss Tough. It is Adrienne Tough. How are you this evening, Adrienne? 

Adrienne: I’m good, thank you. How are you? 

Alan: Good, thanks. So just tell us a little bit about your career you’ve had a colourful year or so, haven’t you? 

Adrienne: Yeah, I feel like my whole teaching career has been a bit colourful. I did the Teach First programme to train as a computing teacher, but I am a philosophy graduate, so whether or not I’m classed as a computing specialist, I don’t know, it causes debate. And I have been a Head of Computing for a few years now, and I’m currently working at a school in Kent as their Head of Computing.

Alan: Brilliant, brilliant. Oh, don’t worry, philosophy and computer science are more closely linked than you probably think is something I should get into in a future podcast, I think.

so you’ve got a slide of jokes that you put up in the classroom. Do you remember any now? 

Adrienne: Every now and again, yeah, so one of them that the kids always were like roll their eyes at, but it led to a good conversation, was why was, the computer late to work?

Go on, 

Alan: why was the, oh sorry, have I got to, have I got to guess the punchline? Go on, 

Adrienne: guess it. 

Alan: Why was the computer late to work? Ah, something about buses? 

Adrienne: Nope. Nothing about buses? This is what we do with the students. Oh no! They so did to get their answers out. And it’s because it has a, because it had a hard drive.

Alan: It had a hard drive. 

Adrienne: So then we then go into, oh, I’m proper nerdy in the classroom, right? Okay, so what would make this better? And then you draw out, like, how to solid state drive, and then the kids would then go into the factors of CPU and, Whatever kind of links we can make, but we actually really got into it and then some students would come in the next week and they’d say, can I do the joke today?

And I was like, I made up a joke and they never went as well, but it was nice. It was nice to get them all interested. 

Alan: Students making up jokes. That’s what we need. Yeah, I am going to try and get more of those jokes out of you before the recording is out,

so we were talking earlier about, oh, you said you listened to all my podcasts. Thank you for your support. You’re my, one of my 500 or so listeners. That’s great 

so the reason I’ve got you on is because I know that you have in the past published a load of resources and stuff to do with revision and you’ve always had some brilliant ideas on CAS Chat on Twitter every week when we’re talking about revision and preparing for exams.

What do you think? 

Adrienne: Okay, I have got a few, I don’t think these are going to be very original, but so one of my favourites when we have finished the exam content is looking through past papers. And sometimes I’ll let them use their revision notes. Sometimes we’ll do it blind. I normally set them as homework for a full paper, but in class. It’s more guided, I think some of the exam boards, are very pedantic with their expectations. And I think the more students look at past exam papers, they end up feeling more confident because they can almost start predicting trends.

They’d have a question on secondary storage one year related to a digital camera. And then the following year, it would be on like a smart TV or whatever the scenarios were. But because they’d done it a couple of times and they then saw secondary storage, they knew that keyword was non volatile. They knew they had to relate it to the context. 

Alan: Definitely. The first thing to note there is, reading over your notes is all the evidence shows, if you read the stuff from the EEF, that’s the Education Endowment Foundation, for example, it will say active activities are better than passive if you’re revising, as in things that make you think harder, so reading is not great, but you Answering past paper questions is good just doing multiple choice quizzes or anything that makes you think.

But the other things like transforming information from one form to another which could be mind mapping a subject or sketchnoting. I like to do those things. Do you get them to do mind maps, pictures, that type of thing? 

Adrienne: No not mind maps and that’s more because of me as a student. I would always get told at school to use my maps, but the way my brain works is as soon as it starts looking messy, I wanna restart and I’d start to do like a color kind of pattern, and then I’d realize that something that I didn’t fit didn’t quite fit into my pattern or my color scheme, and then I became too focused on the wrong kind of things I should be focusing on. And I can see some of my students with all their highlights and gel pens and everything, that’s what they start.

 I do try to be creative with Kind of the atmosphere and the resources we have. So one of the ones before, which has been quite successful is something which I called comp emoji. So what I did was I use like emojis on the phone and put them on a PowerPoint slide and they have to guess what the emoji, link to and they really got into that. And then once they could guess it, they then had to define it. Because especially for the I lower attaining students, like who are able to do the threes or fours. The best thing for them, in my opinion, is just getting their definitions as accurate as they can. And these activities they really engaged in. They didn’t really feel like they were revising because they found it quite fun trying to, 

Alan: No, I’ll tell you, the emoji thing sounds great I didn’t do emojis, but I did something similar, like defining words to the class I think it was a kind of a daytime gameshow that Richard and Judy did called You Say We Pay where basically it’s like taboo you’ve got to define the word.


Adrienne: Yeah, I think I actually uploaded it to CAS a couple of years ago. Very similar. I think I called it, don’t say it, which was basically a play on like the taboo cards, and they’d have that word at the top, but they would also, for extra challenge, they would have words which they weren’t allowed to say to describe it.

The students found it quite fun and actually what’s very useful in these kind of situations is for me to then listen to the misconceptions, and then that will always feed into the following lesson, their starter, five questions. That is some form of retrieval, so it’s using these revision activities, whatever they are, finding the misconceptions, and then that feeds in to the next lesson starter activity. 

Alan: Definitely, and I always use a starter activity, like you say, five questions or Some kind of retrieval practice quiz and I might choose that. I also use a bit of a plug this for Craig and Dave’s smart revise, but it is brilliant and they do that on the computer as soon as they come in. And it self marks if you’ve done the multiple choice questions and then you just sort by least understood so you can sort it. by the ones they got wrong most, and then right there and then I will talk about them and discuss what the right answer was and why, and get some ideas of why that’s the right answer from the class. And so I basically re taught those two or three questions, topics, if you like and I did that at the start of lesson Every lesson really with exam classes and I think that really helped. 

Adrienne: Yeah, I think I, I’m sure it’s not unique to the students that I teach, but I had this pattern where if I try to give general feedback, the students won’t think it applies to them. Even though they would have made the exact same mistake of what I’m talking through, they just, for whatever reason, you literally see some students saying, it wasn’t me. And I’m thinking, no, this definitely was you.

But what actually I’ve found has been really good is when you mark work or when you hear those misconceptions, I have put them and I’ve phrased them as Bertie Bots. I don’t know why, but basically I have Bertie Bots and they’re like three little robots and they will say the misconceptions that I’ve heard in a classroom or sometimes it will be like a direct quote from a student’s paper and the students almost like then take pride I said that, that was what I said.

And then they have to read the whatever Bertie Bott says. And sometimes I pretend it’s come from the classroom, but it hasn’t. It’s just come from my own head. They read it and then they have to then explain to the person next to them why it’s a misconception. But because they think it’s actually coming from them, it’s that all of a sudden they want to, Pay a bit more attention to it and I like a good one for us.

Alan: Yeah, I like the idea that they’re proud that their mistake is on the board. That’s lovely that, but you must have a culture of error in the classroom where they’re not frightened of saying, oh, that was a mistake that I made, and I think that’s important, particularly in computer science. ’cause programming is all about making mistakes and fixing bugs, isn’t it? 

Adrienne: Yeah, exactly. And I’m quite honest. With the students when I make mistakes. I do the whole like typical, oh yeah, that was intentional. I wanted to make sure you were paying attention. But, it was very obvious that typo was just because I didn’t really read my slide properly. And I think if we’re honest about the mistakes that we make. They’re not going to ever help you students help me. 


Alan: That was a deliberate mistake. Do you ever catch yourself saying stuff like that?

That you heard your teachers say when you were at school and go and you think, Oh my God, why am I saying that? That’s just a teacher cliche. Why am I saying it? It’s your own time you’re wasting. 

Adrienne: No, I do have that. I had that today when a student said to me, miss, are we doing something fun last lesson? And I said, what do you mean all my lessons are fun?

And I thought, all 

Alan: my lessons are fun! That’s my IT teacher, that 

Adrienne: is what he said to us. And I thought, I’ve become him now. 

Alan: Yeah, I say that one. Yeah. Are we having a fun lesson? What? Don’t we always? Yeah, every lesson’s fun. Oh, there’s a great, there’s a great. 

Adrienne: You do become them, like I had a student today in my IT lesson swing on their chair, and I said, don’t swing on that chair, and she said, let me guess, you’ve had a student that’s fallen and hit their head, and there was blood everywhere and you had to call an ambulance. She said, why did every, why does every teacher have the same story? And so I’m going to be honest with you all. When we’re teacher training, we’re told that we have to tell this story to you all. And they were all like, we knew it. And I was like, I’m lying, but I don’t know what I will say to you.

Alan: You can’t give away all our secrets these are, the teacher’s union secrets. You can’t give them away to the students. They might listen to this podcast and now they’ll all know. Oh, 

Adrienne: they know. They know that we’re making this stuff up. And I’ve never had a student fall and hit their head and have to call the ambulance, but I’ve told them about that. And I don’t know why. And I think why am I buying into this story? 

Alan: So I went to school in the 80s the 1880s, I think. No, I went to school so long ago that they wouldn’t be allowed to do this stuff now, but if I swung on my chair, the teacher would say, in a very convoluted way, he’d say, that chair doesn’t like to be on half its legs. Would you like to be on half your legs? And he’d make you stand on one leg at the front of the classroom for quite a while. Yeah. Teachers, when I was a kid, that they could get away with anything, really but yeah I find myself saying things like it’s your own time you’re wasting and I can stay here all day yeah 

Adrienne: another one that everyone seems to be saying at the moment is it’s not my grades, it’s your grades. It’s not my qualification, it’s yours and you hear it and you see the reaction and you think, oh, I’ve definitely said that before. Yeah, I don’t 

Alan: care if you fail, why would I care? 

Adrienne: Yeah, but secretly we’re all at home working with it because ours we really do care.

Alan: Yeah, we do, yeah. Yeah.. I wrote a couple of books and in how to learn computer science, I put some revision tips. Let’s see if I can remember what I wrote. Avoid procrastination. And one thing I’ve said there is put your phone away when you’re revising because studies have shown that just having it near you causes part of your brain to think about your phone and you can’t concentrate. Do you give them advice on how to revise? Does that sound reasonable? 

Adrienne: Yes. So I used to really enjoy psychology and I read somewhere once that for revision, it should be as similar to the setting as what you’re sitting, So I say that to the students don’t sit in your room where you’ve got all the distractions and maybe posters and everything around you. Try to take yourself somewhere where you’re actually going to be sitting at a desk or at a table. It’s going to be quite quiet and then focus. And. The same with chunks, do 20 minutes, give yourself a break, give yourself a reward, like anything to motivate you. But I do give probably the usual spiel, which I’m sure everybody does, about avoiding cramming and making sure we’ve gone through, like one of the activities we had to do as form tutors, because I’m a year long form tutor, was go through their exam timetables.

I think it’s really important to be able to work with them and then get them to create their own revision timetable and it’s quite interesting the amount of students who will say, oh I’ve got English first, so I’m going to spend the first week looking at English and then you’re like, okay, but by that logic, your end exams, you’re giving yourself a day to revise.

But it is they need that guidance with time as well as the actual methods themselves. And then we do, we give them so many, I give them so many methods. So one of the methods that I did with my computer scientist a couple of weeks ago, and I said you can probably apply it to a lot of different subjects, is alphabet revision.

And there’s loads of different ways you can do this, but the way we did it in class was they had to write A to Z on a PowerPoint slide. And they had to write a keyword that started with each letter, and then when I could see what they were writing, I put it on the board, and then we had to define it. And that was brilliant at allowing me to spot the gaps, because they’re a new class, I inherited them.


One of the students wrote errors, for example, for E, so that’s brilliant. What are the two types of errors? They didn’t know that, so I was like, OK, I need to teach that. Embedded system. What’s an embedded system? They said, Oh, it’s the one where you’ve only got one job. It can only ever do one job. Nope.

It’s designed for a specific task, but it was really nice to see them. But again, I think because there’s almost like a competition element to see who can get the most letters, they enjoy it. They seem to enjoy it. They get quite into it, shouting out the keywords. And I said, you can do that.

I’m assuming with quite a lot of different subjects, like there must be a lot of keywords. Yeah. See which keywords you can write and define, check your definition against the spec and then do that. If you’re enjoying it in class, you’ll probably enjoy it at home because you get to challenge yourself.

Alan: Yeah, it’s about getting that motivation going. That’s the big thing, isn’t it? Really because let’s face it, a lot of our subject is quite dry and is quite, I love it, but as Andy Colley said last week in episode four, he said people, humans, remember stuff that is interesting, and he said, I can remember all the words to the neighbor’s theme tune, but weirdly, the first time I learned about the fetch decode execute cycle, it just slid right out of my brain.

Because it just, there wasn’t anything in it for me to remember it. Yeah, motivation, so gamifying. is really what you’re doing there. Sometimes you did say something earlier that you’ve got to be careful that you don’t make them remember the wrong stuff. So they remember the game, but not the keywords. That’s no good, is it? 

Adrienne: Yeah, that’s the same, I think, with the acronyms and mnemonics, which we use a lot of. And I do use them. I really do think it’s helpful to trigger off information and it actually gives the students a lot of confidence. However, what I do find is that students will remember the mnemonic. They might even remember what it stands for. But they can’t apply it to the correct question, so that’s something which we’ve spent a lot more time on recently. Utility software, again, I tell the kids remember A to F in the alphabet, so A, B, C, D, E, F. They have to name a utility software because in the specs, the main ones they need to know is the compression, defragmentation encryption and then ABF are just extra ones that they can name if they want to. Brilliant, they’ve got it. I can ask my students, what does ABCDF stand for? They’re about to say it. Then I’m like, what topic is this? And then they forget. And I’m like, oh, that’s frustrating because actually, if you’re then asked to name two utility software, you’ve got six in your head, but you haven’t associated it. So then we end up applying it. to an exam question on utility software to almost try give them like different methods of assessing the same information. Yeah, because like you said, they remember their stuff and they’re nearly there, but they’re not quite, they’re not quite remembering it accurately enough to then apply it.

Alan: Yeah, I’m a little, mnemonics have their place. I’m a little nervous about overusing them, because it’s almost like saying to the pupils that this stuff is too hard to understand, so I’m giving you a little trick to understand. The one that I’ll give you is volatile and non volatile. So they seem like strange words, but what I always do is explain what volatile means and we talk about the word volatile in lots of different contexts because it obviously has a meaning in human behavior. Someone who’s volatile is changeable and will blow up and maybe have an angry outburst very easily. So that’s someone who moves about a lot. So in chemistry, a volatile compound is one that evaporates, so volatile is related to moving and perhaps evaporating and disappearing. So therefore, the volatile storage is the one that moves or evaporates or disappears.

I don’t know if that works. I don’t know if that’s a thing that’s going to work with the high prior attainers rather than the low prior attainers, but, that’s what I try and do is try and explain that there that these words don’t come out of nowhere. They do have a meaning in themselves, but someone did point out that mnemonics are very useful if there’s actually no structure to a list of things, and there’s no reason why a list of things are all related, therefore mnemonics are very useful.

Adrienne: I think it’s sequencing as well. I know one of your podcasts. You discussed with your guest about the importance of sequencing and that’s somewhere where I’ll say my teaching practice has evolved because I would have been guilty of saying, oh, this topic. It’s okay. If you remember this, you remember the key. And then because the students have been told that and then explaining, I’m thinking like, why aren’t you listening to me? Whereas now they learn all the content and then the triggers can come at the end because it’s for me, like students like my students with low confidence, whether it’s low ability, low confidence they like the mnemonics because they feel like they can be successful then in the lesson.

Whereas my students who are a bit more confident, I don’t want them just relying on the mnemonics because great you can name, All of these software, but can you then explain it? Can you then describe it? If I feel like earlier teacher me would have put too much emphasis on these triggers and then as you said, it completely undermines the key facts.

So yeah, it’s just finding the right timing to introduce them, which is where I think the revision side of it is good. Because for revision, if We’ve got a lot of content. Some of it is just fast pace. I’m just checking that they know it. And if they can’t name it, then. Obviously I need to reteach. 

Alan: So specific to computer science then, thinking about preparing for the GCSE exams we’ve talked a lot about learning sort of core knowledge, which is very useful for paper one, but then we get to paper two in OCR. It’s the other way around in AQA, of course, the programming paper or the computational thinking and algorithms paper. How on earth do we get them ready for that? What do you do? I don’t know. Get them ready for the 

Adrienne: programming 

algorithm-a- day, I think it was called. Yeah it’s applying it to different scenarios because it’s more skills based, so it’s not so much of just like learning facts, but what I changed in my teaching practice, which I think is having a benefit, is I used to do the classic, and I say classic just because this is what I was told in teacher training, if you have three lessons a week, you do two lessons of theory and one lesson of programming.

Alan: Yeah, but I used to do something similar, but yeah, go on 

Adrienne: and I still roughly try to keep that, but where possible, I will make the programming related to the theory and I had a load of examples that I coined as Algoritheory, I don’t, I’m really weird when it comes to language, but that’s just something which I thought, yeah, that sounds quite good, I’ll keep that.

Alan: I remember you talking about this on Twitter, probably a #CASCHAT thing, and you, and I looked at that and went, that’s brilliant, yeah, so go on and explain Algoritheory. 

Adrienne: So basically, it was trying to make an algorithm related to a theoretical concept that they learned. So for example, we did one recently where students were learning data representation. So they learned about file size of an image and then they have to then create a program. So even though technically this was one of our allocated theory lessons, we had a bit of time at the end where they could then make that into a program and then you’re reinforcing their programming skills of taking input, of multiplying the resolution times the color depth. They’re getting both the programming and the theory side in one and that’s something that I say to the students to do as well. If we’re doing a bubble sort in class or binary search, we’re not doing it on colours, we’re not doing it on numbers, we’re going to do it on CPU components or we’re going to do it on different registers. So it’s, yes, we’re actually just learning what the algorithm colours. Let’s quickly remind ourselves of what these keywords are and that’s why I try and encourage them to do at home as well and I probably now in revision give more time allocation to paper two because I’m conscious that at home they’ve got the online IDEs but I’m having a massive issue with repl. it and the kids turning on the AI feature so then you know it’s like you’re cheating yourself but at home when they’re doing It’s, they’re proud that they’ve got this code, but are they then going to be able to do it on paper? I don’t know because they’re using the AI tools to help. 

Alan: Yeah, it is.

It’s a big, it’s a big leap actually. So a lot of Pupils who can write code when they’ve got an IDE in front of them like IDLE or Thonny or REPLIT and they can write code and debug it and then they sit in front of the exam paper and they can’t get started and that’s a big problem. So do we need to do a lot of written programming questions away from the computer towards the end, maybe of the course? Would that help? 


Adrienne: That’s what I started to do. So I privately tutor as well, and this was some feedback that I gave to my tutee’s parent, because they would every week say, can we, can you do coding? Can you do coding? And I’d watch the student code and they were using, which is great, but they were using the error messages when it says forgot colon, they’d go back and change the colon. They were using the predictive features to then finish their code. And I’m thinking, would you have known how to do that without that prompt? So we instead started sharing a whiteboard. And they had to write it down and then I could then give them verbal prompts, but it gave me a much better understanding of what can this student do without the tools there to help them.

Yeah, definitely good practice, I think, to get them to write or. Like you put some code on the board and you blank out some of the key features and you get them to fill it and that can be done at home as well without the barrier of not having an IDE or of not having a laptop even because not all of our students have laptops at home but they can all take a paper with a printout of code that they need to fill in.

Alan: So that speaks to the scaffolding that some of the students will need. Kids that get completely stuck with a programming question, right, write a program to do this and it could be a bubble sort with nothing to help them. So you could blank out a lot of the code, have a skeleton there, they can fill in the bits that they need to and you can do that for all sorts. You can do it just for basic syntax, The difference between for and while, so you could blank out the for or the while, which one goes in there, talking of for and while, so there was a question last year. Last summer on OCR paper 2 which asked why a condition controlled loop would be needed. Of course the questions about stuff that you can’t run in Python was one of the problems last there was a big question about The way a bubble sort is constructed as well, that threw a lot of last year’s candidates. How do we cover off all of that, the programming content in the paper that goes a little bit beyond what you can do in Python? 

Adrienne: You teach it with the exam reference language, which I think they now call it because, and I think for teachers, my best practice has come from reading mark schemes. I know one paper used switch case, and the examiner’s comments have said students didn’t know what this was. I think going through examiner’s comments makes me more aware of things which might be quite easy to skip over in the spec, which really we shouldn’t be doing.

Yeah, really trying to become an expert on that specification, but showing the students different solutions because. There are going to be different solutions, but an example which we always look at is the substring or length, because in Python they will learn there’s len so len and then whatever the variable name is, but in paper two they can write dot length, so it’s a case of Show them both.

Which one’s correct. And most students, if we vote, ‘ cause I like to try use a bit of peer instruction. So I get ’em to vote first, then they discuss, then we revote. But most students with the initial vote will say that the only one that’s correct is len because that’s what works in Python. But they shouldn’t be saying that they should actually appreciate both of them are okay for the context.

Alan: Yeah, I yeah, part of me wishes that the exam boards would all just settle on Python, but then on the other hand, the exams are supposed to be language agnostic and because a lot of teachers will teach JavaScript or something else, weirdos, but But there are teachers out there who’ve been doing this a long time and they’ve been teaching programming before Python was popular, so you can’t insist on Python, but yeah.

Adrienne: I think what. What was being suggested a lot last year on Facebook, hopefully the situation has now improved, was that because it’s only so far Edexcel that have the on screen assessment, some teachers weren’t actually teaching them how to do it in Python. They were just teaching them how to do the, exam reference language and then I think that caused a big debate of are we now just teaching them to pass the exam because ultimately yes the exam grades are important but then what about those students who are going on to a level where they have that massive project that they need to code 

it’s getting the balance and I don’t think it’s necessarily an easy challenge for people to do, 

Alan: yeah it’s worrying if some teachers are not doing the practical stuff with Python or whatever language, because, first of all, you have to sign a statement that you’ve given the, Students sufficient practical. It used to be 20 hours, but it doesn’t say 20 hours in the spec anymore, but they need to do a lot of practice.

And and I think that’s important. Simon Peyton Jones chair of the NCCE said that programming is our practicals. If you think of science lessons as having practicals, you get the bunsen burners out and stuff. We jump onto the computer and write programs. That’s our practical expression of computer science and without that it’s just a dry subject because the whole point of computer science is, making boxes that do clever things and programming is a huge chunk of that. 

Adrienne: Yeah, and I think from, I’ve worked in a lot of schools, as I said earlier, my career has been it’s actually a bit embarrassing how many schools I think I’ve Now watch him, but it’s given me a completely like different experience in each school. And although I know that there’s disadvantages to moving schools a lot, it has actually been really beneficial as well, because you get to see the limitations in some schools. I worked at a school last year and I was only employed to teach say Year 11s. And for whatever reason, the teacher hadn’t been there, so they couldn’t learn Python. And then I don’t think some of them had the software installed on their computer. And how are we this late in the course? And this is the situation we’re in. But then you also have schools where it takes 20 minutes for the computers to turn itself on and boot. And, you’ve got so many other barriers in our subject that we need to be overcoming as well.

Alan: Yeah, and I’ve taught in a school just part time recently helping out where I would have to arrive at the classroom at least 15 minutes before the lesson started to plug all the mice in and everything that had been unplugged and the keys that had been popped off the keyboard just to, get the computers working again after, Who knows how many cover teachers have been in there who weren’t desperately keen on looking after the equipment and it is difficult. I don’t know what we do about that. Again, it comes back to something we’ve said a few times on this podcast, which is SLT really need to support the subject. They need to give us the equipment and the hours and the teachers, but of course, we’re in a teacher recruitment crisis. So that’s going well, isn’t it?

Adrienne: But I think that’s where resources which we haven’t actually mentioned yet, but ClickSchool the virtual textbook, which I cannot believe is free because I absolutely love it. Like they are so good resources like that. And I’m sure there’s loads of others. I know you have to pay for the Craig and Dave one you mentioned, but those resources they can help plug the gaps. If I have to set cover, which I really try to make rare, it is nice knowing that they’ve got these resources, which if the students have been shown how to use them before, then they can still have quite a good quality of learning experience. And at home, they, some of the students who are off sick or who are on a trip, so they miss a lesson, they’ve got these resources available for them to try and do a bit of catching up as well.

I actually think our computing community is so good. Like it has helped me so much. Computing departments. I’m just so small and I’ve been at schools where I’m the only computing teacher and I’ve become so stuck or I can’t work out a solution or I need another resource and literally post on Facebook, on Twitter, and it’s not even 20 minutes and I would have had DMs, I would have had emails being sent, like it’s so lovely to have such strong network where people do help each other.


Alan: Yeah, it is good, and I’ve obviously used CAS since the beginning, computing at school, and you go on that website, there’s a whole resource section where I’ve uploaded stuff in the past, but I’ve, when I first started out, I was downloading everything from CAS, and that’s before stuff like Teach Computing came along You mentioned ClickSchool, which is a chap called Laurence James, who I’ve spoken to many times, and there’s some great stuff on there.

And like you say algorithm a day and stuff like that. So I would do lots and lots of exam style question practice towards the end. 

Alan: So we’ll go back to that conversation with Adrienne very shortly. I just want to remind you that you can buy my books and all the other books on with a discount exclusively for HTTCS pod listeners. The discount code you need is HTTCSPOD that’s HTTCS P O D. And you can use that at that’s And you will get 20% off everything. There’s books by Mary Myatt, Tom Sherrington. Adam Boxer and many more. And my two books, How to teach computer science and How to learn computer science, 20% off with the code HTTCS pod. At So let’s get back to today’s chat.

 One thing I do, just coming back to my top tips, I think we should do a few top tips that we haven’t mentioned yet. Have you heard of the BUG technique for assessing an exam question? BUG stands for Box Underline Glance. You box the command word. It’s important that you go through the command words with them, then you underline key terms from the computer science domain, and then you glance at the whole question to make sure you’ve read it all. Command words are important though, aren’t they, in the exam? Do you explicitly teach them, Adrienne? 

Adrienne: Yeah the starter activities we will have a different command word which will be in red and then normally, A lot more heavily at the start, we’ll discuss, like I’ve said. Name a component of the CPU. What else could I have said? I could have said identify, I could have said state. And then the next question might say describe. And we’re like what’s the difference between describing and naming? I think it’s so important to focus on command words. Also, to tell the students to focus on the amount of marks available. If you have a six mark question, they’ll say, oh, miss, I’m done. You’ve written two sentences. Like, how many marks realistically do you think you’re going to get from this?

Alan: Yeah, absolutely. So often you’re marking mocks and it’s a two mark question and they’ve written one word. And the other thing that, you know, that I always talk about is not just the number of marks, but I do go over the assessment objectives AO1, 2, 3. Because if it’s more than two marks, you’re probably going to have to go up to an AO2 or an AO3 mark. And what that is I know them off by heart, of course, AO1 is just knowledge and understanding. That’s just your basic facts. AO2 is applying that knowledge. So what does that mean? And then AO3 is creating or evaluating something. If you get up to 3 or 4 marks, it’s going to need some application knowledge AO2. If it’s 4 marks or above, there might be a part of it that’s create or evaluate. And and so I get them ticking off the marks and going have I done any application knowledge here? Or have I just stuck to all I don’t know facts so going through that with them towards the end as well. AO123.

Adrienne: Another tip I have, I actually don’t know if this is going to be a popular opinion, but I tell them to do it. Quite often in paper one, you get like an eight mark question and I know it’s not always on, on ethics, but quite often it is. Yeah. I tell ’em to look at the eight mark question at the beginning of the exam and then go through the paper Nice. And then go back to it at the end. And the reason why is because structure obviously helps. And sometimes, when you then go back and you’re doing your simple one or two marks in the background, your mind is then thinking about that question. But actually what a lot of the time happens is they use knowledge that has been triggered by answering the earlier questions that they can then put in that 8 marker. I don’t know if people have different opinions, but I like recommending that. 

Alan: No, I love it. And what you’ve done there is told me something I don’t know. You’ve given me an idea I’ve never heard before and I think it’s brilliant. I really do, because I do believe in this idea that your subconscious mind can be processing something while your conscious mind is busy on something else. I think there is some psychology behind that but that’s a brilliant idea to read the big eight marker and then go back and carry on but like you say, they’re going to, they’re going to be, have some thoughts triggered by all of the other questions that they’re answering. I think that’s great.

Adrienne: It’s been okay. 

Alan: Yeah, so last summer’s OCR paper 2 was a struggle for some of them, but, what I would say is, there were a lot of teachers on Facebook saying, we hadn’t taught repeat until and we hadn’t taught, the structure of a bubble sort, and they’re on the spec, so it comes back to making sure you cover the whole spec. And one thing that, You mentioned was, mark schemes, but there’s also examiner’s reports. Do you read the examiner’s reports? Because they’re absolutely vital. 

Adrienne: Yeah. And all the comments like on the mark scheme, then quite often I shared them with the students as well. Yeah. They can see, previous mistakes. And I think last year, what I think let the students down is they’d read a question and they would think, oh, it’s so hard and they just skip it. And you should never ever skip any coding question because even if you can just read it and it says output an error message. You can all do that.

You can all do a print statement. Even if you can’t do the subroutine or you can’t do whatever else because yes, my weak programmers are not getting four out of five or four out of six, but they’re getting two or three out of six. If they could do that on every single question, then They should get a grade that they’re quite proud of. 

Alan: Yeah, absolutely. So the little trick of just writing input something and print something, usually gets you two marks out of six for a short coding question. And then after that, see what you can get. If it says. that you need to do something many times, then that’s a loop, so chuck a for or a while in there.

Adrienne: Yeah. And it’s the same with flowcharts. For whatever reason, a lot of my students don’t like flowcharts. So we’ll do different flowchart examples and they had their mark recently and they’re doing the Pearson paper and the flowchart that they had was to do with determining if a number is odd or even.

But most of them could do a start at the top, they could do the arrows. Yeah. Pearson gave them the flowchart symbols, which I thought was quite nice in this question. Oh yeah. And then they just had to pick the correct ones. Only I think one student skipped that question. Everybody else gave it a go, even though they couldn’t, they didn’t know how to do it.

And now they know if they have a flowchart and they can’t do it, put your stop, make sure you join with an arrow on some of these exam papers that seems to get you two out of six marks.

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Alan: So yeah any more top tips? 

Adrienne: No, I think we’ve pretty much covered all like the basic ones that I can think of and then.

Alan: Good stuff. 

Adrienne: Yeah, and then I suppose it’s just making sure you’re using whatever activities you’re setting to inform, your teacher practice that we discussed before about the would you rather questions, which have been quite popular in, in lessons that you give students a would you rather, you give them two options, you get them to debate. And that’s the key part there as a teacher is then listening to what they’re saying and then trying to pick up the patterns if. What are your strengths and what are your weaknesses? Because something actually, which this reminds me of, is students like to revise the topics that they’re good at, which is not very helpful for them because they have that confidence, right?

I know a lot of teachers will do like the whole ragging or they’ll get students to rag, but I do find students will then start focusing on topics And I think that’s where they’re actually quite consistently getting good marks in it, because they don’t want to go over the things they don’t know because that’s hard. So things like the would you rather, gives me the insight. So I’m like, okay, actually, a lot of you are struggling with this, would you rather scenario. So I know I actually need to teach now before we do any more of these revision activities. 

Alan: Yeah, tell your students to revise. It’s funny that, so yeah, it just, it comes back to Willingham again, why don’t students like school? And it’s because learning is hard, and so they will revise or learn, if you like, the stuff they already know. So yeah, trying to get them to revise the stuff they, Don’t know I know it’s another plug for smart revise, but there’s leaderboards on smart revise that are quite motivating and there’s a heat map so the students and the teacher can see what topics they’re doing well at and what they’re not doing well at. But then, yeah, do get them to do the ones that are red, not the ones that are green. 

Adrienne: Yeah, or there’s a, I’m gonna plug here, and this is actually I’ve seen on Twitter recently, or X, or I should say, It’s a bit controversial, the gamification, but Blooket I have not used that as much with my Key Stage 4 just because of time pressure, but I have set some for homework for them, but in Key Stage 3, that is brilliant because Blooket is Like a retrieval quiz, a bit like Kahoot, but it’s got more game modes.

Alan: I’ve used Blooket before. They like doing the oh, what’s the one where they steal gold off each other, gold quest or something.  

Adrienne: I don’t like that one as much because there’s a, Bit more of an element of luck there, because they can randomly swap. So the best one that I like as a computer scientist is using the crypto hack, because while they’re entering their PIN, while they’re entering their PIN, I’m like, okay, we’re hacking, I’m giving you permission.

So what type of hackers are we being today? And then, you start drilling in other kind of Bits of knowledge, and they like might roll their eyes, but it’s the case of some students are quite slow at typing in the PIN, so you get them thinking and it relates to, okay hacking, what legislation does that break?

You’re feeding enough information but a key tip, if you are using something like Blickit, is set a target, and I know I think it was, I think it’s Anaconda, but someone mentioned this before give them like a percentage that you want them to get as a class. And if they get this percentage as a class, they can have a house point or two houses, whatever reward it is, because otherwise I was finding there was a few individuals who weren’t actually reading the questions.

They were just clicking whatever because they wanted to get as many through or because they weren’t taking it seriously. Whereas giving them that class motivation of. Regardless of where you are on the leaderboard, if as a class we can get a 70%, then you all get a house point and they start working with each other by doing that rather than trying to sabotage each other. And again, you then get to hear their conversations and you’re getting more data. Again, which is useful. 

Alan: Yeah, I had a terrible time with Quizlet Live. I used to use that a lot and some classes that, you’d get put in teams, but in some classes they just didn’t want to work as teams and they’d sabotage their own team rather than get the right answer. It is difficult to know what’s going to be motivating. Ah, children, eh? We’ll never work them out. 

Adrienne: No, but my, the behavior at the school that I’m at now has been a bit more challenging compared to I’m used to, and I think that was partly because I joined later on in the year. They are great now. I love working there now. I have to put that out there, and I genuinely do. But to start with, they were more challenging than what I was used to, and Blooket was the game changer. That was their motivation. They can do the last five minutes as a reward. And then once we got to that stage, it was okay, now your reward comes from your house points, which be determined on the leaderboard, or we’ll do class house points. It’s just if anything it’s a tool, it’s how you use it that’s going to decide. 

Alan: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I know all the arguments against gamifying or against, rewarding students for working because, that’s saying the learning isn’t worth it in itself. However, you’ve got to do whatever works in the setting you’re in. And if you, like you say you’ve now moved towards different motivations and you’ve now got a class that enjoys being in your classroom and will work for you. So that seems to have worked. It’s tricky. Everyone’s got to do what works for them. 

Adrienne: Yeah, agreed 

Alan: we’ve been talking for over an hour. I’ve enjoyed that, but I’m sorry I’ve kept you I just wonder if you have your slide of jokes to hand, or you can remember any other ones that you’ve used. 

Adrienne: Yeah one of them was the hard drive one. One of them. How do robots eat pizza? You know that one ? 

Alan: I don’t know that one, I don’t think. How do robots eat pizza? 

Adrienne: One byte at a time. 

Alan: One byte at a time. Yeah. 

Adrienne: And then obviously. The follow up question is how many bits in a byte? What other measurements can we name? Yeah, if I find my slides I will send some to you and you are free to use them. I might just have to filter out some of the ones that the students contributed because I don’t think all of them are entirely accurate. 

Alan: Have you got this one? Why do astronauts use Linux? 

Adrienne: Nope, I’ve not heard that one.

Alan: Because you can’t open windows in space. 

Adrienne: Oh, no.

Alan: Yeah yeah, good stuff. If you think of any more, pop them over, I’ll put them on the podcast and I’ll credit you. If your students make any up, I can read them out and name check them. Although we’re trying to keep this podcast secret from the students, aren’t we? We don’t want them to find it.

Adrienne: Oh yeah, I won’t be telling the students about the podcast. 

Alan: When I started teaching it was all like make your account private because the kids will find you, they will hunt you down, they will not stop until they find your accounts and then they’ll share all of your secrets. But I think, the world’s moved on a bit. I think teachers should be able to have social media accounts as long as they don’t bring the school into disrepute and hence mine is public. So the kids all found mine my Twitter account anyway. So I just made sure that I didn’t put anything embarrassing on there. But occasionally 

Adrienne: it’s slightly different to Instagram and TikTok where you’re sharing like more images or like photos of yourselves or videos and I think absolutely we should. I just would not recommend anyone to put themselves in that position unless they’re so careful on what they’re posting. Even, like photos of people in a bikini. You should be able to post photos of you in a bikini but then you do have students commenting on it or students in lessons discussing and I’m thinking you’re adding a lot of kind of a grey area here of to we need to tell students to be respectful and all of this. I don’t know what’s right or wrong, but my advice is probably just to try to protect yourself. 

Alan: I can confirm for the listeners that I shall not be sharing myself in a bikini on social media at any point. The other thing I won’t be doing is TikTok. I just can’t get my head around it. I’m just, I’m like scrolling through TikTok and the videos are like three seconds long and I’m like what just happened? I’m probably too old. 

Adrienne: But students love TikTok. So I don’t have it, but I find that I end up getting told about it a lot because especially with the in the pandemic where, a lot of teachers are doing the virtual teaching and then before you know it, the virtual teaching like, screenshots are going up, and then 

Alan: I appeared in a few TikToks. Yeah. Yeah. It wasn’t pleasant. 

Adrienne: But yeah, social media is, it is scary, it is brilliant, but it is scary and it fascinates me how much students manage to trick us. I’ve had students, Pretend to be a teacher before. They created a fake profile under a teacher name because they knew that our school was very big on teacher Twitter and CPD and they followed a load of teachers on Twitter and they found out a lot of information that perhaps the teachers wouldn’t want those students to know, but it just makes you think yet again how careful you have to be when you are posting things online.

Alan: Absolutely. We got off the topic quite successfully there, Adrienne. Yeah, I think some time ago we were talking about preparing for exams but now we’re on teacher Twitter and yeah, teacher TikTok, it scares me to be honest. Anyway, so we got onto social media I should be tweeting the link to this podcast eventually but it’ll be a couple of weeks when I’ve edited it, because we’ve got over an hour’s worth of stuff now. 

 That was great. I better let you go. It’s nearly half 8. I better go in. Yeah, thank you so much. 


Adrienne: Hope it goes well with the editing. 

Alan: Yeah, brilliant. All right.

Adrienne: Thanks a lot. Have a good night. Bye.

Alan: So we come to the end of another epic episode. They’re getting longer. I hope that’s okay with you. When I get talking, I just can’t stop. So what was today’s fertile question? It was, how do we prepare for exams? Have we answered it? Let me know in the comments or on the socials. 

This has been how to teach computer science, the podcast. I’m Alan Harrison. If you want to give me feedback or get involved, just go to HTTCS dot online or check the show notes. Remember if you like this content, please subscribe to the podcast. Tell your friends, buy my books. Leave a review of my books on Amazon or at the very least buy me a coffee. That last one would be really kind details at HTTCS dot online subscribe now, so you don’t miss a thing. 

 I have to say your response there, Rachel, was. Absolutely what a deepfake would say, so you know.

Rachel: Well, so 

Alan: I don’t think you’re, I don’t think you’re real at all. 

Rachel: I always say please and thank you to Siri just in case because I am scared about what might happen in the future and at least if I’m polite to the robots in my life. Then I might have some favour in the future.

 Yeah. So that’s Rachel Arthur. From teach first or is it on next week’s episode? Subscribe now tell your friends. Um, that’s all for today. I’ll see you soon. Bye. 

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Podcast Episode 5: How Do We Teach Programming?

Welcome to another podcast episode! The podcast is here


 Hello, and welcome to how to teach computer science the podcast. This is episode five. How do we teach programming? I’ll be answering that question and many more with the help of today’s special guests. 

, I do think it is really important for children to learn to program. I know we’re talking about it can build up resilience and it can be really creative and it helps you think outside the box.

 ChatGPT and the other AI things, are all really great for writing bits of code, but I think, it’s a lot more valuable to be able to understand what the code’s doing, and then that way, if you have an error, then you’ll know why that is. 

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

And we’ll hear the full interview shortly. My name is Alan Harrison, and I wrote the books how to teach computer science and how to learn computer science available in online bookstores, more detail at the companion website. HTTCS dot online. That’s the initials of how to teach computer science HTTCS dot online. So last week’s episode with Andy Colley proved to be an epic. Even with drastic cuts, it was still 43 minutes and this week proves to be just as difficult to edit. So there will be no more wasting time with silly jokes. 

I’m just going to. 


oh, so it seems Alexa is listening and has a joke for me. Let’s see how this goes. 

Who’s there? 

A hardware interrupt. 

Oh, dear. 

 All right, let’s try something else. Alexa. Why was six afraid of seven. Because 7, 8, 9. ​

 If you like this content, please subscribe. Tell your friends, buy my books at HTTCS.Online. Leave a review on Amazon or at the very least buy me a coffee, details at HTTCS dot online on how you can do that. Every week, I’ll transcribe this recording and blog it at HTTCS dot online slash blog. 

So if you don’t like my voice. …

We’re talking about programming today and soon I’ll introduce my guests, but remember in the books HTTCS and HTLCS each chapter starts with a story from the hinterland of our thrilling subject. Today’s story takes place in Boston, Massachusetts. 

It’s April the 10th, 2019. Late afternoon. The final stage of the pipeline of algorithms is executing. Dr. Katie Bouman sits at her Mac. And watches open mouth as the picture starts to appear in the upper left window. She and a team of computer scientists, astrophysicists and electrical engineers have been working on this project for three years. Five petabytes of data on half a ton of hard drives from telescopes around the world, arrived here at MIT over a week ago, and the algorithms have been churning it ever since. 


 The black hole, Doctor Bouman is analyzing, looks tiny from earth. About as big as an orange word on the surface of the moon. Refraction limits what we can see with our telescopes. So the very best image of the moon from earth consists of 13,000 pixels. But each pixel at that distance would then contain around 1.5 million oranges. To take an image of a black hole we would need an earth sized telescope. We can’t make one of those, but we can connect telescopes around the world, giving us lots of low resolution images from different angles which could be processed by computers into a single image. That’s what Dr. Bauman did creating an earth sized computational telescope called the event horizon telescope. Just like several different, low res images of the same face can be used to generate an accurate prediction of the real face. We can use these sparse noisy images and put them together to create a more detailed image. Doctor Bouman has spent the last three years building a computational pipeline to do just that with the images from the radio telescopes around the globe being fed into the algorithm, which eventually produces an image. The full story can be heard on Dr Bouman’s Ted talk, but what excites me is that the programming language chosen for all this computation was Python. 

So it was at around 6:45 PM. On April 10th, 2019. A researcher took a picture. Of Dr. Bouman at her computer in an image, you can see in my books and is reproduced on the cover. We can see a code window on the right of her screen, which looks like the matplotlib Python library. 

 We can see the now famous image of the M 87 black hole, but most importantly of all, we are privileged to witness the joy of discovery. 

 Dr. Bouman presses her hands to her mouth eyes wide open in wonder. An algorithm, her algorithm has unlocked one of the secrets of the universe.

 So you can buy. How to teach computer science or how to learn computer science, to read that story again, and many more. I did put lots of hinterland of our wonderful subject into the book. So that you can share it with your students or enjoy it just for itself. As for my story. Well, I learned to program in the eighties home, computer boom. My school was one of the first to get the BBC micro . On which Mr. Charnley taught us to program. And of course the first thing we did was write a program that went a bit like this:

10 PRINT. ‘Mr. Charnley is an idiot’
20 GOTO 10.
And then press run. 

Mr Charnley was not an idiot. he was a very good computing teacher I got an a in computer studies in 1984. And it’s all been downhill since then. 

 So that was my classroom experience. But today’s guests are going to tell me a little bit about theirs. 

It’s time to introduce my special guests on the podcast today and I’m delighted to have Harry and Anna Wake with me, who are the young creators of Mission Encodable. So please do tell us a little bit about yourself. Harry first, perhaps, and then Anna. Harry. 

 Yeah my name is Harry. Of Mission Encodable and I’m Anna’s cousin. I think a lot of our interests are quite similar, a lot of what I’ll say will also apply to Anna, but I’m studying maths, computer science, physics, and further maths at A level currently.

And about two years ago I made Mission Encodable with Anna, which is a website that teaches students to code in a fun and engaging way. 

Over to you, Anna. 

So yeah, as Harry said, we have very similar interests, but I am the other co founder of Mission Encodable, and I’m doing exactly the same A levels as Harry.

But it’s also fair to say that outside of doing computer science and programming, we also like climbing and swimming and running and all those activities, 

I think we do both like all of those, so it’s quite handy. Just means that whenever we have to write a bio out, it means that they both look almost identical, like they’ve been copied. It’s because we are just very similar people, I think. 

yeah. Thank you for the books, by the way, they are really nice.

Yeah, very nice. Nice little little book, yeah. So I wrote the first one, which is sat over here, for teachers. There you go. That one, the teacher one, but this is full of stuff that teachers need to know, and you don’t need to know, not unless you’re going to teach it, which is something you could do in the future.

You think, ever think about going into teaching? 

I have read quite a bit of pedagogy stuff recently, just because I find it interesting, and it is funny because the more you learn about it, the more you watch your teachers doing things. cold calling, found it. 

Yeah, I often think about that when, I make this podcast and there’s lots of other teaching podcasts and YouTube channels and stuff out there and just books generally, and I think, do the kids know what we’re doing?

Would the students, if they knew what we were doing, would they try and undermine the pedagogy techniques? That would be mad. So you don’t undermine cold calling, do you like keep sticking your hand up and annoying the teacher who’s trying to do cold calling? No, I mean I’ve 

never quite got to the extent of some pseudo reverse pedagogy, but yeah, it is really interesting and I’ve got teachers who do more of it than others do as well, it seems.

Yeah, that’ll be interesting, if I can talk to you sometime about, about the good teaching and the bad teaching that you’ve seen. in classroom, but we’re going to try and stick to computer science today.

So while we’re on the subject then so your experience of learning programming in school, I was, I must admit, I did my homework, I was watching that video you did with Craig and Dave from nearly two years ago now, I think, where you were introducing Mission Encodable, and you were saying that you were Coding for fun during lockdown.

Yeah, so during lockdown I think Harry and I, we started to have our Zoom meetings at the time. Yeah. We called them our executive meetings and we’d just make little projects. I think the first one we did was in Scratch. And very imaginatively, we called it Wake Mania. It had lots of games, all sorts. It was a bit like a board game and then you could play it with your family

so it was really nice. And then we made a website. And it had lots of puzzles and things like that. I had a Caesar cipher all kinds of, number pyramids, all that kind of thing. And that used just HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

But it was quite fun. And, we had a lot of fun designing it and making all the problems work. And then we entered that into the coolest project competition. And we did win, and we’re very pleased with ourselves. 

Brilliant. Brilliant. Coolest projects. That’s run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, I think, isn’t it? Did you have to go to a prize winning for that? 

No, because it was in lockdown. 

Of course it was. Did you have a, did you have a Zoom prize giving ceremony? 

It was a YouTube prize giving, wasn’t it? Yeah. It was like a live stream and I think, we both watched at the same time waiting.

I’ve got kids roughly the same age as you. One who’s just gone off to university, and one who’s in year 11, and she went through secondary school when there were no trips anywhere.

So she didn’t do any school trips at all. From year seven to year 11, it’s pretty sad. So everything happened online. 

You’re that generation that loads of stuff just went online during a really important part of your life. How was that for you anyway, ? 

Yeah, it was strange, I think, but I think we also adapted to it rather well, or at least I seem to. There’s a lot of benefits that have come out of it. I don’t think Anna and I would be having these little meetings each week had lockdown not happened. There are positives that have come out. 

Like this, the way that we just jump on a Teams call and everyone just does that now, Teams, Zoom or Google Meet, whatever, so the world’s changed and one of the problems we’ve got as teachers. Is we can’t work at home a lot of teachers are leaving the profession because they’re seeing their other halves working at home and going, I want a bit of that.


Yeah, quite, until all schools go online, that’s going to be a big problem. 

Yeah, there is discussion about that now, isn’t there, whether virtual remote teaching could be a thing and if everyone could just stay at home all the time and more people signing up to programs that do that.

I don’t like the sound of it very much, so I’m quite glad I mostly avoided it. But, 

yeah, do you know, I think there’s a place for that for certain students. There are a lot of students who, have trouble going to school for various reasons, disability and so on. And I think, so online schools really need to happen. But I don’t think it would be good for everybody. Not all students need to do that. 

No, I agree. I think there’s a nice social aspect of actually going into a school and seeing your friends and seeing your teachers and things.

And I don’t think you get that online, but then equally, there’s a persistent attendance issue at the moment. So for some people that find it difficult to come in for all those reasons, I can imagine it also has lots of positives. So yeah, it’s an interesting one. 

It is, yeah I read something recently come back to technology this is primary school children going to school and they’re unable to read a book. They’ve never seen books before and they swipe the cover of the books as if it’s an iPad or something. 

That’s quite scary, isn’t it? I’ve heard of people getting to secondary school in their computing lessons, having never used like a proper monitor and keyboard before, and they start swiping at the screens apparently, but I’ve never heard of it with books. 

Oh yeah so yeah kids unable to use a book when they start school is quite tragic. Okay, don’t get me wrong, I love my Kindle and that’s where I read everything, but that’s mostly because I’m 50 something now and my eyes have stopped working and so I can’t read the text on ordinary books these days. Kindles are great for that. 

 So I want to First of all, ask you about learning programming and what it was like for you learning programming in school. And before I go into that, I’ve just interviewed Andy Colley who’s on last week’s podcast by the time this comes out.

And he wrote the Python course for Repl. it. Yes, I know we all know about Repl. it and that’s a A big deal for you guys, I’ll talk about that in a minute, but so he knows a bit about teaching programming, Andy Colley, and he said 

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I’ve seen so many programming courses that go variable assignment, input, output, and now recursion. Yeah, absolutely. And there’s this giant pit that you fall into. You’re on your back like a turtle and you can’t get out. And I see that look on the faces of students all the time

. Those are the words of Andy Colley. Have you experienced that in the classroom? Have you found yourself suddenly lost by where the programming teaching has gone? 

I think a lot of teachers. Yeah, teachers know not to do that, I think as a general rule. Not all, but the majority, I think, they’ve taught for long enough to know that, you do have to transfer your knowledge in a way that students can understand as well. But if that is happening, something’s going a bit wrong, I think. 

Yeah, so what I’m driving at is you probably had decent programming teachers

Anna, what was your experience like? 

It was all right. I think I was quite lucky because my dad is also quite into programming and he when I was, not super little, but probably. Year six or seven, we would make like Python games and all that kind of stuff. So he taught me a bit of Python before I got to school. I think for a lot of people it just becomes quite dull at school because the projects, they’re all very samey and they can get quite mathematical and that some students find that hard to relate to.

Yeah, I guess you guys are, like, not typical students, really, because you probably a bit like me, learned how to program before you went to school or before you went into secondary school, at least. And you said about mathematical problems and stuff, and I was watching that YouTube video you did with Craig and Dave nearly two years ago now and you were quite keen to put into your product mission encodable, which we will come to in a minute stuff that wasn’t mathematical. You did madlibs and a band name generator, I remember. Was it important for you to put in stuff like that rather than just oh, this is the volume of a cuboid 

yeah, absolutely. I was going to say earlier, if you can create games and. actual projects with your programming, like right from the beginning, like with my dad, we did connect four and tic tac toe and that kind of thing. And it just, it shows you what you can do with the programming that you learn 

and I feel like occasionally that’s missing from the projects that you do, like finding out the volume of a cube is all very well, but it’s not really showing you how important it is and all of this so yeah Harry, do you want to talk about mission encodable yeah, not being mathematical.

Yeah, let’s hear- harry, what’s Mission Encodable? 

Oh I’m very happy to give you the elevator pitch. Thank you. So Mission Encodable is a website that Anna and I made about two or three years ago now, and that we are always working on it and we designed it because we wanted to make learning to code more interesting.

So I think, as Anna’s just touched upon, a lot of tutorials are just. Quite dull to be frank, like they will talk a lot about mathematics or other things which aren’t very relevant to students lives, and we were seeing a lot of our peers get quite switched off by that, I think, and we really liked coding, so we didn’t want to just watch that, so Mission Encodeable was what we made to try and inspire people a bit more and to find, the more enjoyable aspects of programming, because it is really creative.

So it’s a free course and it teaches Python. All the way up from students not knowing anything about coding, having never written any code, or knowing what an IDE is, or even what Python is, all the way to being able to answer some of the very top tier questions in their GCSE computer science exams. So it’s split up into several different levels.

I think we’ve got nine at the moment, although by the time this comes out, hopefully that will be incorrect, we’ll actually have 10. So there’s lots more to come. But the principle of it is that we want to make learning to code really fun and enjoyable for everybody. So there are lots of projects in there.

There’s step by step walkthrough explanations, so teachers, students, everything they need to know, and they get to see it applied in practice in a really fun and engaging way. 

Yeah. That’s brilliant. I’ve had a play with it and yeah, I can see what you mean. You build up the skills and then there’s a project and it’s something interesting.

Like you say I mentioned the band name generator earlier and the Madlib it’s quite a good incentive to, to get all those skills because you can make something that’s fun. 

Yeah, good. And like I say, I watched you talk about it on your YouTube video it must seem like ages ago now, with Craig and Dave and just as an aside, I know Craig and Dave very well and we’re fans of each other’s work, I think. So the book that I’ve just sent you a copy of how to learn computer science, haven’t I?

And if you turn to the foreword, you will see a foreword by Craig and Dave, because they were very supportive of my book projects and and Dave actually proofread the whole thing and gave me lots of pointers. 

When I was working on the book, I had this brilliant class, which I pretty much took through computing from year seven to year 11.

And they did brilliantly in summer 22, and but they asked me about Craig and Dave. Oh, you, do you know Craig and Dave? And I became a minor celebrity when I went on Craig and Dave’s youTube channel and that like they made me keep putting it back on. Oh, Sir show us when you did that collab with Craig and Dave. And I went, what’s a collab? 

And but they started asking me questions and this thing happened and Craig and Dave, neither of them know this and they’re going to listen to this podcast and they go, oh my goodness. But I got asked a question. And a perfectly innocent question, so I thought, and the class asked me Sir, are Craig and Dave married?

And, I know you’re ahead of me here, because I know you’re teenagers and you know what that question means. It’s not what I thought it was, and so I said yeah, I believe they are. And there was suddenly a whole load of whispering like, I told you, I told you! And I went Told you what, we knew they were married, like whoa guys, they’re married to separate people. And so it took a little while to sort that one out. 

 Oh, that noise means it special offer time. My wonderful publishers. John Catt have kindly given all my podcast listeners that’s you guys 20% off, not just my book, but the entire store. Head to John Catt That’s J O H N C a T T. and enter the code. HTTCSPOD that’s HTTCS P O D for 20% off everything including books by me. And by Adam Boxer, Geoff Barton, Mary Myatt, Zoe Enser and Dylan William, and many more. That’s the code HTTCSPOD for 20% of everything. At now. Back to the interview.

about Craig and Dave Yeah

it was a few years ago and that was more or less at the very start of Mission Encodable for us, so that was really generous of them, I think, because, we were very small at that point, still are quite small, but, at that point, we had very few people on our website, so it was really generous, I think, of them to give us that platform initially, when no one had really put any trust in us at that point, that was great and we’ve done a lot more work with them over the last few years as well actually, haven’t we? So it’s not just been that one thing, there’s a lot more that’s gone on. Perhaps Anna could talk a bit about that. 

Yeah, so you might have seen on our website that we have lots of, mission encodable in partnership with Craig and Dave, and that’s because we’ve done a lot of work with Craig and Dave they have their programming site, Time2Code, and we have Mission Encodable.

And we’ve worked really hard together to make sure that our levels perfectly align. And they cover all of the same concepts in each level. And Time2Code will cover it in perhaps a more pedagogical way. It uses the TIME framework, which is a bit like a version of PRIMM throughout. And the programs are a bit more serious, and Perhaps a bit more mathematical throughout, and then on mission encodable, you have the more kind of fun and guided projects that hopefully are more relevant to, or relatable to students like Mad Libs that you mentioned.


So I think it’s really great because you can use both to make your. Learning to programming experience really well rounded because you can have the kind of set like guidelines of time and then you can go and maybe make some more fun projects to test your skills or you can go through our projects and our steps and then go and look at time to codes projects just to test everything.

So it’s been really good and I think yeah, very generous of them again to reach out to us to do that. 

Yeah, good guys. Yeah, absolutely. No it’s great. So how does a teacher get onto Mission Encodable and start using it in their Classroom. 

It’s very easy to get started with, so probably the best thing to do, honestly, is just have a look at our website. So it’s missionencodable. com and you can look at our tutorials really easily. You just have to click the big orange get started button and you’ll see everything you need to, so you can see our whole course.

You can see it all mapped out in front of you, so you can use that to figure out roughly where your students are at and what you’ll find in there are different tutorials. Separated into levels, so you might have level one, which is the introduction to print statements and inputs. So if your students have never coded before, that would be a great place to start, but we do also have lots of other levels, the more advanced coders.

What teachers might do if they maybe don’t feel as confident teaching the programming themselves or, they want to set it as homework, for example, you could give your students a link to a level of mission in and have them do that. Or alternatively, you could teach them. Bits and pieces from the front end of the class, and then you could show the mission encodable, as a revision resource or as some projects to do.

So there are lots of different ways to use it. The other thing that I would say is that we do have a teacher’s page with lots of resources on it. So if you want, perhaps a sheet and a spreadsheet to track what your students are up to in our course, you can download that from our teacher’s page. We’ve got a launch presentation, so that will introduce students to Mission Encodable in their very first lesson.

We’ve got posters, we’ve got notebook sheets, all sorts of other useful resources, and they’re all free to download. Everything is free, Mission Encodable, just in case people didn’t know. So yeah, best way to start is have a look at our website, explore it. And and if anyone does have any questions who’s listening to this about Mission Encodable, they’re thinking, would it be right for their students?

They’re very welcome to get in touch with us just send us an email or fill out the contact form and then we’ll gladly meet with them and discuss in more depth how it can help them. 

Absolutely. So you said there that it’s free. Are we talking about free levels and premium levels or is the whole thing free?

No, it’s all free. Every bit of it is free. People do like to ask so we don’t make any money out of it at all, but it’s all free to access. There’s no accounts required either, so there’s no friction. You don’t have to give us an email address, just go on there, use it as you please. We wanted to do that, I think, just because lot of things are paid, but people can’t always afford them. And initially like we thought if people want to use it, they don’t want to stop them by getting in their way of the paywall. Often schools don’t have very much money, particularly at the moment. So we’re really happy to provide it for free.

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

I have, I’ve been head of department. And for five years. And I remember looking for resources for teaching programming and being quoted, thousands of pounds. And I remember having this conversation with one vendor who said, and we can do the whole thing for you for 7000 pounds. And I said, you don’t know anything about school budgets, do you? No, no computing teacher listening to this has got anywhere near that kind of money, so it’s great to know that you’ve made all of this available for free. That’s brilliant. I also heard you tell Craig and Dave that you coded the whole thing yourself I would have, like Dave, put money on WordPress, but no, no, you taught yourself web design and the React framework and away you went. So that’s pretty, pretty amazing that you’ve got that under your belt now at this stage of your lives. So are you hoping that, to take that to some employer and go this is what I made when I was 15, is that your plan for the future?

I think it is a really good project to have. It, it was, it’s an amazing, I think it’s a really good thing to build and to put your skills to the test as it were. And show what you can do. It’s also got a database and it’s all set up. We did have quite a bit of help from my dad, who we now call technical support, but , most of the the HTML, the React we’ve all written we were also really lucky. The design that lots of people say, Oh, that must be WordPress. But we had some help from my mum and all that, those people to make it look the way it does. Harry did an excellent job of designing it. So yeah, it’s a really good project.

Proper, proper family business. This isn’t it. Oh, good stuff. Yeah, so it must have took you, a lot of resilience to get that coded. I think it’s important when you’re learning to program to have that resilience and just keep plugging away. Do you think that’s important? 

I definitely think so. When we started making it, probably Mission Encodable was slightly above our skill level, so we had to teach ourself a lot, but in a way like that’s good because it helps you learn stuff. So I definitely recommend that to any students who are listening, perhaps, or teachers with students.

Yeah, you just dive in and start saying. If you just learn what you need to learn, it’s a really good way of learning, just experimenting with different things, and you will hit roadblocks along the way, which are quite frustrating sometimes when you get stuck for ages, as long as you’ve got someone you can ask for help, or nowadays you can ask ChatGPT if you want to.

You can, and I’ll tell you a better chatbot to use, and that is the new one from Harvard’s computing department that’s called cs50. ai. So cs50 is Harvard’s famous entry level computer science course which they make available for free online. There’s hours and hours of lectures and problems to solve, and to go alongside it they Looked into, you’ve probably heard of rubber duck debugging.
Have any of your teachers given you rubber ducks to talk to? 

I’ve never had that, but in my current computer science class, we have a lot of ducks that have been stuck on the walls. I think possibly the previous upper sixth left them as a bit of a prank. So just in random places, you’ll find them dotted around. 

They probably had a teacher that tried it and said, look, if you’ve got a coding problem, you talk it out to a rubber duck. You just go it should be doing this. It’s only doing that. It’s not doing that. This line has given me an error. What do you think? And the principle of rubber ducking is just the fact that you verbalize the problem you’re trying to solve actually sometimes helps you solve it. You suddenly realize where the error is because you’re talking it out with a rubber duck.

So you just go cs50. ai, it’s free, you need to sign in with a free GitHub account, annoyingly, but they’re free, and then you just ask it questions, and you can say, oh, I’ve written some code, I’m trying to do this, I’m trying to output all the rows in my table, but it’s only doing the first 10, not 11, and it will go, Oh, have you got the range function correct in your Python?

And it will not give you the answer, but tell you where to look. So it’s got a picture of a rubber duck on the website because it is supposed to be AI rubber ducking. So that’s something to try if you get stuck.

So what you said, Harry if you’ve got a project in mind, if you’ve got, a goal to reach and it’s currently beyond what you’re able to do, Then that’s a brilliant motivator for finding out the bits that you’re stuck on. There’s nothing better than having that motivating project, which is brings me back to mission encodable. You’ve got that project at the end of every level, haven’t you? Whether it’s a Madlib or a band name generator. 

Yeah, we have, we call them capstone projects capping a level off and they are independently completed by the learner doing the level, and it should put all of the skills that have been learned in that level to the test, and I think it can be great.

It’s really easy to say, Oh, it shows you what you need to work on. It does, and it shows you if you need to go back and go over something and try doing it with more examples and that kind of thing. But also I think it’s nice. It shows you your strengths and it gives you maybe a confidence boost.

If you feel like, yes, I can do this. I am. Feeling quite skilled, actually, with my new Python knowledge. So I think it is a very nice thing to have at the end of a level. And also, we’ve tried to make them quite nice projects. As you were saying, you can show your friends and you can play a game. I made a our new level which Harry mentioned will be in Turtle and I was making a Turtle racing game during my free period and my friends got very into it.

They were like, oh yeah, pink, go pink, go yellow. 

I love that. Turtle’s very motivating actually. Turtle graphics in Python and trying to do things like, I like doing fractal flower patterns and things like that. And I often do Turtle graphics, Christmas cards. With year seven or 


I know it’s a nice little, yeah, I know. I like it. Always does encourage a bit of silliness, I think.

Yeah, yeah, nice. So why do children need to learn to program? You can go, ChatGPT, write me a program to do this and it will do it. What do you think?

I think, I do think it is really important for children to learn to program. I know we’re talking about it can build up resilience and it can be really creative and it helps you think outside the box. I think it’s a very good skill for that. And I think that if you if you don’t know what you’re doing and you just say, Oh, write me a program that does this and writes your program, but it doesn’t work, or, it does something unexpected and then you don’t know why. And I think it is. I think it is good to understand why something works the way it works or to be able to fix any problems yourself.

And also all of the, skills, like being creative and thinking about it logically and building up that resilience and confidence that can come with learning to program is really important. And you won’t get that from just 

I think as teachers we call that computational thinking usually, and it’s it’s the hard bit. Really, it’s the solving the problem and you know churning it out in Python and getting the syntax right isn’t really the hard bit. And so you know, having the idea and fleshing it out, maybe drawing flowcharts or diagrams to To get your ideas out there that’s the hard bit and that still needs a bit of creativity that I don’t think AI is quite there with yet.

You might as well have just written it sometimes, or search stack overflow for the code, annoyingly, Stack Overflow has now got AI answers, so you know, in a few years it’ll just be AI talking to itself on that website, so that’ll be interesting to watch. 

I didn’t know it had that, but that’s quite annoying, because Stack Overflow is great, but always use it. Yeah, don’t we all? ChatGPT and the other AI things, like the Harvard one you just mentioned, are all really great for writing bits of code, but I think, it’s a lot more valuable to be able to understand what the code’s doing, and then that way, if you have an error, then you’ll know why that is.

You can look at it yourself, because if you aren’t able to do that, You don’t have any more skills than anyone does, 

really. No, I think it’s really, that’s a really important point. And one of the big problems with AI, and if you watch a film called Coded Bias you’ll hear about this.

It’s a great film about the the pitfalls of AI and how it can entrench the biases that already exist in our society. And one of the problems with AI is that. If you use a machine learning model to make decisions for you, it can’t tell you why it made that decision and. There’s no real legislation around this at the moment.

For example, women will be denied credit cards that men in exactly the same financial position will be given, and the AI can’t tell you why it’s denied that woman that credit card, because it doesn’t know why it made that decision. 

Yeah, definitely. I’m doing an EPQ at the moment, which is an extended project qualification. So you write, I think it’s a 5, 000 word report, and I’m doing mine around bias in AI, which is basically what you just said. And a lot of the time, the issue that people face with it is that you don’t know how a decision has been reached.

And there’s not really any hard way that you can prove that an AI model is going against the Equality Act, but it probably is. And, there are scary cases of women being denied credit, for example, where it hasn’t even been told that they are a woman, but it’s like it’s picked up other bits of information.

Yeah, and it’s figured that out itself. You definitely need people to work on that who understand the ethical implications, I think. And that is what a good computer scientist can do. 

Yeah, absolutely. Oh that’s fascinating that you’re doing that EPQ. I’d love to read that when you’ve written it. I love all this. I’m really into learning about AI at the minute. So talking of bias against women, sorry Anna, but that’s the world at the moment is it’s slightly problematic, shall we say. Okay, so what we really need. What we really need to solve that is more women in technology so how do we get more girls to learn to program or for girls to take computer science GCSE in England.

I think part of it lies in making it more interesting and more relatable. Because I think a lot of people don’t do computer science because they find it boring and Some of those people will be girls, so if we can make the projects more interesting, then more people will want to do it. The content that’s covered more interesting, more people will want to do it.

Also, I think that making the programs, I’m talking about programming here, because that’s what Harry and I do. 

Yeah, absolutely. 

Make the projects I think my dad has been doing some research into this and he’s talking about making it apply to the wider world, so things about how does computer science integrate with medicine or geography, like lots of different fields.

And I think he was saying that girls can find that more interesting and more relatable. But I will just say that one of the things that I personally find really irritating is when People think, oh, how can we get more girls into computer science? Let’s make the projects more girly. And then they have perfume or nail polish or pink or something. In fact, actually, as you were talking about, if you ask ChatGPT about projects that might interest girls, it comes up with stuff about nail polish and perfume and all of that. And as someone who’s not interested in that, and I think many girls will spot that immediately, and they’ll be like, oh, honestly, this is really annoying.

Stereotypical. It goes back. So what you’re saying happened in 2015. IBM, that global technology giant with hundreds of thousands of IT professionals around the world. They wanted to encourage more women into IT and they launched something that became infamous in 2015.

It was called the hack a hairdryer campaign. Hack a hairdryer and calling all women in tech join the hack a hairdryer experiment to re engineer what matters in science. And there you go. And it was on Twitter and you can see the Twitter replies and somebody says, that’s okay IBM, I’d rather build satellites instead, but good luck with that whole hack a hairdryer thing.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah, it’s a difficult one, isn’t it? Because, we do need more women in tech desperately working on AI, for example, because that is one of the ways that they can spot biases that are appearing and, prevent them from Being extrapolated, but equally it’s really odd because a lot of girls just don’t seem to have an interest in it and somehow we failed to capture that, I can’t see how that will be a biological thing, but, all the research that I’ve read about it, I’ve never, no one’s given me a solid sort of reasoning as to why less girls are doing it because it is an issue and a lot of the stuff people will say just sounds relatively sexist.

Like it will be something like, Oh yeah girls like to see, you know, things that are more humanities just because they don’t like hard maths and you think that can’t be right. Yeah. Yeah. So where it comes from, I don’t know, but I’m very interested to know if anyone has any research they’d like to share.

Yeah. So one of my other jobs is I work as a professional development lead for the NCCE, the National Centre for Computing Education, and they’re running a big program called I Belong to try to get more girls to take the subject. And yeah, I think it is true according to the research, that relevance really helps getting girls in, because I think generally speaking, boys are happy to mess about with technology for its own sake, and girls, this is generalizing greatly, girls would like to see, something important happen at the end of it, so that’s why I always, when I’m In the classroom, I’m talking about careers.

I always talk about, like you say, medical technology, bioinformatics, and so on. One of the things that fascinates me is things like VR being used for therapy, for like trauma patients, and so on.

And so I read something that, a load of boys were asked, what would you do with a VR headset? And it was like. Every single one of them said I’d write games and then girls said oh I’d make a therapy environment to help people who’ve been traumatized in war 

I think it’s really important to show the relevance of technology, but I think, it will inspire more girls into it, which is great, but also it will inspire everyone into it, because if you show how it’s relevant, I think no one’s going to be opposed to that.

You might as well do that and show people, no matter what you’re interested in, if it’s climate change, if it’s space exploration, if it’s nail polish, which it might be for some girls, but probably not for all of them. Or hack a hairdryer? Yeah. I think that’s really important that we show people how computer science can be applied in all sorts of different fields and how it can help lots of different types of people.

Absolutely, I think there’s quite a lot of stuff about role models like with the I belong program. We have some of the posters up in our CS classroom, but I think That is a good idea too, and it shows you also what you could do with computer science if you do it.

Also, just, I hadn’t really thought of this before I started talking, but Harry and I have got a Computing Legends campaign going on at the moment. Every month we have a pioneering computer scientists just trying to highlight the importance of computer science and show people that it is not all I don’t know, there is lots of things you can do with it outside that field of just, engineering a CPU or that kind of thing.

Yeah but a really good, really fast CPU could solve climate change, or lots of them put together. So yeah let’s talk about what will become possible. One of the things I say to my students when I’m trying to encourage them to take GCSE computer science, and they say why should I take it? And I go because, come the robot apocalypse, we want more human soldiers on the human side. And so all my students, you know, okay. And then I occasionally have one student says, no, I’m on the side of the robots. 

It’s a good argument that, if that’s not going to convince you, I don’t know what is. 

It’s coming. The robot apocalypse is coming. We need soldiers. We need people who know technology. I’ve seen Terminator. I know what happens. 

 It’s been great to talk to you. 

 I think, I think we covered everything I wanted to cover. That was brilliant. I think that went well. 
Just about. So thank you so much for being on,
. Well, thank you for having us. Brilliant to talk to you, thank you so much for your time, Anna.

Thank you very much. Thank you so much, that was brilliant. 
Thank you to you as well.
All right. Right. Thanks, guys. Lovely to talk to you. 
Thanks, Alan. Have a good evening. Bye. You too. 

This has been how to teach computer science, the podcast I’m Alan Harrison. If you want to give me feedback or get involved, just go to HTTCS dot online or check the show notes. Remember. If you liked this content, please subscribe to the podcast. 

Tell your friends, buy my books, leave a review of my books on Amazon, or at the very least buy me a coffee details at HTTCS dot online. I’m also available for staff training, inset days and student master classes. See the website for details. 

 Next week’s guest is the amazing Adrienne tough or miss tough on Twitter to you. And that is an unmissable interview. Because it’s got more jokes in it. I’ll leave you with one of the jokes from next week. Why was the computer scientist late for work? Find out next week on how to teach computer science, the podcast. It’s been great to talk to you. See you then.

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pedagogy podcast teaching and learning

Podcast Episode 4: How DO we teach Computer Science?

Episode 4 is here!


 Hello. Welcome to how to teach computer science, the podcast. This is episode four. How do we really teach computer science? I’ll be answering that question and many more with the help of today’s special guest. 
every time I make a joke in class, I say to the kids, I say, there aren’t many computing jokes and the ones there are aren’t very good. 
No, that is true. So I’m trying to buck that trend. I’m trying to bring in some new humor to the subject. I think it’s necessary. I think that might be a bigger task than sorting out the pedagogy but. Yeah, it could well be. Yeah 

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

More on that in a moment. My name’s Alan Harrison, and I wrote the books how to teach computer science on how to learn computer science available in online bookstores, more details at the companion website HTTCS dot online. That’s the initials of. How to teach computer science. HTTCS doc online. You know, it’s been quite a week. 

I’ve had a lot of feedback on the podcast. Most of it positive. Thank you so much. And I was in a teams meeting with other teachers of GCSE and A-level computer science this week. Run by AQA. Thank you, Steve Kenny for inviting me. And there was a lot of love for the podcast and it seems you appreciate my humor, which is nice. 

But I did say there are a load of cheesy computing jokes, which are not going to make it into the parts such as why do computer scientists confuse Halloween and Christmas? Because OCT 31 equals DEC 25. 


 Like I say, I won’t be doing cheesy jokes like that. But just for Ian Bissix in the AQA meeting, this is for you Ian what sits on your shoulder, shouting pieces of seven pieces of seven. A parroty error. 
 Which reminds me, what’s a Pirate’s favorite programming language. Ye might think it’d be R but his first love be the C. If you like this content, please subscribe. Tell your friends, buy my books at HTTCS dot online. Leave a review on Amazon, or at the very least buy me a coffee details on the website. Every week, I will transcribe this recording and blog it at HTTCS dot online slash blog. 

If you prefer reading, you can always print my blog and read it on the train like it’s the 1990s again. Talking of printing. I was going to put this story in the book, but I’m not sure of its veracity. a listen and tell me what you think. We have to go over to Germany in the 15th century for this story. 

1440. Johannes Gutenberg has just invented the printing press. And just five minutes later at 1445, the printing press has invented the first paper jam. And at 1530, despite printing only in black and white. Johannes printing press has demanded a magenta ink refill. Gutenberg’s invention heralded what historians call the printing revolution. Although teachers are waiting for the second printing revolution where they all just work. 

 swear the teacher workload crisis is caused by 15 hours a week of marking and 20 hours clearing other people’s paper, jams and screaming. Jean! Where the hell is the duplexing unit cover? My advice. Stop printing anything at all. Use OneNote as their digital exercise books. And when mocks come around, use your school’s printing service, often described in that unique way schools have of clinging onto nostalgic terms from a bygone age as the reprographics service. Make sure you greet Mina in reprographics every morning, and don’t forget her at Christmas and she’ll print your stuff first.

 This week on the podcast, I have a special guest he’s been a CAS Master teacher for many years. He wrote the excellent Python course for REPLIT. And is very active on X, formerly Twitter when CAS chat comes around every Tuesday. 

I’m delighted to welcome a fellow computer science teacher, Andy Colley. How are you, Andy? 

I’m very well, thank you. Thanks for having me on. It’s slightly unusual this because I’m pretty much sat up in my spare room and I reckon if I look out of the window on my left, I could probably wave to you because you’re about two streets away from me.

And yet we’re using the magic of the Internet to record this. Maybe next time we’ll get in the same place. So the how the tables have turned because I was on your podcast probably a couple of years ago now. So just Fill us in. What’s your podcast about Andy? 

I mean I’ve never been one to be backward about coming forward, but for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Andy Colley. I am a rather fancily titled Director of Computing, which is a posh title for Head of Subject at a school called Laurus Cheadle Hulme in Cheadle Hulme, South Manchester.


And in my spare time when I’m not teaching people, I like to talk about teaching people. And one of the ways I do that is through a podcast called Learning Dust with an unbelievably good better half, podcast wife on there called Dave Leonard, who is a network manager a MAT network lead, IT director and so on.

And he’s fabulous. He was one of the first people to steer my career down the way of using technology. Pedagogy first technology, if you will. Not just using it because it’s a shiny box, but using it because It helps learners improve the way they learn and remember more and be able to do more.

Yeah, he’s an all round good egg, Dave, isn’t he? I keep bumping into him as well at conferences. 
I know he’s annoyingly popular, isn’t he? Yeah. But you called that podcast Learning Dust. Just remind me where that phrase came from. 

I think the first time I heard it was back at a conference called Rethinking ICT. In about 2010, I want to say, and it was Professor Tom Crick who used the phrase, he said, magic learning dust does not fall out of the bottom of an iPad, just because they’re using technology doesn’t mean that automatically the learning is going to happen. And I’ve remembered it for years and years because the way I’ve taught and developed my career over the last 20 years in education is I was an advanced skills teacher, I was a lead practitioner for teaching and learning, I’m now running a subject.

Throughout all of that it’s about how do you do what you do in the classroom to the best effect so that your kids. Learn as much as possible for that limited amount of time they are with you and then can remember it for the next time you see them. 

Absolutely and hence our shared belief in the need to plan really effective lessons, not see if we can use this new shiny thing that’s come out and and is going to, oh, the latest thing that’s going to revolutionize education, let’s throw that into the classroom and see if it does.

You’re dead right and what we were saying just before we started recording was that I think we’re in such a much better place now both as the teaching profession and. Also as computer science teachers in particular about information about pedagogy that works, best practice pedagogy.

Dylan Wiliam speaks a lot of sense. He says, everything works somewhere. But what we do have now is a set Of best bets, if you will. Of things that have been shown to work in a majority of situations that we can default to. I like to call it minimum best practice. So there are certain techniques that you use with questioning, that you use with explanation, that you use with modelling, that are my default techniques.

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

And from there, I’ve raised the floor. Yeah, if my department are using cold calling and think pair share as their default questioning techniques, if we’re using mini whiteboards as our default check for understanding, if we’re using dual coding and live modeling as our default method of explanation, then that floor standard is a much higher, and there’s much more consistency in terms of It sounds flippant, but the worst it can possibly be, and then, what I say to my department is okay, that’s our minimum. If you’re going to do something different, let’s make it better than what we’ve already got. And we can use that as our benchmark. And like I say, we’ve got so much more information now, I’m looking at the Teach Computing, Big Book of Pedagogy here. And there’s what, a dozen things in there, a dozen concepts. Alan’s reaching for his as we speak. This is live podcast. Yep, here we go. Ta da! There’s page five. There’s a dozen things there. 

Yeah absolutely. This is I was going to talk about this. I’m flicking it in front of the microphone. Like that’s helpful when we’re on a podcast, but yeah, it’s I like what you say about a sort of a floor level of performance and then you can build on that.

So I do recommend everyone reads something like the Big Book of Pedagogy. There’s other stuff out there now, like you say, loads of it that we have access to now in the last 10 years, like Sue Sentance’s, computer science, education book. And I wrote a book by the way, I don’t know if you heard about that.

And I do mention it occasionally. Yeah. And William Lau’s and many others. What I tried to gather was some of the best bits of , it’s a bit of a magpie book. Really, I magpied all the best bits of pedagogy from other people’s research, but I did credit everybody.

 So yeah, I like what you’re saying about, questioning and whiteboards and there’s sometimes I come across people who say oh we’re in a computing room we’ve got to use the computers all the time and I think good teaching is good teaching you don’t have to be on the computers all the time.

Magic learning dust does not fall out of the bottom of an iPad. 


Exactly you know if it’s the best tool for either explaining something to them or checking that they’ve learned what you’ve taught them. Or getting them to practice individually, what you’ve learned, what you’ve taught them, then if the best tool for that is a pencil and paper, then use a damn pencil and paper.

Mini whiteboards are brilliant. I’ve used them for years. And, And, you can ask a question and bear in mind there is what people call a lot of theory to our subject. There’s a lot to know. There’s a lot of declarative knowledge as well as procedural knowledge, if we’re using those terms in the Ofsted Research Review.

You’ve got to check for understanding and that’s a skill that we can use in any classroom with mini whiteboards. One thing I would say is I did start to, I did use occasionally something called Socrative and of course the poll option and just asking questions in Teams if you’re on Teams.

So you can use technology to imitate mini whiteboards. And I like the, this Socrative. com would allow you to ask a question, they would put their answers in, and then you could choose two or three to push back to the students in a poll of best answers. And so you can tweak. The check for understanding with a mini whiteboard with technology in some ways, but it’s still a check for understanding.

Yeah, once I’ve got the mini whiteboards up, I will get some off the students, particularly if we’re learning how to write code fragments and I will put them under the visualizer. And then we’ll debug them together or they will discuss what I like about this particular example or where they’ve used, let’s say, variable assignment in here and so on.

But I’m I’m zooming we’re zooming right in at the moment. If I back off a minute and look at big principles in terms of information about teaching in general, Daniel Willingham said memory is the residue of thought. For me, that’s my Occam’s razor. That is, is. Everything I’m doing in the classroom, getting the kids thinking hard about what I want them to think about.

sometimes that can mean that I have to stop doing something really good to make sure that we’re doing something better. A great headteacher once said to me, if they’re learning, get the hell out of the way. I like it. And I have been as guilty as anyone of having a lovely computing adjacent discussion and if I’ve got a class that’s interested and engaged, I will swerve off what I want them to learn in the lesson and I’ll stay off that for too long.

Oh yeah, my kids knew how to get me off on tangents but yeah.

 Yeah talking of tangents. We’re just going to pause the interview with Andy Colley there and have a quick look at next week’s podcast.

 But I will just say that one of the things that I personally find really irritating is when People think, oh, how can we get more girls into computer science? Let’s make the projects more girly. And then they have like, , perfume or nail polish or pink or something. And as someone who’s not interested in that, I think many girls will spot that immediately, and they’ll be like, oh, honestly, this is really annoying.

 That was a sneak preview of next week’s podcast. You’re not going to want to miss it. That was Anna Wake who with her cousin, Harry. Was talking about. Getting girls into computing and their website mission. encodable, it’s a fab podcast next week. Subscribe now, but first back to Andy Colley. 


if I’ve got a class that’s interested and engaged, I will swerve off what I want them to learn in the lesson and I’ll stay off that for too long. 

I’m all over that. The Willingham quote. I use that a lot. And it leads onto the ratio blogs from Adam Boxer. Yeah. And Ben Newmark’s Golden Silence. Um, Yes. So it’s, frightening sometimes when, kids are silently working, you think, oh God, I should say something, but the pressure to fill the void, yep. Like I say, I like that quote, get out of the way if they’re learning, and the ratio thing, in case listeners haven’t heard about it, is, what percentage of my pupils are thinking hard about the stuff they should be thinking hard about 

 We were talking about that semantic waves idea there we’ve introduced the abstract idea of ratio. Let’s zoom into an example now. For example questioning in the classroom. If I say to you, Alan, what is this? The moment I say Alan, everyone else in that classroom stops thinking.

Yes. Yeah, or if I go for hands up, then there are some kids who can quite happily sit there and never put a hand up and never have to think. Whereas if I say, I’m going to ask a question, I want everybody to think about their answer, and I’m going to take several responses. Yeah. Ask the question, pause, then Alan. Now, the number of students that are thinking up to the time I say the name is hopefully everyone.

And then, because I’ve said I’m going to take several responses, I can move it around. And that’s, that’s the sort of The nutshell of cold calling, isn’t it? Yeah, it is. And I was talking about this. I was delivering a course at the STEM Centre in York a few weeks ago and we were talking about questioning.

And I brought up the fact that novice teachers often don’t. really understand the purpose of questioning and they remember their school days of teacher asking a question and kids put the hand up, teacher asked the child who put the hand up and everyone moved on

we have to make explicit for novice teachers what questioning is about and it’s a pedagogical technique that ensures that the students are all thinking about what you want them to think about. In a sense, getting the right answer is really not important. The thinking is what’s important. And you mentioned cold call, which is what it’s called in Teach Like a Champion, of course.

And you also mentioned something that Doug Lemov, Teach Like a Champion bloke, calls wait time as well, which is asking a question and waiting. 

 All these things are little habits because it’s possible to do all of this stuff really badly and I say that from a position of having done all this stuff really badly. Yeah. Early in my career, I started behind the eight ball because I started in the era of engagement, the era of how many different tasks can you have going on in a classroom? As long as people look busy, that’s fine. Yeah. And from that, I’ve moved to be If I want them to learn something, I’ve got to explicitly teach it to them, and then check effectively have they learned what I’m teaching.

So from the engagement era, then you go through the right it’s the slide design as lesson planning. And you end up, especially working with non specialists, or you’re trying to produce a curriculum that can be picked up and run by other people, temptation is you just put everything you’re going to say on the slide. Absolutely. Which is, yeah, we’ve all sat in those insets, haven’t we? Read out of a PowerPoint, and yeah, look at what some of us do to kids. 

It’s funny, some of the teachers CPD historically has been some of the worst teaching that any of us have had. But yeah, . We’re the toughest crowd out there.

Yeah, we’re, yeah, we’re sat there going, my brain’s overloaded, why am I suffering cognitive overload in a teacher CPD session? But yeah, again, 

Let’s dig into that then, because that’s the first time we’ve mentioned cognitive overload, isn’t it? And Sweller and his cognitive load theory and being a non computer scientist who learnt to teach this subject. It’s really easy when you are an expert to think that everybody else finds things easy. I’ve seen so many programming courses that go variable assignment, input, output, and now recursion. 

Yeah, absolutely. 
And there’s this giant pit that you fall into. You’re on your back like a turtle and you can’t get out. And I see that look on the faces of students all the time. 

So, yeah, my lesson slides now are a lot more pared back. There’s a lot more diagrams or part diagrams that I then complete in front of the students. The note section is where I keep my explanations and I don’t know how long it, I dunno, it was far too long it took me, but before I started practicing my explanations.

Actually get into an empty classroom and say what you want to say. Are you doing it with brevity? Are you doing it as simply as possible? And then you can start to build in your analogies and your what william Lau brilliantly talked about in terms of semantic waves where you go from concrete to abstract to concrete back to abstract you pack you unpack and so on.

So you as an experienced teacher you pick up on a load of those analogies don’t you? And you’ve got to be super careful about picking those as well because if you pick the wrong one you can build in misconceptions. You know, , you bake in the misunderstandings and You can do just as much damage with a bad analogy as you can enlighten with a good one.

Yeah, someone pointed out to me, the variable analogy is a box, and I’ve used that with novice programmers down in year 7,8,, And the box thing comes with the possibility of a number of misconceptions, the main one being a box can hold many things at once.

So that’s where you check for understanding with your mini whiteboards.

Yeah, as you get more experience you learn that if you have a bit of code on the screen with the variable num1 being assigned I don’t know four times in ten lines You can put that up and you can say right predict on your white boards What will be stored in num1 by the end of this code?

And you’re trying to draw out that misconception that you don’t just add them all together, or you don’t shove them all in the variable. And by doing that with the handover phase, the checking for understanding phase, the sort of we do it together phase, and especially by, oh, brilliant, I’m glad you thought that. Loads of people think that when they come across variables for the first time, and we can really learn from that now. And getting discussion going about why this isn’t the case and questioning like that, you can turn your classroom into a place where it’s okay to make mistakes. Absolutely. Where we’re learning from this, this is a learning process, so we are not afraid to have a go, 30 answers up in the air you can see 30 different answers from 30 different brains and pick out those misconceptions. And as you get more experienced, you get better at setting up those questions and those examples to check for understanding, to draw those out.

For example, when you’re teaching selection and you do if age is greater than 18, output you can vote, and then you do what will happen for an input of 18. Yeah. Because we don’t read the comparison operator properly. 

I used to call it the bouncer program because it was you can go into the pub and then someone pointed out that I should really not be encouraging drinking.


So it became the you can vote program. Yeah. And yeah, you can teach, with that one example, you can teach , variable tracing, and dry running a program to see if it will work and testing as well. Yeah, that’s. 

That leads us on to that to Sue Sentance’s really quite fantastic PRIMM, doesn’t it, in terms of code comprehension and learning to read before you can write? 

Yeah. I put a quote in the book from David Gries, computer science educator, 1974, said, if you’re an apprentice carpenter, you don’t get given a load of tools and an example of a finished cabinet, and then be told go and make one, 

 so the idea of PRIMM’s been around some time, reading code before you can write it and getting familiar with it. But it’s good to have the research to back it up. 

Yeah, I think also, though, being super careful with that cognitive load theory and that Willingham idea of introducing new material in small steps, , again, we can fall into that expert trap of we’re teaching selection, so Yeah, with an if and an else, and then we go to a make task and it requires selection and oh, there’s an iteration in there as well, and then we’ve got lists built into the make task as well.

Who was it who described I think it might have been Sue Sentance again. A single line of code can be so syntactically dense. Yes. There’s so much going on. There’s so many concepts to understand, yes. Let’s go back to selection again. You’ve got the selection statement, you’ve then got a condition, so you’ve gotta understand what a condition can be made of. A comparison operator, it can contain a variable, it can contain two variables, two pieces of data, strings, integers, and then you’ve got indentation, and that’s a single line.

So much going on. You can have a subroutine call and then in Python, you don’t even have to go if. Valid input equals true. You could just go if valid input. Yeah, 

hang on. that’s a fun one to discuss when you’re doing selection and conditions and stuff equals true. You don’t need that. Ah, yeah, but I teach it with the equals true. 
And then you can take it off and explain why later. 

I call it the long way round for a lot of my students. I say, I’m going to teach you the long way around and we’re going to do one thing per line.

Oh, it never stops. This idea that we simplify for the age or the level of the audience that we’re teaching to. It never stops because of course when you get to A level you learn functional programming and when you get to university you learn all sorts of esoteric languages that do parallel processing with abstraction and so on.

So the first thing that you teach children about programs is they are a sequence of steps to solve a problem and then you get to a level and they’re not anymore because a functional program is not that. So we’ve got this idea that we teach, abstractions again of the knowledge at each level and then sometimes we have to unweave the abstractions and teach them what the truth is.

Again, it’s are you baking in misconceptions and it’s really hard because it’s tricky and I guess this is pedagogy and this is what we have been researching 

yeah Yeah if we move on from programming a minute. What other pedagogy is there in our subject that, besides programming I’ll give you an example. I teach networking, what’s called a threshold concept of packet switching. Yes.

Just as an aside, someone asked me, do we need to teach packet switching? because it’s no longer in the spec. It’s true that in the OCR spec, you don’t have to describe packet switching, but you can’t possibly understand networking without understanding the threshold concept of packet switching. So I get nervous sometimes when teachers ask me, can I drop this from my classroom? And I go no, it’s a fundamental concept. 

So I get it across with post its. Post it packet switching, I call it, and they write one word on each post it and they write who it’s to and the number of that. Post it in the message and I send them around the classroom and so these post its are standing in for the packets and that’s my analogy but I’ve got to make sure I go back up like you mentioned, go back up the semantic wave and explain how this analogy is the same as packet switching and the ways it’s different. For example, it’s not one word in a packet, it’s a number of bytes and so on. 

Are there any other pedagogical tricks and techniques that you use for the non programming stuff? 

Yeah my overriding thing is before I go into the classroom, I’ve really planned what I want to say and how I want to explain it and then how I want the students to respond to that in the handover phase.

And the majority of the time that will be an explanation, a diagram, checking for understanding with mini whiteboards, think pair share discussion time or cold calling. And again, I’m picking up on those if I expect them to know the answer, I’ll use cold calling. If I need them to discuss something or to have a think and safety in numbers, that would be think pair share and so on. I do almost something similar when we’re talking about CPU architecture, the different parts of the processor.. So we will have some students sat along one side of the room with instructions.

On their mini whiteboards, add this load that, do something else. Yes. And then in the middle of the room, on a table, I will have my CPU. And again, it’s abstraction. So I’m using the program counter the memory address, register the memory data Registered the control unit, the A LU.

So the program counter tells the memory address, register. Which number instruction is next the memory address register then shouts that to memory instruction one That gets brought to the front. Yeah, and if I really want to complicate it, I will have a student counting down as the clock So we’ll have a five second clock speed Five four and it’s got to be the instructions got to arrive at the processor into the memory data register control unit decodes it gives the ALU if it’s Arithmetic and so on and they’ve got five seconds to complete this Yeah, good stuff.

Stuff. And then we go again and we go again. So they’re actually moving the instructions around and if you get a class you can trust, that’s great. 

Yeah exactly. So absolutely fab. Yeah, .What else have I been doing? A couple of revision sessions, with 11s on binary search, and again 

Play the high low game. We’ll play the high low game, of course we’ll play the high low game, I will read your mind. Six guesses or fewer, 64. 

But what I’ll do is Before I introduce binary search In order to do that, you’ve got to master finding a midpoint. And in order to find a midpoint, you’ve got to do integer division, floor division. We will do lots of practice of floor division to get the right answer. Then we will do floor division to find the midpoint. Here’s a list, what’s the midpoint? We’ll practice several of those until I’m convinced they’ve got it.

And then we’ll introduce the idea of binary search, so that We’re introducing in small steps. I’m getting that high success rate. They can all do floor division. They can all find the midpoint now binary search midpoint is our search item higher or lower? Yeah, and then we show them how it works So we it’s just about really thinking carefully about what I’m doing and making sure that I’m pre teaching the skills They need for them to be successful because there’s nothing worse than that Jump from input to recursion when you are absolutely lost

And, and it’s so easy to do. It’s so easy to do. And startling to realize, but some of our lovely students do not do what I do and spend every minute between one lesson and the next thinking about computer science. No, I know. So there is a chance that they may not.

You can’t be remembering the stuff that you want them to remember from one lesson to the next, especially at key stage three. 

Talking of remembering stuff from one lesson to the next, how can we help them do that? So yeah, I’m hinting at retrieval practice. 

 You got a lot of retrieval practice going on, Andy? 

Every lesson. Every lesson. Every lesson. With very few exceptions. And again, at Key Stage 4, Smart Revises is the best platform I’ve seen for that. They’re constantly making changes. It’s worth the money. Constantly making changes and updates.

One of the best things they’ve done recently is introduce topic, guided topic filtering. So with my 10s, as I teach a topic, I can add that to the smart revised question set that my 10s see. And then when they do mixed retrieval, just the topics we’ve covered. are built in there, because retrieval should be something you’ve already encountered.

It’s practicing remembering, isn’t it? Because when you’re sat in an exam, that’s all you’re doing. That’s what revision is. It’s tricking your brain into remembering stuff that it really doesn’t want to remember. I know all the words to the Neighbours theme tune. Not doing it now. No idea why, but for some reason my brain, when I first encountered CPU architecture and parts of the processor, it just slid right off.

So revision is just doing and doing until it blooming well sticks, until that synapse pathway is strong enough. At Key Stage 3, actually, I use something called Quizzizz, it’s that absolutely, it’s that sweet spot of engagement and hard thinking. And if you find me on Quizzizz as Mr. A. Colley, you can nick all my Question sets and question banks it also lets me celebrate, oh this class today we got 70 percent as a class.

Let’s aim for 75, and we can give out house points for quality performances, things like that. It’s great. 

Absolutely. You touched on something that Willingham said there, which was knowing is remembering in disguise.,

that’s, that links back into cognitive load theory, doesn’t it? Because when, as we keep going back to programming, because we’re computer scientists and it’s what makes our socks roll up and down, isn’t it? But when you see a problem to program now. You’ve got a stored bank of experience of problems like that you’ve seen before, and how you saw them solved, or how you solved them yourself.

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

So you’re not processing that as new information. So your experience, and the fact that you can retrieve those and remember them, they’re in your long term memory, means they don’t take up. Any of the, is it five blocks? Five things in your working memory. Five new, five new things. You’re not trying to process that as a new thing. So that frees up your working memory to process the new things that are different about the problem. It also means as an expert you can use that experience to focus on the parts of the problem that are important to do that mental abstraction that you need to do. Whereas a New learner can’t do that yet.

They’ve not learned what’s important and what’s not. They give everything equal weight So when you’re saying it’s blooming easy. Of course you need selection there. Of course you need a loop there Because you’ve seen it a thousand times. They haven’t. By practicing retrieval, by remembering experiences or skills we’ve had, you’re removing that cognitive load, you’re removing the opportunity for overload, so they can process the things that are different about that problem.

And it’s all computer science in disguise, isn’t it? It’s pattern recognition. Abstraction. All of that stuff. So, there’s a reason I was talking about best practice and floor levels earlier and that’s because this stuff is proven to make it more effective for our learners to learn new things and without cognitive overload because it’s hard enough as it is 

absolutely you said about noticing what’s different and I Listened to a talk from William Lau about Marton’s variation theory, which Really explains all that.

Yeah, you’ve heard of that. Yeah. Yeah, so So, giving examples and non examples or varying one thing at a time. And so the learners notice the thing that’s varied and how that changes the situation. 

Even the way you set your questions up in your practice. I’ve reworked my binary conversion practice questions. Yeah. So that a lot of my examples. change just the least significant bit from one example to the next so they can get to spot that then evaluates out as one higher in denary. Yeah,. 

Which brings us back to last week with Andrew Virnuls and we were talking about this then about how the principle of the number of bits in a sample, or the number of bits in the bit depth of an image, the number of bits You have on the width of your data bus and so on, are all the same thing.

And it was interesting that Andrew said we had a chat. A few weeks ago about the number of topics there are in computing and how much content there is to cover.

And novice computing teachers will talk about there being 30 topics at Key Stage 3. And Andrew and I could probably think of seven. And I think it’s the understanding of the subject gives us this overarching vision of six or seven strands that everything relates to, whereas novice teachers will see, a unit on Photoshop as separate to a unit on vector graphics and as separate to a unit on data representation of images. 

And the hard thing is in your lessons then how to keep the main thing the main thing and introduce that information in small parts when you can see all these really exciting joins between the topics, and then you’re off on a story.

Yeah. I know, I keep, every time I make a joke in class, I say to the kids, I say, there aren’t many computing jokes and the ones there are aren’t very good. 

No, that is true. So I’m trying to buck that trend. I’m trying to bring in some new humor to the subject. I think it’s necessary. I think that might be a bigger task than sorting out the pedagogy but. Yeah, it 

could well be. Yeah. Because in my experience, I did computer science degree way back in the dark ages the others on my course weren’t particularly funny or entertaining, so I didn’t hang around with the computer scientists.
I hung around with archaeologists and English majors. 

There is. At the risk of alienating the entire audience, there’s a there’s a stereotype about computer scientists, isn’t there, which is wildly exaggerated and, but you hear it everywhere you go. But for most stereotypes there’s a grain of truth in there somewhere.

And sometimes the things that make you like computer science and make you good at it are not necessarily the same things that make you good as a classroom teacher. 

Yeah, that’s probably true. I’ve had this debate online about, does a degree matter? Does I think subject knowledge is important, hugely important.

Otherwise, we wouldn’t be, doing this. But, yes. Not all computer science graduates make good teachers, I think. So 

And not all great teachers, so better make good computer science graduates either. I think it’s . It’s a what did Liam Neeson say? It’s a particular set of skills. . . 

Yeah, exactly. On that threat from Andy there. Given that I’ve got a particular set of skills, a new skill being podcasting. I learned from the best. Go and listen to Learning Dust with Andy Colley and Dave Leonard after you’ve finished.

Listening to this podcast. What’s your week like, Andy? What’s it looking like this week? This week in Laurus Cheadle Hulme, you it’s option year, nine options evening, tomorrow night, which is exciting. And tiring both rolled into one because it’s that chance to change some minds or 

To come 

can anybody take computer science in your school? Yep. Yeah, . I hear about a lot of gatekeeping. A lot of schools are nervous about results, and so they try to steer some pupils away from computer science, which I think is wrong. I would like it to be open to everyone.

I think if you’re gonna come in to the classroom and you’re gonna work hard. Yeah. And you understand as you’re coming in, if your key stage three curriculum has set students up to understand what they’re really getting into. Really getting into. ’cause you’ve gotta love, learn to love the pain a bit at GCSE.

Yeah. You know that’s true. My 10, my tens are my 10. Some of them are really wrestling with Subprograms right now. Yeah, really wrestling and when you said about sequence before I’m thinking yeah Because I’ve just introduced subprograms to them looking at me going I can’t I just do this as three lines of code rather than having to define a subprogram and call it in the main Ascended parameter because we’re doing it a very simple level at the moment.

It’s yes, we’ll make things better later You know, we’re doing we’re taking the pain now they have to be prepared for that and if you’re gonna come in and Work your backside off and get a grade two because you work your backside off and that is a hole in one for you. Then I am as proud of you as I’m as the person who comes in and works the backside off and gets a grade eight or grade nine.

Yeah. Don’t forget, grade two, three can be a positive progress eight score for some students, let’s not forget that.

It’s a big achievement for some students and some of my Best results were low prior attainers, and they thrived in the subject. 

Catherine Elliott talks about what we’ve talked about. That’s these sorts of pedagogies of new information in small steps, avoiding cognitive overload wherever you can, of high success rate of code comprehension.

She talks about those as key techniques in creating an inclusive classroom. And these techniques are just great teaching. And if you are doing that and your classroom is a place where great teaching is taking place, that helps everyone.

Yeah, a high tide lifts all boats is how I explain it, which is the old fashioned phrase, but yeah, I remember the days when, you know, my head of department would go tell me all the ways you’re helping these students, and it would be a list of characteristics, and it would be EAL, and PP, and SEND, and so on, and oh, tell me how you’re differentiating your lessons 20 different ways . And, we’re over that now. We talk about inclusive and adaptive teaching, which means, teaching it well and responding to the needs of the pupils.

 Know your subject well. Know your subject well. Explain it well, model it, check for understanding well, hand over that hand over lesson stage well. Give students opportunities to practice what you’re trying to teach them and then explore and vary William Lau and the variation theory with your better programmers, right, how many different ways can you make this happen? And have you seen that that competition they have every year of making the worst user interface? 

Oh yeah, I love that. 
Take inspiration from that. What’s the worst way you can make this program? What’s the most inefficient way you can make a program that does this? And have some fun with it at that creative end. You can’t take a solo on an instrument till you’ve mastered your foundations and you know your scales and then you get creative with it once you can play with the forms and break the rules And that’s the creative end of computing for me.

So yeah it’s about quality teaching. And that comes back to, there’s things like, now is intervention season, isn’t it? It’s how many extra revision sessions are you running for this? How many days of your Easter holiday are you giving up? Actually, and this is a big bug, bear of mine.

Actually, the number one time you get with those kids is in the classroom, in your lessons. You don’t get any chunk of time that’s bigger than that. That’s where the difference is made. 

I’ve worked places where the head of department had me rattling through the curriculum to leave loads of time for revision and I knew it felt wrong at the time because I was just flying through the content ticking it off, if you like, so that I had time to revise it, which meant that they weren’t getting it. So they needed more revision time. And it was a self fulfilling prophecy. 

So by the time they get to the revision, they’ve got no confidence in it. Yeah. Yeah. That high success rate, that, that small steps, high success rate is what builds learners confidence in your subjects, especially in a hard subject like ours.

Yeah, absolutely. So you’ve got options evening tomorrow ? Sell the 
subject tomorrow. I’ve got loads of Key Stage 4 lessons at the moment. I’ve got some fabulous groups of kids who are just smashing it out of the park and really lucky this year.

I did see when I popped in, I loved the idea that you had this open ended, long list of programming problems that they were just jumping onto at the end of lesson, and I thought that was fab. 

That comes from something you said a while ago about you never finished. Yeah, so what I’ve done is I’ve taken the Craig and Dave, the TIME and the mission encodable time Programming projects and I’ve adapted them a bit. I’m delivering them through Repl. it at the moment, but we can’t do that anymore Can we? So I’m gonna have to find a different platform And yeah especially my year 10s. They’ve just absolutely gone nuts for it Yeah, in a way that I’ve never had before and they’re just loving it.

They’re smashing through them they’re doing, they’re doing four in lesson and then going home and doing another six. 

That’s great. It’s great when you get that.
It’s brilliant, but I’ve got so much marking to do. Not marking, reviewing of code. 

Reviewing, yeah, so yeah, I was never a big fan of marking myself and so I tried to do as little as possible and do things like, reviewing stuff online that they’ve done or self marking quizzes and stuff. Like I said back in class at the time, those mini whiteboards again, get it under the visualizer.

That’s feedback right there when they can do something about it. 

Feedback, not marking, that’s what we say. I know I said earlier, you’re never finished. And I’m grateful that you mentioned that, that blog. I blogged about it, didn’t I? I banned the words, sir, I’m finished from my classroom because because basically they should never be finished.

They should always have something to do. But time is run out for us we are finished. This is the problem, we talked about brevity of explanations, but when you get me 

going. Both of us the same, so we can talk about computing pedagogy all day. And I’m sure we will again, because we can come back and talk about something else in a few weeks.

It’s been great to talk to you. Andy Colley, thank you for coming on the podcast. An absolute pleasure. Thanks for having me, Alan. 

And this has been how to teach computer science, the podcast I’m Alan Harrison. If you want to give me feedback or get involved, just go to. HTTCS. Online or check the show notes. Remember, if you liked this content, please subscribe. Tell your friends, buy my books, leave a review of my books on Amazon, or at the very least buy me a coffee details at HTTCS dot online. So don’t miss next week’s episode when we will have the amazing Harry and Anna Wake of mission encodable, that was a fantastic interview and you don’t want to miss it so. I’m heading down to that London at Easter. So I’m just printing some stuff to read on the way.

But I’m printing black and white.

Okay. Okay. 

Jean!. Where the hell is the duplexer cover? 

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

In case you’re wondering, R, is a programming language used mostly for data science. Also no printers were harmed in the recording of this week’s episode. Although this one’s going to get it in a minute. It’s been lovely to talk to you. Speak to you next week.

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Apodalypse Now.

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Every episode transcript will appear here on the blog too. Enjoy!

Episode 001: What’s All This About Then?

Episode Link: What’s All This About Then?


Alan: welcome to How to Teach Computer Science the podcast. This is episode one. What’s this all about then? Well, I’ve had a lot of people say to me, “Alan, your book has been recommended to me and it looks fantastic, but I just don’t have time to read it. Can you make an audio book version?” So I looked into that and it costs a lot of money for little reward. So instead I’m doing this cheap podcast. But before I ramble on, and trust me, there will be rambling for it’s just me today. Nobody to interrupt me or get me back on track. So I hope you can follow me. , as an aside, I saw Ross Noble in concert, the comedian last week, and my wife said, that’s you that is, and I pointed out that’s a line from David Baddiel

[00:01:00] <Crickets chirping>

Alan: anyway, my name is Alan Harrison, and I wrote the books How to Teach Computer Science and How to Learn Computer Science available in all good bookstores and some bad ones. And on Amazon and you can find more details at the companion website to the books That’s the initials. of How to Teach Computer Science, I’ve got 25 episodes planned


If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

Alan: Which will take us up to the summer holidays. And some fab guests booked in. There will be parables practice and pedagogy and a lot of computer science subject knowledge and jokes, probably and anecdotes and fun stuff like competitions and prize draws, talking of jokes. What’s the problem with jokes about the punchline often comes too early race conditions. <crickets>

That’s a degree level, computer science joke right there. More where that came from you lucky people. If you want to give me feedback, not on my jokes, please. Or get involved, just go to [00:02:00] or check the show notes on your podcast player.

I’m also on threads Mastodon and X as mraharrison That’s M R A Harrison, or you can email me at alan AT I’d love to hear what you think about this podcast. And if you want to be a guest, just send me an email. Or a message. And if you like the content, please subscribe and tell your friends and buy my books at Leave a review of my books on Amazon or at the very least buy me a coffee. I have a- tag on my Website and blogs so go to and bung me a few quid. Because I’m not getting paid for this.

Okay. So. Every week, I will transcribe this recording as well and blog it at So if you don’t like my voice, you can get your favorite text to speech engine to read out my words., You can even go to Speechify to have my words read by somebody else.

Snoop: [00:03:00] What up dog it’s big snoop d o double g, and I’m an English voice from the United States


Alan: so if you really must have my words, read by Snoop Dogg, go to So let’s get into today’s podcast then, and let’s start with a fertile question.

Alan: What’s this all about then?

It’s the podcast version of the book, How to teach computer science. This book that I wrote is for new or aspiring computer science teachers, wishing to improve their subject knowledge and gain confidence in the classroom. And it’s for experienced computer science teachers who wish to hone their practice. Especially in the areas of explicit instruction, tackling misconceptions and exploring pedagogical content knowledge. So trainee teachers. And NQTs or ECTs. will find this book, invaluable, experienced teachers will find it inspiring and all would benefit from a fresh look at the hinterland and pedagogy that makes computer science a fascinating subject to teach. So go get the book. If I haven’t mentioned it, I wrote a book.

But [00:04:00] today let’s discuss pedagogy in more detail, a little bit about PCK, pedagogical content knowledge. Educational psychologist, Lee Shulman defined PCK as quote knowledge of the most regularly taught topics in one subject area, the most useful forms of representation of those ideas, the most powerful analogies, illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations end quote. Thank you Mr. Schulman. It’s that intersection of content or subject knowledge and pedagogy. PCK for computer science will be different to that for maths, science, or history, but may share some common features. For example, the pedagogy of fertile questions can be used in any subject.

What are fertile questions? I’m glad you asked. So you may know them as big questions or inquiry questions. Fertile questions are intriguing questions the teaching tries to answer and they help to tie all the lessons in a topic together. As explained by Mark Enser in his TES article, “are you asking fertile questions? If not, you should be” July, 2020. And I quote this sense of intrigue sparks my pupils natural curiosity. The subject itself becomes engaging rather than an activity designed to hook them. By phrasing each topic as a fertile question to be answered. I’ve been able to think more carefully about the disciplinary knowledge that a geographer, because he’s a geography teacher would need in order to answer it. I find myself asking what propositional and procedural knowledge will they have to bring to the question. Rather than what can I teach to fill up the lessons this half term? That’s Mark Enser in TES.

And William Lau gives us some examples of fertile questions for the architecture chapter in his book, teaching computing in secondary schools copy here. Next to the microphone. And it’s a fab book. Inspired me to write mine. And William says. As an example, the architecture chapter could have a fertile question. How can we design the [00:06:00] fastest computer system in the world? Now you see. Phrasing a series of lessons as the inquiry that will answer that question will give structure to the unit and motivation to find out the answer to that question. Individual lessons within that topic could have fertile questions such as why does my phone get hot? And why does cooling speed it up? Why do my phone and tablet boot in seconds while my desktop takes a minute? Why are some manufacturers computers more expensive than others? Why did chip manufacturers stop increasing clock speeds and instead, add extra cores. Why does magnetic storage still exist if solid state drives are quicker. So those questions can set the tone and the objectives for the lesson.

Once you’ve got your lesson planned around your fertile questions, you can start to explain stuff. And I’m a big fan of explanations. One technique you might use is analogy, always use good analogies. Why? Because a bad analogy is like a, bad analogy. Those of a certain age may remember the comedy series Blackadder, famous for terrible analogies, such as Baldrick. There hasn’t been a war run this badly since Olaf the Hairy, King of all the Vikings, ordered 80,000 battle helmets with the horns on the inside.

Alan: But I digress. I told you there’d be rambling.

Analogies help explain abstract ideas, using a similar idea in a familiar concept. Concrete examples exist in the real world and put the learning in context, connecting new competing ideas to other subjects. Which helps pupils assimilate them into their existing understanding. Analogies can be used as part of a semantic wave. Also described as unplug, unpack repack.

So basically you might describe an algorithm as a sequence of steps to solve a problem. Then slide down the semantic wave to a lower semantic gravity and say algorithms are like a recipe. Then go back up, repacking into the algorithm concept. Semantic waves are [00:08:00] described in an NCCE quick read and the link is in the transcript on my blog at

Other pedagogies, unique to computing include unplugged and physical computing. I have a whole episode of this podcast planned to cover those. So just for now, park your physical computing enthusiasm on the stack, and I’ll pop it off in a few weeks.

Misconceptions can seriously hinder learner’s progress. I love a good misconception me like assignment statements make two arguments equal, always, like in mathematical equations or peer to peer networks require a mesh topology. Studies have shown that teachers who are aware of common misconceptions and actively seek to address them. are more effective. That’s Sadler et al 2013.

So. You’ve got your misconceptions. You’ve got your pedagogies. What makes a good lesson? And I think we really need to beef up our explanations. I pride myself on my explanations. So I wrote the book to help you explain things better. My books clear descriptions of each topic and deep exploration of the hinterland should enable teachers to explain topics in great depth suitable for a direct instruction approach to teaching.

Now I wasn’t always a fan of direct instruction. I was very much a progressive teacher at the start of my career. And I thought inquiry learning was wonderful, and constructivism and Constructionism. That’s Papert and everything, but there’s a limit to how much time we can give them to discover things. They’re not really discovering. They’re just finding out stuff that we already know. They’re not small adults they’re children. True discovery. comes after you’ve learned all of the substantive knowledge that’s already out there to learn.

And then, you know how to perform the discipline, of computer science in our case, and then go out and discover new things. So discovery learning is a little overplayed. I think children can’t discover new facts like scientists until they’ve got that body of knowledge, so limit your inquiry learning and don’t get me started on Googling. Googling is not inquiry learning and inquiry learning is. Not always the best way to get new facts across. So. Hone your explanations and tell the pupils most of the stuff they need to know and let them practice using that knowledge in a practical way, applying that knowledge in the classroom.

I’m a big fan of pedagogical approaches such as talk 4 writing from Pie Corbett, children internalize the key terms and language structures needed to write knowledgeably about the subject when teachers talk the text confidently and model their thought processes, and explicitly teach the specialist language of the subject.

So. That’s what I try to do. I’ve always prided myself on my clear explanations and it’s made a great difference to my teaching. For example, I might say a protocol is the rules for communicating across a network. But I might follow up with the word protocol in several other [00:11:00] sentences, such as, two computers communicate using the same protocol. And without a protocol to describe the rules, two computers cannot communicate. These multiple examples help illuminate the key tier three vocabulary so the pupils can grasp and use it themselves.

that music means it’s competition time. So you can win a free copy of one of my books, how to teach computer science or how to learn computer science. Just for promoting this podcast. You’ll find a post from me promoting the show on Threads, Mastodon, LinkedIn and X. Please like and reshare that post to spread the word and I will choose one listener on each platform who has done so to receive a free book. The podcast is available on all major platforms and on the web at,

Okay. Back to the serious stuff now. We’re talking about direct instruction. I used direct instruction and other techniques described in the book as part of a wider strategy of research informed teaching. I use an approach that follows Rosenshine’s principles of instruction. First published in 2012 and explained by Tom Sherrington in his book, Rosen shines principles in action, which I strongly recommend link on my blog at So much of the PCK advice in my book is aimed at increasing what teach like a champion author, Doug Lemov calls the ratios. The ratios are explained in a blog by Adam boxer. And I recommend his blog and he’s now got a podcast called they behave for me with Amy Forester, which is a great listen and inspired me to do this. So, what are the ratios? Well, There’s participation ratio. How many of your students are participating and how often? And the think ratio: when they are participating, how hard are they thinking? Increasing these ratios is important because memory is the residue of thought as Daniel Willingham explained in his excellent book why don’t students like school? That book changed my teaching practice entirely, it was my first introduction to cognitive load theory and the impact it has in the classroom.

Cognitive load theory is important for inclusion as well. You can only hold so many new things in your head at once while you’re thinking about them. Pupils who find learning more difficult will have perhaps a smaller working memory. So it’s even more important to make sure you understand cLT and working memory and adapt your lessons accordingly. adopting some or all of the PCK techniques in my book would inherently make your classroom more inclusive. The activities suggested have a low floor [00:14:00] wide walls and a high ceiling, a phrase coined by Seymour Papert that guided the development of scratch at MIT. So reducing cognitive load can support send learners as Catherine Elliott explains in her discussion of PRIMM in Hello World 12.

I’m going to talk about PRIMM in a later podcast. But as Catherine explains, a young person with SEND or special educational needs or disabilities can thus learn about the same computer science concepts as their peers, without the fear of failure or the demand on working memory and recall that writing a program from first principles involves.

So think about your programming pedagogy, things like PRIMM, Parsons problems and pair programming, all the P’s, they reduce cognitive load and I’ll be talking about them. In a later podcast, but they improve inclusion in the classroom. And I’ve got some tips in the book from Beverley Clarke. And she says, in HelloWorld 11, equitable computing would mean experiences that are high quality in terms of pedagogy and robust in terms of nature and scope of learning goals. Taking students beyond the curriculum. Unplugged activities, physical computing and project work offer multiple means of engagement, representation, action, and expression recommended in the universal design for learning, UDL framework. Which was discussed in Hello world 15. Hello world, of course, is a magazine published by the raspberry PI foundation. And it’s available for free PDF download. And if you are a teacher, you can subscribe to the print version and have it drop on your doormat.

Talking of wide walls and a high ceiling as we were, I wrote a blog recently called On banning ‘I’ve finished!’. And why did I do that? Well, surely you want pupils to finish their work in lesson time. And if they finish early, what’s the harm if they find something less stressful to do like going online to play chess with their mates as a teacher on Twitter told me recently that her pupils do when they’re finished. They were really into their chess games, online with peers. Oh they did do that. And she got cross when the IT technicians blocked So she then said, well, just go on YouTube when you’re finished your work.

Well, allowing free time at the end of the lesson, encourages poor performance. Many pupils rush the work to get it done in plenty of time to play games or watch videos. In my early career, I often responded positively to the plea, Sir, if we get finished early, can we go on cool math games? But I learned that dangling that carrot of free time just ensured poor concentration. A tendency to fill boxes on worksheets with the bare minimum and importantly ensured a poor ratio. Remember, that’s the proportion of pupil minutes, thinking hard about the topic instead of other things. Learning is its own reward in my classroom, isn’t that right, class?

Sir, yes, sir!

why would I deprive them of enjoyable learning about our wonderful subject? Why would I suggest that playing games is somehow more desirable than building logic, circuits or learning to code? Why would I do that? So I have a poster on my classroom wall you can see on my blog and it says. ask your self, is this my best work? Am I proud of this and then goes on to list some of the things that I expect my pupils to do when they think they’ve finished and they’ve checked that it’s their best work. So at key stage four, they could use Quizlet, Seneca, or smart revise from Craig and Dave, which is an absolute game changer. More on that story on my blog at the usual place.


I want to talk about an [00:18:00] important topic, gender balance. And there’s now a whole wealth of information available from the NCCE under the I belong banner. So go and have a look at that. But the tips in the book were From CAS originally, which were: Tip 1: women can change the world, right throughout key stage three, make links to the big picture and real-world computing roles, which have an ethical remit. For example, designing assistive technologies to enable people to overcome a disability or highlight technology’s role in medicine, humanitarian work, science, fashion, communications, art, journalism, or sport.

Another tip would be to encourage and praise, and show that praise addresses all aspects of learning computing, including creative solutions, planning, and conceptual understanding as well as technical knowledge and skills. So make sure you’re praising the effort, the progress. You don’t just judge your pupils by, have they finished a program that works. Because all of the stages are important and encouraging resilience, particularly among young people who don’t believe they belong in that classroom is really, really important.

So. There’s an old adage about tech bros that people think Silicon valley is trying to make the world a better place, but really they’re always just trying to make better technology. And this could really change if we get more women into technology.

I’m going to start closing out this podcast now, not before another joke. I was asked, can you write a joke about abstraction? And I thought about it. And I thought, yeah, I can do that. Here’s a joke about abstraction setup(), setup(), setup() punch line().

So why did I write the book? That we’re talking about, how to teach computer science. Well, The germ of an idea for the book was planted by a blog called signposting the hinterland in which Tom Sherrington him again, explains that curriculum can be divided into core and [00:20:00] hinterland where the hinterland is as important as the core and serves the purpose of increasing depth niche details about a particular area of study that deepen, enrich the core and increasing breadth. wider surveys across the domain of any curriculum area that helps to locate any specific core element within a wider frame. Sherrington quotes from an earlier blog by Christine Counsell, which said the core is like a residue. The things that stay, the things that can be captured as proposition often such things need to be committed to memory.

But if in certain subjects for the purposes of teaching, We reduce it to those propositions. We may make it harder to teach and at worst we kill it. What are they saying there well, If you just teach. Sequence selection and iteration. But you don’t understand programming if you just teach the FOR loop syntax., but you don’t understand what a count controlled loop is and if you haven’t got a real grasp of what the low level instructions would do when you compile a for loop. If you’ve got a good grasp of that, then you can really teach FOR loops or iteration or programming much better. So don’t neglect the hinterland.

If you read my book, you will get much more sound grasp of the subject and then you will be able to teach it well. So the original aim of the book was to assist computer science teachers in sharing some of that hinterland with their students to enrich their studies and cement core knowledge in a wider context. .

And so I wrote the book because I don’t think the hinterland and the pedagogy of our subject is well appreciated in the classroom practitioner community. By teachers basically. So I decided to enhance the book, not just with hinterland, but insight into research, making the concepts accessible to teachers with concrete, practical [00:22:00] ideas. That’s why.

So. Go and buy the book. If you’ve bought it, please give me a review on Amazon. I have a learn book out as well, which is aimed at pupils so you could buy class sets for your classroom. And if you email me, alan AT I might give you a discount for a class set they’re literally dirt cheap, because I said to the publisher, I want these books to be really affordable by the classroom teacher it’s my sort of gift. If you like to. Computing teaching community, which really is under appreciated. So the. How to teach computer science book is priced at 15 pounds and is cheaper than that on Amazon. And the learn book is 12 pounds, but if you email me and you want a class set, I can get a discount off that. And you can give them to your learners.

If you are grateful for my blog, please buy my books here or buy me a coffee at, thanks!

[00:23:00] this has been how to teach computer science. The podcast. And. I hope we’ve answered the fertile question. What’s this all about then? So remember the competition, share the love, share the podcast. Next week I will be attempting. The GCSE specification in 30 minutes, I will talk through the entire content of a typical computer science GCSE in 30 minutes or less.

And I may have some more strange and interesting jokes about computer science. I’m Alan Harrison. I’m on threads Mastodon and X as mraharrison And if you wondering why I’m making that buzzer sound. When I say X , just go and read my blog I’ve quit X and you should too. So thanks for having me today. [00:24:00]

This has been how to teach computer science, the podcast. Please share the love and I’ll speak to you next week.